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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55621749 No.55621749 [Reply] [Original]

Redpill me on eCommerce and dropshipping.
The way I see it there's trillions of dollars of sales and I want my slice of the cake. I'm going to have a go. I'm bored of being broke. I can povertymax and put a few hundred into getting started.

Shopify, eBay, Amazon - what's good?
Advertising - Google, Facebook, TikTok - where to start?
Product selection? How to choose a product. Best price range for scale?
Best tools? Outsourcing customer service?

Also, share your best horror stories of horrendous failures.

>pay for a course
Not even once.

>> No.55622006
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>> No.55622057

There are a million zoomers that already do this for tik tok

>> No.55622086


>> No.55622490

>course ad
Not even once.

>> No.55623453

>Pay for a course
If you have money, pay a non guru but a 7-8 figure e-com guy for private lessons or buy his course and then pay to ask additional questions. Basically mentorship. If you don't pay, expect trial and error and wadle through piles of shit.

>> No.55624214

I don't understand why I would pay anybody when all the information is out there to be researched

>> No.55624230

>put a few hundred into getting started.
great now get that number up to a few 10ks for your first add campaign
and do remember there is zero expectation of profit from that money invested

>> No.55624605

Reply honestly; what are you passionate about? Then I’ll try to give you my 2 cents. The more specific, the better

>> No.55624765


>> No.55626778

If I can create (steal) some high quality ads that generate sales I can reinvest those profits into more advertising. My research indicates advertising is going to be my biggest expense, is that right?

>> No.55627486
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>> No.55627672

it isnt about the quality of the ads mroeso that any platform will charge you plenty and all the time so yes the ad campaign is both the make it or break it and the biggest and continual money spender

>> No.55627736

The real money is in selling courses and affiliate links to e-commerce related products. Nobody except Jeff bezos makes money with e-commerce. When there's a good rush sell shovels