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5561945 No.5561945 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.5561998
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The central banks are winning!

>> No.5562010

I love this coin

>> No.5562037

Thing is, we're in this to make money, not to change the world. Let's be realistic. Once you accept this fact, you'll understand.

>> No.5562082

Come on guys lets make this happen!!

>> No.5562124

>Ripple isn't a central bank, just a private tech company
>Ripple simply existing doesn't stop anyone from buying bitcoin

>> No.5562171

le dark cynic who only cares about money maymay XD

>> No.5562268

And you faggot think you can change the world over night
Crytocurrency will be the end of the modern banking era. It will lead to a change. But being a stubborn kid with revolutionary feelings wont help it either

>> No.5562346

I'm making fun of you for being a fucking retard and even acknowledging "muh central banks" bullshit. Ripple is NOT a bank, it is a tech company that sells its tech services to financial institutions.

Banks already send money to each other. Ripple just lets them do it faster. This is somehow a threat to your larpy little ancap revolution? hahahahahaha you fucking dramatic NEETs deserve to lose all of your money.

>> No.5562407

what the point having cryptocurrency if it premine and controlled

but but my 10x gain

>> No.5562409

I think i misunderstood your post then. Thought you were the one hating on xrp for it being a “bank coin”

>> No.5562449

the jews will always win, if thousands of years of expulsions and holohoaxing hasnt gotten rid of them nothing will
safe profit is with their shitcoins

>> No.5562481

This, people who got early into cripple is basically outjewing the jews.

>> No.5562543

yeah always trust the jews to make money, seriously
i bought xrp 1600, loving every second of this ride and salty /pol/-boy le jewcoin fud even more

>> No.5562657

I bought 5000 at 0.2 USD.
The Jews already made me more than 4k.

>> No.5562729

If this hits even $400, I'll be a millionaire.

>> No.5562991

$400 is really really far off, 100 billion coins wont allow for $400/xrp without a gigantic mass adoption

>> No.5563696

do you know what a coin burn is

>> No.5563859

how much is burned every transaction now again? 0.002 XRP per transaciton, right?
ripple supports what, 1500 transactions per second?
thats 94608000 XRP burned over a year with constant 1500 transactions per second
it would take over 500 years to burn even half the XRP supply
do the math yourself

>> No.5563885


Unless the Ripple company chooses to burn a bunch of the supply themselves

>> No.5563963

holy shit your dumb LMAO

see >>5563885

>> No.5563978

there is literally no reason for them to do that other than make bagholders happy
consider marketcap instead of price per coin once in a while
you should have bought more ripple

>> No.5564163
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think of it this way, shittles
i completely ignore ripple, couldn't care less about its price
i tell everyone to stay away from it
all it takes is just one time for them to fuck up and they go to 0
it's not cryptocurrency

even fucking doge has/had more profit potential than this shit"coin"

>> No.5564220

No expert but couldn't institutions hypothetically burn XRP on purpose to decrease surpluss?

>> No.5564221


I bought some. Now I'm not so salty when it comes up while everything else tanks.

>> No.5564227


u mad.

>> No.5564256

speak for yourself.

>> No.5564264

it does this every end of the year

>> No.5564300

Gee anon.. i knew that a few people on biz have no idea but how can you be this dense?

>> No.5564392

Thats whats going on in Q1 same with Tron

>> No.5564490

maybe, but why would anyone knowingly do that?
transaction fees are also determined by conseus
im not entirely sure how high its likely to go but i doubt its going to be high enough to destroy even 10% within a decade or two

>> No.5564681

I dont give a shit. I am here to make money, not to change the world. see >>5562037

>> No.5564728


>> No.5564766

actually Doge is well behind XRP from 2017.

>> No.5564792
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>> No.5564795

you clearly are new to crypto if you think ripple is a good way to make huge profits

but what do i know? i only mined several bitcoins a day only using my laptop cpu

>> No.5564859

going off of 2017.

Nothing mattered, it was the cheapest coins that made the biggest shift.

>> No.5565290

Unironically you are the latecomers who wont make any. The people who made money got into this in order to change the world

>> No.5565470

Cant change the world without fomoing a bunch of normies though. The money part is part of the bigger picture plan.

>> No.5565508


>> No.5565816

>devs kept over 50 billion tokens

Fuck you if you're dumb enough to buy this garbage. I'll be laughing in your face when this shit goes back into the ground like Verge

>> No.5566048
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/biz/bros be screaming Wubba Lubba Dub Dub!

>> No.5566697
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>If this hits even $400

>> No.5566736

That's why you do the opposite what /biz/ says... fudster only here... go BUY XVG, LINK and XRP.

>> No.5567517

The central banks are winning?

You mean 3 white bois got smart and made a way to profit from the banks and get rich at the same time.

Dude man bro $150 invested when it came out would be $30k right now.

Why did you not buy XRP to fund your world changing desires off of the profits? Ignore the fud

>> No.5568116

What's the most realistic dip we'll see for this?

>> No.5568293


My issue is, and some may struggle to believe this, I find justifying Ripple's value to be far more difficult. For me BTC's price makes sense, so does XMR/ETH etc. but Ripple can literally be printed from thin air, it makes no sense that it's worth anything. It's a settlement layer not a currency.

>> No.5568877

>For me BTC's price makes sense

do explain

>> No.5568925
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>For me BTC's price makes sense

>> No.5569490


I've seen it go from 1.20 to .89 in one night, keep an eye out for a dollar dip

>> No.5569570


>10 years of constant proof of work on the same blockchain started by Satoshi, literally the only cryptocurrency that spent years being <1USD and was therefore the 'fairest distribution'

Satoshi is going to become a pseudo figure for many people in the coming years and the only asset you can really compare BTC to is art, because for many people 'bitcoin' as a concept has transcended the notion of a pure monetary instrument, it doesn't matter whether those people are turbo-autists, there are enough believers in BTC that it's value will always grow in demand. People who think 200-300 BN market cap is too high don't understand just how much money is out there. Not to mention right now as we speak the original crypto-millionaires with more than 100MM+ from BTC are the ones who invested in ETH and other cryptos, compounding their gains, and they are as we speak slowly making moves to bribe politicians and work their way up the financial pyramid. Being 'the original' is so much more than just first mover advantage, it's inherent to the very concept of bitcoin: independent consensus value. Remember that a Leonardo DaVinci painting sold this year for 500MM USD, that's 1/600th the market cap of BTC for one work of art, because of who made it and what it represents.

>> No.5569611


*psuedo religious.

>> No.5569630

you mean when

>> No.5569741

what are you smoking?

>> No.5569971


People have posted this repeatedly on this site, 'blockchain' technology is just a massive bubble for overhyped technology that has a very limited used case. Bitcoin is actually a worthwhile and revolutionary idea, yes it is being manipulated by blockstream, maybe BCH is the solution, I don't know, but in the end something like BTC will become 90% dominant again because blockchain isn't really useful for much except something like Bitcoin and consensus driven value results in convergence, i.e. one coin to rule them all.

>> No.5570744

should i exchange my LTC for BTC now then and put in order in for around .95-1.05?

>> No.5570771

I want both

>> No.5570822
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I'm looking for an entry point for ripple, realistically how high can ripple go?

would xlm be better for short/midterm gains?

>> No.5571101

ripple is a joke

>> No.5571174

>Visa has a peak capacity of around 56,000 transactions per second

invest in credit cards

>> No.5571270

Why do /biz/tards obsess over the dollar per unit? XRP is 25% gains away from passing ETH in market cap

>> No.5571304
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>> No.5571539

>realistically how high can ripple go?
Absolute (((realistic))) maximum is around $10. It might touch $5 next year.

If somehow the company decides to burn its own supply, brah, you'll be a rich ass motherfucker.

>> No.5571583

>hurrr if Ripple is $400 I'm gonna be so rich
$400 XRP would be a 16 trillion USD market cap. I swear I'm amazed some of you managed to register on an exchange

>> No.5571604

Sorry, but XRP got me 258% increase on my investment since october. I have no idea, why you think XRP is not for making huge profits.

>> No.5571702

>muh market cap
What does a 16 trillion USD market cap tell you? Here's a hint: nothing. It is the last paid price multiplied with current circulating supply. It tells you nothing about the average price of XRP, nor about the actual price people can cash out with.

>> No.5571752

I find it really gay that you lose 20 xrp when setting up a wallet

>> No.5571753

dem big boy gainz

>> No.5571774

XRB is king

>> No.5571777

Its the chosen people of coins

>> No.5571786

Overall market cap for all coins increases every year exponentially. Keep this in mind.

>> No.5571846


>> No.5571861

Most people wont notice or complain since the majority just leave it on exchanges, they arent too concerned with how the coin works.

Ripples had to keep clarifying on their facebook page that people are buying XRP and not Ripple and that Ripple is a company, and that buying XRP gives you no interest in the company Ripple because normies keep buying then emailing ripple about how its important for them to keep making a good product so their ripple stock goes up.

>> No.5571862

Ripple BTFO

>> No.5571873
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>> No.5571877

I hate that everyone recommending the coin sounded like fucking sperglords. The shilling actually turned me off going in hard.

Do intelligent sales pitches just get ignored around here under the masses of pajeet bazaar sales tactics?

>> No.5571989

>but Ripple can literally be printed from thin air,

lol no. The supply is fixed and the transaction cost is not paid to any party: the XRP is irrevocably destroyed. Since no new XRP can ever be created, this makes XRP more scarce and benefits all holders of XRP by making XRP more valuable

>> No.5572012

DAG is a joke, sorry.

>> No.5572022

You're talking out your ass. If market cap meant nothing, then price means nothing because one is a function of the other. You think you're so smart because you understand basic market concepts.

>> No.5572058

thats some big IF

>> No.5572061

Where can I buy XRP without a credit card? I'd like to do with PayPal or Skrill, without giving personal data

>> No.5572073
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>$77 for a digital wallet

>> No.5572499


>> No.5573115

Agreed. I'm laughing all the way to the bank.

>> No.5573136

What are you trying to hide, Anon? :^)

>> No.5573163

> Ripple making inroads in a $27T market
> it can never reach $16T


>> No.5573197

We don't fucking care if you lose out.
You'll really hate it when those same spergs are laughing in your face.

>> No.5573204


Ripple's 50Billion market cap is based off speculation bud

>> No.5573237


>> No.5573238

I, for one, welcome our new Jewish overlords.

>> No.5573375
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Jews are literally the happiest people on earth :)

>> No.5573493


Not really. I got in cause it was the newest cool thing in tech .It was like being a part of an overclocking community that was viewed as *illegal* so much so that many pc forums were banning you for even mentioning the word bitcoin. Then came the money.The only ones that want to change the world is the ones that can't make it in the current one. And trust me early adopters dont belong in there. Have fun with your revolution though