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55619315 No.55619315 [Reply] [Original]

Why would you use price feeds X and bridge Y, each introducing their own risk assumptions, when you can just use one network which provides all the different services you need? The more services Chainlink offers, the bigger their moat grows, because competition cannot possibly keep up. Chainlink is a snowball. By 2030, it will have become an absolute behemoth.

It's something normies struggle to wrap their brains around, because there's nothing comparable in crypto. It's not another Layer 1, nor is it a dapp. They can't comprehend that such a meta layer, a framework for networks, which is blockchain agnostic and regularly keeps launching new services, isn't a static, monolithic entity, like a blockchain or a dapp. Chainlink continues to grow and will continue to evolve until it becomes ubiquitous, and as a result you have to continually update your assumptions about what it is. My point is, following CCIP's release, I still see comments everywhere from people, including supposed experts like VCs, devs, influencooors, acting like Chainlink is only just price feeds and token not needed.

It would be like a boomer saying in 2023 that Amazon is only just selling bookers and can't be profitable, you see how absurd that is?

When you try to explain to people why Chainlink is poised to dominate crypto, they can't believe it because they don't understand it and it all either sounds too good to be true or like meaningless techno babble. They think it's just another sales pitch and you're trying to bullshit them somehow, because that's the reality for 99.9% of the other crypto projects. The SWIFT and DTCC news is the perfect example of this. Try to bring it up to people, even people deep in crypto. Their first reaction will be jaded cynicism, "another fake partnership", yada yada, and they'll just dismiss it as not real or tell you "but xrp?". Normies only understand FOMO when price goes up. You unironically need a high IQ to grasp the full extent and legitimacy of Chainlink.

>> No.55619336

It's mindblowing to me that still to this day so few people in the crypto sphere, and that includes so-called experts, are paying attention to Chainlink,

1. when it's already established a monopoly on the foundational infrastructure/service provisioning slice of the whole pie, meaning it's at the core of most dapps, on most chains/layers, instead of being limited to a niche ecosystem. It's the ultimate backend pipeline play, aka the safest long-term play for patient investors instead of a short-term gambling play based on frontend hype.

2. how by offering a whole suite of different but complimentary products they've secured an obvious moat by locking customers in their ecosystem; meaning a competitor would have to replicate the entire suite or introduce a new attack surface, which long-term will become less and less viable

3. when they're recently started signaling monetization efforts which combined with their actual customer adoption indicates one of the (if not THE) strongest avenues for legitimately sustainable profit generation and value capture in this entire industry WHICH should theoretically trickle down to token holders eventually via staking APR (such as BUIDL airdrops)

4. when, by virtue of being a suite of layer agnostic scalable services, instead of a single static offering (eg, a blockchain or a protocol), they can continue to grow, capture more markets, fuel new narratives, etc. ensuring it's one of the (if not THE) safest long-term bets in this entire industry. What's even crazier to me, is their upcoming products promise to disrupt and create new emerging possibilities in the industry at exponential pace. (ie, CCIP, FSS, DECO, etc. are true innovations, not another L1 or dapp fork, adoption will usher in innovations that aren't foreseen and priced in yet)

5. how they've had virtually no competition in this field for the longest time BUT extremely important players have recently started their offensive to catch up, validating the revenue thesis

>> No.55619379
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those who ARE knowledgeable are mETHheads too busy trying to "democratize" MEV, sharding to scale eth L1, and playing wordsalads over questionable functionalities like account abstraction. At this point its more important for eth to be decentralized than for it to be used.

too many linkies are asking "why dont the normies get it?" when the more atrocious situation is, the rest of the space is like a bohemian, avantgarde free spirits who has not the slightest business sense to even start thinking in chainlink's direction. Before they know, CL will do to crypto what Microsoft will do to the hobbist linux community.

>> No.55619404

How many Link to make it

>> No.55619427

10k this bullrun 2024
1k next bull 2028
100 2032 bullrun

>> No.55619435

about 5-10k minimum
as it will probably reach $100
next bullrun

>> No.55619463

Doesn't very grassroots and punk.

>> No.55619493

a 2x from 2021 when we have staking and ccip would be pretty underwhelming
people have bear market trauma and always underestimate how high an asset can run
but yes, $100 at least

>> No.55619508

If that's not copy pasta thanks for the spoonfeeding

>> No.55619551

really good posts btw
i unironically think it will take the build airdrops for attention to arrive
if there's one thing CT likes it's airdrops

>> No.55619553

Few people have the foresight to understand how the world will advance. That's why every new invention is initially dismissed. It's like that quote by Henry Ford, "If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses." Look around and you'll see exactly that. Ask people what crypto needs to succeed and they'll say faster transactions. Try to explain to them what Chainlink does and they'll be like "that all sounds interesting but is it really that important?" It's hard to understand something when you have no previous knowledge to reference. It requires an open and humble mind which most people lack.