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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55618820 No.55618820 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.55618854

Enjoy your expected profits from your stake in the network unregistered security chad

>> No.55618888
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I will, Thanks.

>> No.55618895

Imagine posting your rancid vomit on here 24/7

>> No.55618915
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>> No.55618930
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can someone link the ccip explorer, i can't find it

>> No.55618951

i literally just typed in "ccip explorer chainlink"

>> No.55618956
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>> No.55618999

I was effectively fudded out of staking and feel like killing myself. I don’t know why it got to me. Seriously can it still go down?

Fuck all those anons who did that shit. I was literally on the site ready to click stake but I didn’t. Fuck you all.

>> No.55619010

I only staked like 250 LINK because I was broke, am I gonna make it stakingchads

>> No.55619023

Do you just type it into the /biz/ window or do you have to type it somewhere else?

>> No.55619064

Based digits of regret. I didn't like the idea of having my staked LINK locked for a year... Could have potentially meant sitting on the sidelines for a bull run. If your LINK isn't staked you may have more short term profit opportunity. The obvious downside is that you may never get another chance to stake. We'll see how it plays out. And anyone with 10k+ who didn't stake is definitely a brainlet though

>> No.55619066

That's like 50k a month.

>> No.55619142

>didnt stake
>tried to swing

You were never going to make it

>> No.55619146

meant for >>55618999

>> No.55619151

We already did

>> No.55619155
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>> No.55619157

They aren’t free. I’m getting to be an alerter. Read the fine print faggot. Sergey thought about all your little semantics.

>> No.55619184


>> No.55619193

Absolutely checked

>> No.55619198

I think it's a lot closer to 5K stakers because a lot of Anons staked with multiple wallets. Didn't Uncle alone stake ~120 wallets?

>> No.55619222

Buy SDL to stake your LINK, 50k is a make it stack, their nodes are already doing jobs(CCIP)

>> No.55619228
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Why did I stake only 150 link

>> No.55619257


>> No.55619260


>> No.55619309

>I was effectively fudded out of staking and feel like killing myself. I don’t know why it got to me. Seriously can it still go down?
>Fuck all those anons who did that shit. I was literally on the site ready to click stake but I didn’t. Fuck you all.

You made the smart play. Too much uncertainty at the time plus if we continue to pump going into Smart Con stakers won't be able to take profits as its likely they won't be released until December.

>> No.55619311

Divide 2.99 by 1 billion. That's how much per token you have staked you're going to get every day

>> No.55619314

How to stake? Coinbase only lets me stake eth and some other shit

>> No.55619344

the pool is capped at 25m
the pool will open later in year but will be lots of competition

>> No.55619365

Thanks for spoonfeeding me anon
Linkies are nice

>> No.55619375
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Holy checked

>> No.55619403
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>> No.55619415

no one knows if the Chainlink pool will ever open again. I think there will just be more pools added. Plenty of chances to stake but dont count on staking with chainlink

>> No.55619441

>no one knows if the Chainlink pool will ever open again. I think there will just be more pools added. Plenty of chances to stake but dont count on staking with chainlink

Once liquid staking for LINK is possible you can just buy staked LINK with your regular LINK similar to stETH.

>> No.55619448


>> No.55619469

what the fuck anon. How did you get fudded out like that?

I feel some remorse in that I didn't stake everything, but to stake NOTHING? What the fuck were you doing?

>> No.55619482

>The pool will start with an aggregate size of 25M LINK tokens, with the planned goal of scaling to a pool size of 75M LINK tokens in the months after launch, based on demand. For future releases, it is planned for the pool size to further expand and for additional Data Feeds and oracle services to be supported.

>> No.55619510
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Checkt, the magic is back

>> No.55619556
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>> No.55619557

The link delusion continues. Imagine being the person who believes that a gypsy russian with a philosophy degree and no programming experience is going to instantiate a global, paradigm shifting economic system where banks and other entities are going to willfully funnel hundreds of billions of dollars into and sit around idly while said gypsy russian and his family of neet fags take profits.

Now imagine being the person who believes that the worlds banking cartels, with arguably some of the most brilliant computer scientists out there, are going to sit by and let a gypsy russian take profits they could have had by using a simple JSON parser.

Consider this snippet from the following article:
"No wonder that Spread Networks, the company building the fibre-optic connection, proudly boasted: “Round-trip travel time from Chicago to New Jersey has been cut to 13 milliseconds.”

And HFTs were willing to pay through the nose to use it, with the first 200 to sign up forking out $2.8bn between them."
These fucking jews spend billions of dollars just to get a 13 millisecond improvement so their algorithms can get the data faster. So you're telling me that if there was any money in the chainlink area these guys wouldn't be all over it? Get the fuck out of here.

>> No.55619576

You are dumb, earlier the risk the best rewards. Why even invest in CL if you weren’t going to use the service the official developers offered.

I bet 10 years down the line people will loook at 0.1 stake rewards as the holy grail. Probably worth millions.

>> No.55619591

imagine telling people in 10 years that we got 330 link a year for doing nothing

>> No.55619609

>buy link to pay ccip fee
>be node operators
>receive fee in chainlink
>market sell chainlink for fiat
The future of exchange revenue and volume

>> No.55619625
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damn, man, that sucks.
My only regret is that I didn't send 7k to a second wallet and stake 14k
I thought about it, and decided 7k was enough.
I'm going to kick myself for that one for a long time.

>> No.55619664

Staking felt like a test. It came when morale was at an all time low. Only true stinkies were able to overcome their emotions and pass the trial.

>> No.55619676

Based Gigachad

>> No.55619758
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>> No.55619766


>> No.55619781

Don't forget all the Build rewards you missed plus not getting into the community pool will have further ramifications from missed opportunity later. Best decision I made was to stake entire stack except a few hundred in case of moonage. Imagine buying Link and then not trusting Chainlink. That's just plain old fucked up.

>> No.55619799
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Yes but staking in PEPE, that's all there is to it

>> No.55619808

What’s the big deal, can’t you stake later

>> No.55619812

WOWZERS great breadcrumb marine!!

>After the experiment then the pilot
>Once pilot A is finished we go into committee review
>repeat for pilots A-Z
>next step is initial testing, followed by intermediate and advanced testing
>then we move into the audit lifecycle
>once we have a clean audit with independent peer review, we submit for regulatory approval
>79 year old congress woman asks if this is related to that bitcoin stuff
>banking regulation doesnt pass due to environmental concerns
>chainlink is shelved
>francisco enters the chat…

>> No.55620017

I bought 25k links at a low price years ago. My only regret is losing it all to leverage trading

>> No.55620028

you may have more link than me but i am not jealous fren. wagmi

>> No.55620035

I'd be surprised if even a quarter of 2017-2018 OGs kept their stacks until now. Sometimes the hardest thing is doing nothing at all.

>> No.55620046
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Chainlink is a blatant scam, let me explain you why:
LINK's javascript has been hacked and now all the nodes are being affected, meaning they will go offline one by one.
But here's the real trick; every node that goes offline first has to be validated by other nodes, Thus the first node won't go offline until EVERY SINGLE NODE has verified it actually has gone offline
LINK will be in an infinite javascript loop. Maybe if you're a programmer you will recognize FOR and WHILE loops. Well.. This is a FOR loop that NEVER ends.
The price will TANK to at least 50 satoshi. Maybe even lower when the nodes are actually verified being offline.
Sergey is now busy setting up extra nodes to undo this process. Called contra-hacking. He has injected some GO-language code, pseudo-offline code, into the ChainLink network. This means nodes will appear the be online, while they are struggling to go offline, but in the meantime they cant because it isnt verified yet. Neat trick if you ask me, but it wont last long before the other nodes will know whats really going on.

Get into something else now

>> No.55620110
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we even have good fud back now, not the boring and repetitive paid stuff
we are BACK

>> No.55620298

How is it possible though? We have been memeing and waiting staking for 6 years, then some retard fud got to you at the finish line. You a newfag or what?

>> No.55620835

Faggot that is a godsend. You can swing for way more profits then stakings clown tier 5%. Its not worth having your tokens locked. You fags havent learned that even after bagholding down from $50?
It doesnt matter if link goes to 1k if you dont sell and it ends up dumping back down.

>> No.55620888

Are stakers for v0.1 whitelisted for the next iteration?

>> No.55620923

early access stakers are 100% whitelisted forever for every single future official Chainlink staking pool version

also checked

>> No.55620953

>by Tim Copeland
>cope land
kek this shit writes itself

>> No.55621025

I'd rather stake stables on yield protocols through SpoolFi than lock up a volatile coin for years.
I mean it doesn't make any sense

>> No.55621247
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staking chads already got 200 link for FREE by now and every day nearly 1 linkie more

>> No.55621373

>the rapidly expanding centralized world
nooooooooooo you can't just take away our MEV scheme, you are a centralizer (bad guy)

>> No.55621439

That's a wise move, but it won't be bad to also hold some LINK

>> No.55621441

Unlocking is from 9-12 months after staking started so could happen 8 weeks from now. I have 9 wallets fully staked and will have received 2500 free Links, plus whatever the Build rewards sare, plus will retain my place in the community pool across all 9 wallets.
Only an idiot would claim I made a bad move. I'm sensing you might be one of those idiots?

>> No.55621507

feel sorry for you anon, youre using alot of energy and are going to lose

>> No.55621514

feel sorry for you anon, youre in for a rough year and more

>> No.55621604

I mean to be fair that faggot is sort of right. Even the Big Serg admitted that there will be more governmental control (I think it was with that jeet from State Street?

>> No.55621873

I was away for crypto and no nothing about staking despite holding since 2017

What do I do?

>> No.55621891

I would give up 75% of my link for an unvaxxed black virgin

>> No.55621932

I don’t get it? Why wouldn’t we be able to stake whenever? Isn’t this the whole point? Stake like most of the networks tokens so this entire thing works worldwide? Whether is 500 million staked or 900 million? Then there are very few tokens on the market which drives the price up?

I remember anons saying something like you can literally rent your link to others for them to state or something because the desire for people or companies to take will be so high.

>> No.55621941

is the dune ccip dashboard frozen for anyone else?

>> No.55622078

>rough year

Youre down 85% and also in a cult

>> No.55622230

We don't know if they'll expand the community pool or give the other 50M allocation to nodes.

>> No.55622334

sergey betrayed!

>> No.55622352
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Literally too based to even comprehend

>> No.55622667


>> No.55623421

How many do you hold now?

>> No.55624426

I’d be curious to know too. Back in 2018 pretty much every link marine was set on never selling and would relentlessly bully anyone that tried swing trading link. I’ve never sold a single link, just staked 7k so slowly gaining more now

>> No.55624454

>You can swing for way more profits then stakings clown tier 5%

Lol yeah, you can also swing for way more losses. Enjoy losing your entire stack eventually. Meanwhile, I’m earning link every single day and the rest of my stack is sitting safe in cold storage since April 2018

Let’s see who is more wealthy 5 years from now. I bet it won’t be you

>> No.55624483

I'm running a Liquidity staking campaign on the Allianceblock DeFi terminal and it's been going well. Kek

>> No.55625106

>still staking link
For that I'd rather just become an LP and earn a tiny fee for each transaction lol. If you're gonna do nothing with your liquid assets then you might as well just put them to good use. Heard the usdt pool went live on Curve recently so that's also there.

>> No.55625111


>> No.55625156

hmmm yes just give them your much needed liquidity ser yes

>> No.55625168


>> No.55625175
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how the fuck can welfare niggers be contempt with "earning" crypto at such a painfully slow rate?

>> No.55625187

Leveraged trading >>>> staking

>> No.55625285

It totally depends on what the fuck you are staking. Investing in projects with great potential that offer staking could make you much money from the yield and the increase in the value of the staked assets. Been positive on RIDE metastaking and also anticipating their NFT staking as well.

>> No.55625379

There are so many ways to success oldfag.
I will stick to diamond hands on utility driven project like COTI, CYMi and Zpay. Certainly gonna make it.

>> No.55625432

Thread is only about one coin being staked, Einstein.

>> No.55625530

It's all about what you wanna do with the assets kek. Diversify like a boss, get the options open! You can check out the LM pools on DeFi terminal, you can get in on that Nxra/Dua action while accessing that Brillion wallet in beta testing phase.

>> No.55625705

I've got a lot going on in Uni where I earn some returns on sylo-wbtc and dai-eth pairings in its LM pool. LM and staking still pay off Oldfag.

>> No.55625720

Massive gains fag

>> No.55625964

Wise words anon

>> No.55626010

Not if your a stakelet like me with only 1.5k to stake. 40 link free tho

>> No.55626817

Bump answer please

>> No.55626876

The initial pool is closed. It's also a service that the chainlink team provides. There will be other pools and in the future you can stake directly to any node operator. The team operated pool tho... it might be closed forever. Only about 5000 people in it

>> No.55626909

i have 25K LINK but i only staked 2K LINK
am i going to make it?

>> No.55627044
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>1pbtid soi destroyed

>> No.55627222

Kek, no sense in staking a memecoin retard. I'd rather stake alts with utility like Near, Sylo and Arweave for long term gains.

>> No.55627558

i know you won't read this but all of your answers are here:
in short, v0.1 is a mvp, basically testing and a risk-free gift to early link holders

>> No.55627651

Yes you will

>> No.55628916

Holy Checked

>> No.55628928

Checked, this thread pumping digits

>> No.55628954

When are we gettin build rewards????

>> No.55629004


Checked and based

>> No.55629010

Nobody knows, I’d guess some time next year after staking v0.2 is released

>> No.55629102

Do v0.1 stakers get priority restaking?8tw8dy

>> No.55629340
File: 5 KB, 282x179, SDL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chainlinks staking pool will be hard to get in this time around as CCIP is out
get into SDL while its under $1
50k is make it

>> No.55629648


>> No.55629709

I read the NFT staking would go live before Q4 anon. Alongside token listing on more CEXes, definitely looking forward to it.

>> No.55630146

I have 20,000 link kept in an eleigble wallet from 2017 but I don’t know how to do it, I don’t even know how to use meta mask. Had no idea how to stake.

Yea at least I was smart enough to hold that’s all I know how to do also I’m still cozy. I only invested about 4k into link a few years ago .

And I was smart enough to take profit off 2021

Not gonna sell until we breach all time high and all the nulinkers start to get euephoric.

>> No.55630168


>> No.55630498
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What happened to people making their own nodes btw? 2018-2019 there were people who planned on doing that, havent heard anything from them

>> No.55630504

I am staking many alts atm EGLD, ATOM and BNT. Now waiting to stake my QANX which will be possible soon.

>> No.55630510

I read this too.

>> No.55630525
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What's that all about?
Atm I am waiting for the private blockchain launch of an L1 which will have a great impact on the tokens price

>> No.55630559

>sell on the next rise

>> No.55630632

Running a node isn't really profitable of worth the hassle at the moment. Besides, Chainlink staking allows you to stake your tokens with the network the way you would with nodes, and it's a lot easier.

>> No.55630784

Sibos toilet memes were peak biz lore. Can't believe it's almost 6 years ago.

Also that feel when staked 2000 link and earning approx 100 link this year which will be worth 100k sometime in the future and I didn't have to do anything for it. Thanks Sergey.