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55613771 No.55613771 [Reply] [Original]

Do you ever cringe at wagies taking their jobs too seriously?

>> No.55613788

You’re such a faggot, OP.

>> No.55613795

This fat fuck is doing it right, he's actually making sure the butter flavored canola oil is getting all over the popcorn.

>> No.55613810

imagine if everyone cared about their job this much. How wonderful the world would be.

>> No.55613834

Trying to be good and excel at your job, even if it's just shitty part time work, means that he has drive and probably won't be waging for the rest of his life like the people who just do the bare minimum to get through their shift.

Plus I imagine he gets some tips and more money putting on a show for the customers.

>> No.55613835

This is a good example of not taking your job too seriously and that making you better at it.

>> No.55613846

Fuck you Jewish OP. He's a good sport. You're a piece of shit.

>> No.55613856

This is based. Shut the fuck up dude lol

>> No.55613863

No, I think it's great when people have pride in their jobs, even if they're not glamorous jobs. People should do everything to the best of their ability and be treated with respect, the world would be a better place.

>> No.55613866

I mean if you gotta be there either way might as well learn to spin a bucket of popcorn on your finger and make some people smile

>> No.55613874

I cringe at you jeets constantly

>> No.55613902

He doesnt care enough to stay thin
Being fat is abhorrent. Fats are not people.

>> No.55613903

Kek, entire thread turned against OP. Confirmed faggot.

>> No.55613935

Imagine the smell.

>> No.55613955

I think this is fine. My coworkers take their job too seriously and it’s just a student job at my university. You could use the incredible amount of downtime to learn something new or entertain yourself if you’re low iq but they choose to beg for work to do because they’re HECKIN BORED

>> No.55614003

There's a meme that's basically "they pay 15/hr then I'll work like 15/hr" and I just shake my head, they're looking at it backwards. You work like 15/hr, then you'll only ever make 15/hr, dipshit.
Some people are meant to be wages forever

>> No.55614050


>> No.55614068

Absolutely this. It's the businesses money and if you suck ass they don't give a fuck about what YOU think you are.

You're nothing but your actions to other people. Thank God I'm not them.

>> No.55614191

No wonder chainlink is performing like shit. Sergey you fucking fat piece of shit, stop spinning popcorn buckets and start pumping link

>> No.55614218

Czech'd and based.
OP is a faggot, popcorn spinning movie theatre employee is much cooler

>> No.55614241
File: 234 KB, 1072x780, Do You Remember Zanzibar Snake_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another anon uses Fats terminology
Based and Fats pilled. Never let Fats forget that success is out of reach, horizontally

>> No.55614276

OK boomer, who exactly is going to scout up the popcorn spinner? Is Cirque du Soleil hitting up movie theaters for talent? You're like those faggots going to mcdonalds to order custom made burgers with half and half condiments

>> No.55614337

Big boy is based as fuck. Op is anmeet who Sneed's and seethes at people who are genuinely happy that it can never be them.

>> No.55616132

I can taste the hair balding qualities of this exquisite estrogenic snack. Too bad theyre not canola fried crickets meal pellets with a delicious cocaroch milk and splenda syrup for a low calorie snack.

>> No.55616453

This wagie is based is gonna make it and will become jacked in the future. You can tell he doesn't take the job too seriously and is literally just having fun while being great at what he does even if what he does might be looked at as beneath petty people like OP.

>> No.55618002
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Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the realm of the dead, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom.

>> No.55618022

Something about this post always brings out the bleeding hearts, I hate seeing this fat faggot personally

>> No.55618136

Lol yeah dude budt your ass on a vague promise of more money without any reason as to how or why it will happen. You are probably a franchisee who just wants dopes to work for peanuts

>> No.55618166
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I do, the last job I took seriously was literally a call center, and I hated every single fucking moment, I'm glad I found Arkham and I can simply target evident scams to make some money KEK

>> No.55618184

I give no fucks, I already wanna die
Ah come on man

>> No.55618186

Kek you at least get to be a nigger and a jew freely now

>> No.55618191

It really depends where youre at. 15 dollar an hour desk job at the gym in my hometown Im only gonna be at for 3 months on summer break? Fuck that im gonna be on my phone and put no effort in. 15 dollars an hour internship at a big company? Gotta try harder to make a good impression for the chance of potentially getting promoted and shit
You need to know when to apply effort and when to chill or youll just burn out

>> No.55618197

When is OP not a faggot?

>> No.55618204

Absolutely based, I hate niggers and I hate trannies, but what I hate the most is pajeets and brownies

>> No.55618286

Popcorn artist

>> No.55618308

this guy believes in trickle down economics

>> No.55618315
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He's just having a little fun, making I go faster. That said he should bartend instead of popcorn flip if he wants shoe a little flair lol

>> No.55618401

itt: class traitors and rubes

>> No.55618434
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this. OP is just a fag unable to get a gf and try to compensate

>> No.55620054
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>> No.55620219

Never until now, he's definitely watched some "fast worker" Videos.

>> No.55620908

Yes, all people should laugh at wagecucks.

>> No.55620915

Kys you redditcunt

>> No.55621542


>> No.55621562

T-that’s buttered flavored canola oil r-right?

>> No.55621585

if i had to decide between him making my popcorn and his coasting colleagues, i'd go to him every time. and say it out loud, so they can hear

>> No.55621617

I'm pretty sure it's the popcorn that this lad takes seriously.

>> No.55621620


That fat kid is already going more places than you'll ever go, he's probably having more sex than you now too.

Imagine that, you come in to make fun of this fat kid and in return everyone reminds you that he's actually gonna make it and you are ngmi

>> No.55622584

Why does he need to imagine it, when it's literally happening.

>> No.55622628

Reading all of these comments, this is a Reddit moment. I feel like I'm in the Bizarro world.

>> No.55622647

>this is a Reddit moment
Reddit moment

>> No.55622655

do you ever cringe at OPs creating useless threads?
just like this one?

>> No.55622689

I take my job very seriously, until my hours are up. Haven't worked a single hour overtime. My co-workers all have near burnouts, work overtime and suck at their jobs. I just do what I can for as long as I get paid and then drop everything.

I run my own business at the side. Over time it will slowly overtake my wagie job.

>> No.55622732

no, THANK YOU for working at walmart.

>> No.55622735
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All I can say is, I have seen a handful of examples of someone really taking their wagie job seriously and taking pride in it, and it really is a sight to behold. I imagine its what 1940s-50s America was like. Everyone serving you with a smile, not treating you like an inconvenience when you ask them for help, believing that they are making a difference in someones life by assisting them, which most of the time they are. It's a shame that I am actually impressed and/or surprised when someone at a wagie job is friendly, smiles, the cadence of their voice, eye contact, all of those small things add up. This is how it should be, yet it's so hard to find. I can't really blame the ones or are aggressive though, their life sucks and the work hasn't scaled with the times. In the 40s and 50s everyone was happy and making it. Nowadays you can barely afford a house with a $250k salary.

>> No.55622751

If I can improve my performance, then it's something I can and will work on.
If my job can't be done in the hours I work then it's a problem for the manager.

Simple as

>> No.55622808
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Collecting neetbux. Feeling comfy.

>> No.55622811

Great post-meta-irony post anon. Really great shit. Satirization. Sincerity. Strawmanning your own opinion. Now this is 4channing, baby.

>> No.55622918
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What can I do with $30?

>> No.55623001

"No you"

Jesus Christ, I need to get off.

>> No.55623170

Imagine using a trip code and complaining about anons

>> No.55623343

This cannot be further from the truth, no one with slave mentality will ever break free from this kind of life. There is a difference between working hard on your own business or in a high profile job and meaningless shit like filling paper bags with popcorn. If you do this as an adult for a fulltime job it's literally over and you have 0% chance to become anything.

>> No.55623402

Why would estrogen cause balding when women don't have male patterned baldness?

>> No.55623422

Walmart workers and people who post selfies on 4chan are also not people

>> No.55623427

I meant it but was being slightly sarcastic about it at the same time

>> No.55623447

You just know he has a harem of 10s.

>> No.55624001

i would wear a facemask and never take it off if i got a wagie job im too shy

>> No.55624028

Yes, in the large spectrum it's totally irrelevant and nobody will sense it's effect on the short, medium and long term. They think it's so important to be a submissive moralistic cuck

>> No.55624090


No, because being a top 0.1% wagie is the bare minimum. If you can't do that you aren't smart enough to make it unless you get lucky.

>> No.55624243

every second of every day but at myself

>> No.55624252

>imagine enjoying manual labor
Imagine being this person

>> No.55624254

I didn't work for the entirety of the jewdemic because I didn't want to wear a mask, lol

>> No.55624263

Go back to plebbit you normie meme poster

>> No.55624271

Great Britain pre-industrialization
Post WWII America
post Cold War Germany

>> No.55624272

If I enjoyed manual labor life would be awesome

>> No.55624304

>adding all that melted ''''butter'''' (probably some seed-oil-based concoction approximating butter) to popcorn
Yanks are disgusting

>> No.55624309

That fat fuck cares about his buttered popcorn. Don't you dare make fun of him for that you fucking loser. You post on 4chan. Fatty will be your boss one day.

>> No.55624314

I wish there were some way to convey it to kids who hate their jobs but there’s no way to make them care.
When I pull up to a drive through window and the (clearly stoned) kid just smiles and makes sure I have a good interaction and everything is right with the order I wanna hire and promote him in the spot. You can train people to do whatever you need, you can’t train somebody to have a good attitude and it’s the most important part of any business.

>> No.55624332

>not being a resentful slouch
>slave mentality
I get it. Most people who happily work hard for someone else are still going nowhere.
But 100% of people who are sulking children about their choices will be a slave forever. You can’t do shit until you take accountability.

>> No.55625730
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I do cringe at wagies taking their job too seriously, just not blue collar wagies.
It's the office/HR drones that make me cringe with their corporate dick sucking mentality. Blue collar workers who are serious/passionate about their job are quite admirable