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55608889 No.55608889 [Reply] [Original]

Why did employers stop paying based on productivity once we moved from the gold standard?

>> No.55609272
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You read the chart wrong, they you got still the same pay, but the money you git paid with was worth less (gold > in god we trust), so payday rised (we now earn more than ever) but value of money decreased (inflation), this also means: if you payday rises the same percentage as i flation, you still earn the exact same, if your payday rises less than inflation, you earn less than before (same job condition for less money), so you have to have a bigger rise than inflation to earn more.
All in all you can tl;dr; this as: jews did this.
So today we learned the the payday is actually still the same as in/before the 70s, even higher than back in the day, bit since money is worth less than back then, you earn less, even though productivity is bigger than ever in mankinds history.

>> No.55609283
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this post was tipped on a phone while beer in the other hand, so please excuse the very bad spelling/typos

>> No.55609299

Why did the republicans do that?

>> No.55609316
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because it you paint your shit blue or red or green doesnt matter, its still shit.

>> No.55609367

I think, they stopped paying healthcare and pension is the biggest difference

>> No.55609386

moving from the gold standard was just one piece of the puzzle, part of a co-ordinated effort to make the rich richer and keep the poor poor.

>> No.55609421

>Productivity improved exponentially when we introduced personal computers to the workplace and people were able to stop doing math by hand.

>> No.55609439 [DELETED] 

Dummy. 1971 was when the divide happen and that was the exact year when we moved from the gold standard. We didn't even get computers until. First poster probably has it right

>> No.55609450

Dummy. 1971 was when the divide happen and that was the exact year when we moved from the gold standard. First poster probably has it right

>> No.55609715
File: 151 KB, 1412x176, Intel 4004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1971 you say?

>> No.55609800

>workers are more productive now with computers
>thats right, they perform more work and make more gains for the company
>pay them more???

Alien concept to a jew. Basically the difference between the increase in productivity and the increase in compensation is fraction of wealth jews have rediverted into their own hands by printing money

>> No.55609879

>muh computers
I guess that's why real wage growth stalled, CEO to employee salary ratio started increasing and inflation took off in 1971 too right? Computers.

>> No.55609897

It's why productivity went up. Quit acting like you work as hard as your grandfathers did.

>> No.55609916
File: 271 KB, 1300x1381, 1950s Office Staff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They perform more work
No. They literally perform LESS work because the computers are doing the actual work for them.

>> No.55609930

Look at the guy on the left, busting his ass going through files and folders to find the information his boss needs.
His productivity and his twenty minutes of labor have been replaced by ctrl-F.

>> No.55609933


>> No.55609943
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>> No.55610016

>tldr jews did this
theres your answer anon

>> No.55610052
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I think its worth breaking apart the precise definition of 'productivity' the nuance has shifted since Adam Smith. In the old days, productivity was defined in a positive sum game, you may win more, but i still win some. And rent extraction was defined as neutral or negative sum games-- where one must be in the red for another to be green.

The economy was much more physical after the second world war. As outsourcing, the racked up debt, the oilshocks increased energy prices and the French trying to 'speculate' on the gold in fort knox, the american economy took on a more traditional imperial character demarked more with internal production/consumption and rent extraction from tributary states, whether through the eurodollar recycling system, the USD denominated forex market or sanctions lists.

The character of 'production' than has sense come to encompass alot more extractive schemes, make work jobs and beareaucratic bloat. That was lumped in with alot of the previously female denominated labour that was unmonetized get included in GDP through child care facilities (and the labour pool saturation effect as well) and you get a situation where it looks like the ultra rich got ultra richer, but somehow all the cars have less personality, the apartments look prettier but dont work better and are smaller