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55605660 No.55605660 [Reply] [Original]

Is possible that we can coexist?

>> No.55605691

I dont care what linkies do. I just ignore them.

>> No.55605702
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>> No.55605720

I never hated xrp holders until they started claiming dumb shit, that wasn’t true, which was contrary to linkie’s thesis’s.
They claimed that xrp and swift were in bed together for years.

>> No.55605726
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Xrpees always creep into link threads and seethe for some reason.

>> No.55605740

The exact opposite is the truth.

>> No.55605750
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Checkmate, faggot.

>> No.55605784
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there's not top or bottom connection for the triangles and an x is a cross and has been for all of history
the jews wouldn't sign an x and instead did a circle when coming to america which is why they're called kikes
hexagon is the sigil of saturn
>actually checkmated

>> No.55605785

Xrp holders are schizos who have delusions that the United Nations are going to declare xrp the official shitcoin of the NWO
Linkies are just pathetic corprophiliacs that everyone laughs at when they get dumped on

>> No.55605798

no xrp brings down the nwo and central banking

>> No.55605815
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>mfw 50% LINK 50% XRP portfolio

>> No.55605858

I don't care about any of this shit. Christ is my shepherd, he wants me to be happy. I don't care about gay sigils and stuff, I just listen to my heart and the holy spirit guides me. Keep your black magic faggotry occultism.

>> No.55605859

Why do newfags fall for obvious shill tactics?
If you hate only crypto and fan boy another you need to fucking go back.

>> No.55605985

Linkies tormented everyone for years then specifically targeted XRP holders for years until they forced us into a containment thread

>> No.55606001

Kek the United Nations is literally using the XRPL for carbon credits. Stay seething.

>> No.55606017

You mean stuff like this?


>> No.55606027

kek you fucking liar, I lurked xsg for a couple weeks and its literally just the same sort of shit as /ptg/ post 2016, a bunch of losers who missed it circle jerking to try to manifest their own memes (not realizing the best memes spawn from truth). nobody posted about link

>> No.55606076

80% of the articles on that site is speculation written by xrp cultists. if swift is going to use xrp why don't they announce it like they announced they were working with chainlink?

>> No.55606104

I have never been in xrp threads and xrp generals and I plan not to.

>> No.55606115

just some bants m8

>> No.55606122

XRP was always for globohomos
Anything with a general usually is some sort of shill op.

>> No.55606184

Don’t know why there’s so much tribalism. I own both.

>> No.55606251

They already announced they’re using interledger protocol and they’ve already talked about being partnered with numerous ODL third parties

>> No.55606767
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>> No.55606827

Linkies are jealous of xrp chads

>> No.55606958

in other words they never said they were using xrp

>> No.55607099

>He wants me to be happy

Bullshit. He wants to be glorious and good. He got mad a lot at Jews and the sacrilege around desecration of occult representations. Meaning he would absolutely think you're a kike.

>> No.55607115

I've been in an accord with him for a while now and he wants me to be happy, anon. I hope you find him too. Good luck.

>> No.55607315

Because Chainlinkers think their coin is special when XRP is the standard

>> No.55607319

I dont hate linkies but they sure like to troll and argue instead of make money

>> No.55607332

Link thinks its what XRP actually is

>> No.55607355

ODL is XRP kek fuddies in denial

>> No.55607618
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If you want to have a good laugh search "xrp link" on warosu and sort by oldest.


>> No.55607772

>They claimed that xrp and swift were in bed together for years.
They are though, xrp is the most likely candidate for the globohomo coin

>> No.55608450

Yes yes. They just never name XRP, not because they're not using it, but because it's some big secret they can't let the normies know about. You're in on the secret though, somehow.

>> No.55608514
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>> No.55608520
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>> No.55608536

I'll await your response, nigger

>> No.55608541

Please do not spoonfeed the link baggies, at least not yet

>> No.55608551

Mentions that XRP is a "possible solution" but not "the" solution. Anyone can speculate, even the IMF themselves. But until things are actually named and signed it means nothing more than speculation. You're fine to speculate, but don't pretend this is anything more.

Doesn't mention XRP.
>It mentions Ripple!
Big fucking difference and you know it. Ripple is a major company with multiple products aside from XRP all that can help with cross border. Not to mention that it was only mentioned among a long list of other potential clients.

Keep trying.

>> No.55608563

are you fucking retarded lol
ripple doesn't have multiple products for cross boarder remittance lmao
nice cope, niggerbrain

>> No.55608662

>ignores all the other valid points in order to pick out one incorrect statement that doesn't address the core arguments
Nice one!

>> No.55608928

Now that XRP is succeeding, link baggies have suddenly done a 180 and now want us to be friends after years if fudding, which is why we can't get along.
>muh oracle network
>muh need both tokens

>> No.55608950

There's no need for oracle if you have built in functional dex with auto bridging option between currencies

>> No.55609023

you literally made no other argument lmao

>> No.55609239

but you made no argument

>> No.55609422
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Because linkies got mad at XRP's recent price pump.
On another note i sold 19000 linkies for a dollar or so, so i will use my powers of manifestation to fuck link up and bless xrp. I'm going to make it everyone's problem. Except for xrp schizo's.

>> No.55609462

Checked, make it so

>> No.55609556

>hexagon is the sigil of saturn
Saturn is not related to satan. Different language origins, different mythos'.
Satan has always been known as the morning star, which is venus. Or as the romans said, lucifer. Venus is female, original sin and all that.
You're all not only mythlets, but geometrylets.

>> No.55610741


>> No.55610750

lucifer retard satan is the son

>> No.55610761
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>> No.55610778


>> No.55611022

This. I apply this not to just other coin holders, but to a lot of other things in life.

>> No.55611094

Christ is cool
Saturn is cool too
Satan is not cool, he's the result of a 6000 year game of telephone about the slowest cycling moving star the ancients could see with their naked eyes.

>> No.55612354

QNT is better then both of them and is a couple years ahead. keep up grandpa

>> No.55612377

They both understand their shitcoins are very similar premined air tokens with no utility so they are in a fierce competition for new dumb money entering crypto.

>> No.55612446

Honestly, for me it was the proliferation of coping linkie threads. But then people kept making XRP threads that were schizo tier and not just posting them in the general, which is also bad. Both tokens should be relegated to a general for each, for the sake of board hygiene, more room for actual business and finance threads but more so shitposts, frogposts, fun threads and etc.

>> No.55614367

Not too long ago I saw some LINKfags shitting on Cosmos' IBC for no reason other than being jelly they got one upped thanks to interoperability and Kava enabling them to use Ethereum smart contracts seamlessly. Guess they'll fight with pretty much anyone.

>> No.55614372

I hate both tokens. Nuff said

>> No.55614387

Cosmos only offers multi chain connections and not much else compared to XRP becoming the standard, retard

>> No.55614395

only thing they got going on is kava injecting liquidity into their ecosystem