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55603177 No.55603177 [Reply] [Original]

If Bitcoin, a rando's deep web token can reach all the way up to $60,000, surely XRP, an actual official electronic payments token can reach at least $10,000.
>inb4 muh market cap
XRP already has flipped Bitcoin in trade volume so shut up with that crap.


>> No.55603220

If Bitcoin goes back to 60k, XRP will go to precisely $7.28 and you'll be happy.

>> No.55603236

I don't know. Ripple hasn't done their ipo yet. Xrp might go to hunders or even thousands

>> No.55603250

We won't realistically see any major XRP price movement until 2026 - 2027. That's when CBDCs will be implemented. Be prepared for the lawsuit with the SEC to drag on for a few more years after the appeal. I'm hoping we can still get involved in the next bullrun and see $1 EOY.

>> No.55603306

$13 would = current btc market cap
it is very possible to go that high next bull run
even without all of that utility coming online

>> No.55603369
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CURRENT marketcap...then there is the ATH mcap

>> No.55603710

imagine we go that high and the new bottom is like $5 I would feel pure vindication

>> No.55603737

You know how distances between galaxies are measured in something called "megaparsecs"? When we see how high XRP can go, we'll probably have created a number akin to that to valuate it because our current understanding of value won't be able to encapsulate it

>> No.55604433

Bots still not off huh

>> No.55604534

It is designed to work at 10k per token minimum.
>Likely 37.5k-300k long term

>> No.55604602

I love you guys

>> No.55604640

XRP TO $500

>> No.55604692
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would literally convert to judaism if this happened.
come on kikes, make it happen.

>> No.55604806

I for one would welcome our jewish overlords

>> No.55604849
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reminder the chosen people in the bible descend from Jacob who was given the title Israel
jews do not descend from Israel as said by Jesus
>I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
>But you do not believe, because you are not of My sheep, as I said to you. My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me

and they admitted it
>Jesus said, “Then you will experience for yourselves the truth, and the truth will free you.”
>They answered him, "We are Abraham's descendants and have never been slaves of anyone. How can you say that we shall be set free?"
>"We have NEVER been slaves." (The Edomites (Jews) were never slaves, The Israelites were in Assyria.)

>> No.55604861
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we know when the jews began larping as the chosen from Greek historians

>"The western extremities of Judæa towards Casius are occupied by Idumæans(Edomites), and by the lake [Sirbonis], The Idumæans (Edomites) are Nabatæans (Caananite-Mixed Race), when driven from their country by sedition, they passed over to the Judaeans (The Kingdom of Judahites/Israelites), and adopted their customs.
-Strabo, Geography 16.2.34 (23 AD)

>They [Edomites] killed Hyrcanus four years later and then they kicked out all the Judahites from the Temple.
-- Josephus (Antiquities XV, 6, 1)

this is why Jesus also says
>Note this: I will make those from the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Judahites and are not, but are lying — I will make them come and bow down at your feet, and they will know that I have loved you.

>> No.55604891
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>Market cap green text
Yes, of course the MC of XRP can exceed the total supply of money on earth. I'm gonna buy now after this huge pump.

>> No.55605133


>> No.55605417
File: 92 KB, 1170x701, margelockTaylorGreeneFinal2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>market cap is meaningless in crypto