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55601063 No.55601063 [Reply] [Original]

>nice old lady at work asked me how my wife and I enjoyed our two week holiday
>uh…I’m not married actually
>oh I’m so sorry anon! I always assumed you were

>> No.55601072

She thinks your hot and wants your sausage
Stuff her anon

>> No.55601078
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it amazes me that people want to get married, have kids etc

im in my 30s and i still dont want any of that shit. my GF keeps asking when im going to propose to her and i literally dont feel like it

>> No.55601086

i'm 34 and my 29 year old roastie gf keeps breaking my balls over marriage and kids. i'm not doing either. she can leave me, i dont care. kek.

>> No.55601100

The most positive thing about the new world is that all the western trashcan whores will die childless.

>> No.55601117

my marriage was arranged by my parents when i was 19 and still in school. she's from india and wasn't born in the states, but her family is wealthier than mine. not the best looking (chubby as well), but loyal and supportive. can't complain kek

>> No.55601149

Jeets are smart. They know most people are dysgenic ugly retards, so sexual selection will never work out. So they just marry based on wealth / clan.

>> No.55601209

I’ve wanted marriage and kids since I was in college. As time goes on and I keep failing I can feel the desire slowly starting to inch away. There’s basically no point in getting married after ~40 anyway.

>> No.55601221

This. Marriage is a business partnership.

>> No.55601324

exactly who i would expect to be posting here lol

>> No.55601405

Similar boat. Had an ex but that didn’t work out, obviously. The single women I have met so far have been very unappealing, like single moms. Aren’t with the effort to even interact with them.

>> No.55601447

??? im doing what i want. im in control of my life.