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55598746 No.55598746 [Reply] [Original]

>tiger mommy left Chainlink

>> No.55598784

She's finally been pushed out.

>> No.55598785

>Chief Ecosystem Growth Officer

Not a big loss for Chainlink.

>> No.55598792

the damage has already been done

>> No.55598795

first one leaving the stinking ship. more to come. chainsink is done.

>> No.55598820

>wahmen needs to go do a big long vacation

>> No.55598834

Mike Derezin and Patrick Collins left as well, kek.

>> No.55598850
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>> No.55598857

Why would they leave right after the CCIP announcement?

>> No.55598901

literally whos

>> No.55598910

its time to get to business

>> No.55598934

Maybe Patrick, but Mike was very experienced and has an impressive resume. I remember /biz/ was making a pretty big deal out of it when he joined CLL.

>> No.55598935

Implying they "left"

>> No.55598947

>Mike Derezin
He's still shilling LINK on his Linkedin, check it

>> No.55598963
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Anon I...

>> No.55598976

500+ employees confirmed

>> No.55599000
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>art of modern parenting

>> No.55599018

What is she saying? I don’t speak xinese

>> No.55599054

Fucking hell so she admits she is responsible for hiring 500 people. 500 useless employees. Thank god she is leaving however the damage has been done as others said.

>> No.55599064

>Bloat a company from 10 to 500.
>Too scared and/or clueless to stick around to find out if it works.
>Move into another job citing growth from 10 to 500 employees as a win.

I wonder if the rise in job turnover correlates to women in the workplace.

>> No.55599071

God what an insufferable cunt. Good riddens bitch

>> No.55599124

How how employees did you hire for your company?

>> No.55599173

enough to gang bang your mother silly

>> No.55599177

Finally out. What a useless self-promoting whore. "Scaling Chainlink from a crappy crew of 10 to 500" as if this Marketing cunt had anything to do with that. Roflmao. What an egotistical fail hire this has been.

>> No.55599205

what a journey.
she finally figured out what the red squiggly line underneath words means.

>> No.55599228

She got lots of money by getting paid from dumps on LINKcels, now she sees the end of the scam and moving out before things start to stink, smart girl.

>> No.55599246

Love how you guys critique a company for hiring employees, yet dont know the first thing about hiring expanding a business lmao.

>> No.55599255

She was the Chinese connection I wonder what will happen there . I wonder if China feel confident enough in BRICS that they turned their back on swiftlink.

>> No.55599265

Adelyn can you stop commenting on your own thread? Roflmao you insufferable cunt. Get fucked and maybe you'll finally be useful as dish washer at your next company

>> No.55599280

Bro, she won’t have sex with you. Stop whiteknighting her and get some self respect

>> No.55599354

how is this a thing at any organization, it is beyond a race to the bottom

>> No.55599366
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Time to make the switch bros lmao

>> No.55599367

Unironically bullish
>Inb4 chainlin

>> No.55599409

>you cant defend a company for hiring people!!
>its supposed to be a two man team!!

>youre not actually Adelyn, youre just trying to have sex with her!!

>> No.55599526

So much negativity kek. Tiger mommy used to be cool. But yeah, we need better marketing now.

>> No.55599661

Watch the job offers flood in for her. She had one job, grow, grow, grow. And she fucking growed which no /fitbiz/ manlet has ever achieved.
She will now help others grow. Buy anything she's involved in.

>> No.55599740

>the edn of an era

>> No.55599757

>Watch the job offers flood in for her. She had one job, grow, grow, grow. And she fucking growed
This is the exact mindset you see whenever you outsource to Indian Pajeets - retarded focusing on a KPI instead of looking as to "does this even make sense?" Now you have a bloated 500+ man company that gets nothing done to its overhiring. And the Pajeeta Adelyn thinks she did a good job because that was her KPI.

But you are right - whoever hires this egotistical maniac deserves what they get. And Chainlink has performed like -90% garbage over the last 3 years, where her role actually would have had any effect (taking first 2 year as grace period). Overall, Sergey's fault for not hiring a white male to do the job properly. Women are really business retards.

>> No.55599774
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>> No.55599791

So she is poo in loo lover?

>> No.55599808

Which she did shit for.
They could easily get someone 100x better for that

>> No.55599817

>gets nothing done
>posted a couple days after they just launched the industry defining CCIP
kek fuddies are FUCKED

>> No.55599829

>But you are right - whoever hires this egotistical maniac deserves what they get. And Chainlink has performed like -90%

Success of the company isnt measured in some random price you think it should be at. Its up 6000%. Cope harder

>> No.55599865

>executive that has been with chainlink since its ICO leaves right after the long awaited CCIP announcement

this project is cooked.

>> No.55599917

She got something done - she bloated the company. Under her disastrous hiring, the company bloated to 500 that needs 4 years for a simple feature that was timed for 1 year delivery.

If you want bloated companies that need 4x longer to deliver than plan, then Adelyn is a great pick.

>> No.55599922

She sold at $50

>> No.55600022

Did noone read her fucking post? She's having a baby.

>> No.55600047

Ultra checked. Chinklink is doomed

>> No.55600094

this is surreal cope, nothing in her post suggests having a baby, and if you were bullish on company as an executive you would just go on parental leave if that was the case. Her profile literally also says 'ex-chainlink'

>> No.55600101

That only means it will only get to 22.000 instead of the 85.000 we preach here. The crypto market has fallen.

>> No.55600116

>I'm immersing myself in the art of modern parenting
I know you're probably just fudding for fun, and I don't really care about Adelyn leaving that much one way or the other, but that's what it looks like is happening in her life.

>> No.55600135
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>And Chainlink has performed like -90% garbage over the last 3 years
Awful selective there eh lad?
>Women are really business retards.
Third worlder mindset. You can't compete with the females you don't deserve the job. You have statistical advantages in every conceivable metric. I f a female is outperforming you, you're a below average male.

>> No.55600147


>> No.55600174

I didn't say she wasn't leaving Chainlink, I said she was having a baby. I don't know why I'm wasting time arguing about such retardation.

>> No.55600194

you people should show some fucking respect.

>> No.55600218

Adelyn just stop hiding behind different VPNs, you're embarassing.

>> No.55600240

>head of people

>> No.55600315

she literally spells it out for you
>personal time off and recharging
it’s a pretty demanding job to scale a start up sized bushes up not that any of you fudding incels would know anything about this
so she obviously ran her course and i guess she is pretty burned out at this point
it’s good to have somebody fresh to squeeze out

>> No.55600328

>the fuddies are revealing their schizo
always were
take your meds kek fuddie

>> No.55600374

Never and I mean NEVER have I seen native 4channers so eagerly defend a female asian sociology major. Nothing organic about her defenders ITT

>> No.55600772

She was pushed out of her position as CMO early on. Her position was title only and was a bone fed to her. She’s being let go in a friendly way.

>> No.55600799

>native 4channers
kek fuddie

>> No.55600849

I met Adelyn back in November 2022 in Lisbon at Solana Breakpoint and she kept showing the CL team (Halcyon, Lynn, Marc, and other niggers) pictures of her baby, so I don't think she's leaving because of children.
This is probably the results of the bear market pressuring Sergey into either laying off people or demanding more results

>> No.55600936

>she obviously ran her course and i guess she is pretty burned out at this point
I dread when this'll happen to important players like Ari, Dahlia or Kemal. Not necessarily that they lose faith in Chainlink or perform poorly at work, but just simply that they want to change careers because they're tired of working for the same company for x years or whatever.

>> No.55600949

/pol/ really has ruined this place

>> No.55600954

imagine the things she's seen. she probably had to browse this board. kek. not even a 10 year sabbatical will cleanse your mind, adelyn

>> No.55600974

It's not only the investors who get tired after years.
Even Sergey looked tired in his CCIP opening speech.
Like he was burnt out.

>> No.55600976

what a shitshow

>> No.55601981


This is how people are fired in corporate America. Barring an epic fuckup that can't be covered for PR purposes, you let the person announce their "resignation" in order to save face and let them look more desirable to their next company from a perception standpoint.

In this particular case, she doesn't have any other job prospects lined up (because she's fucking horrible at her job), so she's spinning it as her taking an extended break from working. Having the child is a very convenient excuse here, but the reality is that's not the reason. Just from the way she writes "modern parenting", you can tell she's a demented liberal that won't be a loving mother.

revenue first, THEN you worry about staffing it. Startups fail when they do it backwards

it really is sickening how her post implies that she had anything at all with building the business

LOL, there's always one

disingenuous reply... There's a middle ground between 2 people and 500.

reminds me office space...nothing more worthless than HR people

>> No.55602079

>revenue first, THEN you worry about staffing it. Startups fail when they do it backwards
This is pretty standard practice and common knowledge but chainsink could afford to do it backwards because the fatass has a blank check by dumping tokens. Any other business would have investors stopping this before it got out of hand but the fatass doesn't know anything about running a successful, profitable business in the first place.

>> No.55602845

Nigger link can’t even pump above $10, wtf are you on

>> No.55603003

check the charts

>> No.55603041

Made me check

Sadly, the reality is:
>link is still $7
>Sergey is still obese
>Rory still has a black daughter from her wife’s boyfriend
>Adelyn is still a chinese spy that hired hundreds of overpaid roasties in order to destroy Chainlink (she succeeded)

>> No.55603058
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>Made me check

>> No.55603081

Kek no reason there is so much inflation.
Imagine printing money and giving all these worthless girls so much money for essentially doing nothing.

>> No.55603113

Without delving further, it sounds like she was the original HR roastie, contributing nothing?

>> No.55603150

>Without delving further, it sounds like she was the original HR roastie, contributing nothing?
Adelyn did almost worse than nothing, because she clogged up a role that could have actually been filled by someone useful.
SOMEHOW we had a huge bull run and no average crypto normie came out knowing the word oracle.
"oracle" did not even enter most of the vernacular of those into crypto, aside from those that had an academic background or were doing a ton of independent reading.

Total marketing failure.

>> No.55603151

>Adelyn is still a chinese spy that hired hundreds of overpaid roasties in order to destroy Chainlink (she succeeded)
topkek fuddies

>> No.55603184
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>> No.55603262

Where can I apply for Chief Head of Direction?

>> No.55603317

>"oracle" did not even enter most of the vernacular of those into crypto, aside from those that had an academic background or were doing a ton of independent reading.

You have a point.


There exists a core Ethereum contributor who isn't aware of what Chainlink is doing.

>> No.55603916

her next job will be Sex at MuchoSexo working for Me

>> No.55603975

90% of people posting are third world fudders. those who did take the time to read it likely lacked the necessary reading comprehension.

>> No.55604358
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>> No.55604369

Big Mike left already? What the fuck

>> No.55604487

This bitch thinks making typos and grammatical errors make her seem "spunky" or maybe even "young"
Maybe she should just fuck off back to China
All of her simps can go with her
Fucking cunt destroyed Chainlink

>> No.55604694

Realty? That’s not good

>> No.55604745

sergey impregnated her

>> No.55604751
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Lol the real people making it off Chainlink are Tyler Feinerman and Ceri Mutts. That land whale Meaghan Long goes home and gorges herself on cake and ice cream on your linkies. This is where the 700k dumps go. Head of People. People and Talent Leader. Talent Coordinator. Recruiter. Talent Acquisition Lead.
Recruitment Coordinator.
People Coordinator.

Jesus fucking Christ you people are being hosed.

>> No.55604786

he might have been forced out like adelyn as both are on sabbaticals/mid-career breaks
he is still however an advisor to chainlink and shills it on linkedin
maybe he just made lots of money from stocks and wants to escape the grind for a bit
adelyn was clearly forced out though given that she was shunted out of cmo into a do nothing position

>> No.55604801

also patrick is still shilling chainlink and speaking at smartcon
he would have left for the money, auditors are on crazy, crazy money in crypto
was nice what he was doing for chainlink but devrel is never going to make you much money

>> No.55605822

>the real people making it off Chainlink are Tyler Feinerman
she left too. I might've looked at her linkedin...

>> No.55606531

Why would Derezin be out already? He left LinkedIn to be a COO and is out in what, less than a year?

Either he was fired for bloat or he found the company has nothing close to what he thought

>> No.55606545
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>Total marketing failure.

>> No.55606550

Thank god based Sergey
I understand learning a new language is difficult, but this woman should not be in public speaking positions in a multi billion dollar company
Her most recent speech on YouTube was so cringeworthy I had to turn it off
She talks and writes like an 8 year old

>> No.55606619
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Would've been better three years ago but better late than never I suppose.

>> No.55607553

Lmao remember when there were retards here who sincerely thought she wasn’t being managed out of the company? Please show yourselves so we can laugh at you. This is the textbook method of firing someone who’s at the executive level.

>> No.55607587

Adelyn Zhou gives a mean footjob

>> No.55607649

Why do they need so many when it's only 500 people?
One man should be able to handle that for $75k

>> No.55607863

>One man should be able to handle that for $75k
You can say this for literally any job on earth. It's the world we live in.

>> No.55608186

>500 employees
>no income except tokens they create from their asses

KEK, linkies you'll stay wagie and live in that cagie.

>> No.55608218
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>I remember /biz/ was making a pretty big deal out of it when he joined CLL
Theres literally two positive sentences about him.

>> No.55608295

>personal time off and recharging
after a major fuckup, the higher ups always take "personal time off" or "want to spend more time with family". bagholders sponsored her employment, so she's probably a millionaire at this point. good on her

>> No.55608311

>You can say this for literally any job on earth.
you'd expect more scrutiny from a company that relies on handouts from retail investors though. it's pretty brazen to have an armada of useless busybodies draining funds when you don't provide enough value to have a revenue stream

>> No.55608347

checked his linkedin and he is still an advisor

>> No.55608348

This is why we're pumping. Finally this useless bitch left

>> No.55608360

She's retiring because she holds link and she knows it's about to moon

>> No.55608373

> Hello future employe
> Yes I am Adelyn Zhou, I bloated the company from 10 to 500
> My stay was so disastrous, the market pumped the coin immediately when I was fired

>> No.55609443

Fully delusional

>> No.55609885

I miss Patrick, the last hackathon was sad without him, I mean no disrespect to the guy running it but his energy was so low compared to Patrick... the ending ceremony was just pure cringe

>> No.55610030

What's the method?
>t. brainlet

>> No.55610344

The market finally reacting to this amazing news

>> No.55610362

lmao, she really was useless but she was with serg since day 1, she deserves some props even if she was just a bridge to connect to the chink

>> No.55610380

Sergey you dog you, doing the ol pump and dump.

>> No.55610915

So this is why we are pumping

>> No.55610918

Once you’re further up the food chain you will not be publicly fired unless you cause enough of a PR disaster where your employer has to very publicly distance themselves from you (e.g. let’s say you got convicted as a sex offender). However, let’s say you’re Chief Marketing Officer and you’ve underperformed in the role. The company isn’t happy and they want you out. In this situation they start the process of managing you out of the company. Quite often this involves moving to a “new, exciting opportunity” in the company. Privately you’ll be briefed by the company about your expected cooperation in gracefully exiting the company, and there’s no plan of you actually seeing out this “new, exciting opportunity.” This benefits both parties. It allows the person being fired to leave without being publicly shamed, and it also allows the company to appear to have stable, healthy leadership. It won’t reflect well on the company if there’s a lot of public turbulence at the executive level.

>> No.55611563

Not since day 1 you nigger, also she has been grifting and probably been paid $200k+ a year for basically doing a shit job that should have seen her fired long time ago.

>> No.55612284

the ship is sinking faster

>> No.55612592

Checked. I've dumped the shit for RAIL.