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55597334 No.55597334 [Reply] [Original]

How do you handle not resenting your kids for having a better life and opportunities when you make it?

For example a girl I dated dad was a poor farmer who used the GI bill to go to medical school after Vietnam and pursued cardiology. He ended up being worth millions thank to owning his own practice and investing. He worked his ass off to not be a hick. He loves his daughter but I see in him his frustration and coldness at her for her instagram rich kid thot problems and isn’t as supportive of her learning disability as he should be.

He’s like life’s hard no one believed in me but I made it with less than you, you have no excuse to give up.

How do you not end up like him and look down on your spoiled kids. I’ve held her when she’s been bawling because she can’t hack it like her dad and she knows he judges her as soft.

>> No.55597348

Then everyone clapped and OP went off to the next slide thread

>> No.55597358

by being a responsible parent and not spoiling the shit out of them. provide, nurture, and teach but don't coddle. her being an entitled roastie is his fault.

>> No.55597497

I'm on the same path as the dude In your post. Born poor as fuck, now graduating med school in a month.
Will probably not be a multimillionare since in Europe doctors don't make as much money, but will still make a lot of money.
I sometimes think about how I would raise a child. I probably wouldn't buy him shit and have him learn to live with little. I have got to known a lot of very rich kids in med school and most of them are without perspective and very smug, I wouldn't be able to have a child like that, I would hate him.

>> No.55597508

>oy vey fellow goyim I'm just too rich to breed

>> No.55597510
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Why don't you worry about making it first before trying to process all of that right now?

>> No.55597530

Don't spoil them but be fair. Nurture mental and spiritual growth. Let them know early on that there won't be any free lunches in this world and they too must do their part in their own success

>> No.55597540

I hope I'm not like that. But I did resent my parents for a bit because I didn't get everything I wanted when I was a kid. But how could they? They came to America as poor immigrants from Africa and I had 4 siblings. I actually admire them now for doing so much with so little in the beginning. I'm successful and much wealthier than my parents so I'm gonna pass my blessings on to my future kids,

>> No.55597542

You accept that teenagers are annoying retards who break everything.

>her learning disability

oof. Does he at least have a son?

>> No.55597591

Her dad has had her working wagie jobs since they were 16, he drove them out of town so they’d stop getting bullied when the other kids ordered from the fast food place

No but he has a successful daughter who is going to medschool.
The one I was with struggles with dyslexia and something else. It’s weird, I thought she was legit retarded when I first met her then I realized she fucking smarter than just about anyone I met she just can’t use it

>> No.55597677

That's retarded, you don't learn anything from working no end slave jobs.

>> No.55597703

The secret of making it is that, you no longer have to choose 2 of the 3: work, family, leisure

You can choose family and leisure. The girl you know, her father chose his career over his relationship with her.

All these roasties with rich fathers, their fathers sacrificed time with their families for leisure and their careers, and the price is paid.

Thats why literally every women is a whore, her father doesn't spend time with her because he's wage slaving or isn't present at all.

>> No.55598426

the whole point of making it is to give your kids a better life (if you're a family man). The way to not end up like him with ungrateful brats is to not spoil your kids.

>> No.55600601

Still how are you not spitefully jealous they got good schools and all the vacations they wanted and still struggle to be more than a wagie

>> No.55600613

Go see a therapist. My dad was like this and made my life a living hell.

>> No.55600634

I am 29 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.55600667


That's why they struggle. You are supposed to prepare your children for the path, not prepare the path for your children. Don't buy them everything. Don't shower them with luxury or comfort. Give them the necessities, some entertainment, but also challenge them, hold them responsible, raise them in a humble environment. Childhood should be a contained simulation of what you want them to be in adulthood, it's training. If you make them think they get it all out of the gate just for existing, you have failed. He isn't mad at his kids, he's mad at himself for fucking up.

>> No.55600684


>> No.55600691

you're supposed to live vicariously through your kids and feel good about it, if you can't feel good about your kids having a stress free life then what can you feel good about? Of course this all depends on if your kids are grateful or not, if they're ungrateful because they weren't raised properly and were spoiled then it's all fucked.

>> No.55600700

Yes exactly. It's also a known fact that workaholic doctors are extremely neglectful parents. He threw money at her instead of spending time with her.