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55597207 No.55597207 [Reply] [Original]

>dread when having 1 to 1s with manager
>scared of all performance cycles and being put on a performance plan to fire me
>being seen as the ugly creep in the office
>when you binge on food the previous night and go in feeling fat and haven't eaten healthily for months
>going home to an apartment in an unfamiliar city you don't give a shit about, living alone
>commute home and sleeping early to get ready for work destroying all free time on weekdays
>walking back from gym on Friday evenings, past the pubs filled with happy young people
>not going to work social events because you're the ugly loser nobody talks to
>open plan office and not being able to think due to noise
>having all lunches alone and having to tactically not be at the desks when people go for lunch together to avoid awkwardness
>when you realise you have a pointless bureaucrat job with no standards for doing well or not, and that being an oversocialised fitting in normieclone-bureaucrat is the entire real job description, to be part of the shared mind overseeing the people with actual skills
>when you think you'll start working hard the next day at the job but the brute unrewarding, diminishing returns nature of it means that it's 200% more efficient to half-ass it
>binging on junk food after every work day
>travelling home for holidays; those cold mornings where you go back, the entire holiday ahead of you, the peak of hope
>finding your childhood bed 5 times comfier than your apartment's and sleeping peacefully
>those dull, cold, cloudy mornings you come back from holiday, with work due the next day
>being the only person in your team without a LinkedIn
>pointless Saturday mornings, the riches of the weekend ahead, drinking coffee with my feet up, culminating in extending Saturday nights to Sunday 3 am
>Sunday, pointless and dumb, the entire world sterile

>> No.55597242

Suicide is fast and painless

>> No.55597283

Kys then retard, the only thing worse than the normalfaggot is the failed normalfaggot like you