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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55593761 No.55593761 [Reply] [Original]

>wagie thinks he "owns" his car

>> No.55593768

Capitalism is good, but it needs to be tamed lest you get ridiculous shit like this.
This isn't gonna be a popular take on this board, ik

>> No.55593781

based. fuck subscription business models, theyre pure cancer

>> No.55593782

28 and don't drive
this doesn't affect me

>> No.55593785

*warranty expires*

>> No.55593792

You can thank Tesla for the Cars as a service business model.

>> No.55593813
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Stupid fucks, anyone who buys. Plenty of stupid fucks about, they will buy. So merc will get away with it. They will get away with merc’ing their base. Kek. I’ll enjoy my exclusive, last-call for American muscle. Enjoy getting and staying cucked with your dime-a-dozen goycarts

>> No.55593905

Yes capitalism is governments creating both insane regulations for car manufacturing so noone can compete against the big dogs and insane regulations for how cars must be designed for your (((safety))) ie pricing you out of ever owning one outright. Capitalism is also said big manufacturers being blackmailed into selling EVs lest Aladdin shorts them into oblivion and capitalism is also enabling these tyrants to force consumers into SaaS Klauscore tier payment models because your only alternative is working remotely and we need to reduce carbon emissions but you have to return to the office man up manchild. Thanks Polly Trottenberg, I'm sure it was capitalism that got you to where you are today.
>why would dah gov regulate in the name of big car co
Idk ask Sam Altman why OpenAI wants to regulate AI.

>> No.55593923

I would only get an electric car if you could use FOSS software on it like linux. Im sure nerds will build it, theres already people jailbreakimg teslas

>> No.55593934

if someone actually made a GNU/Car I'd buy it. actually that's probably the only thing I'd ever be willing to replace my 20+yo Japanese econobox with

>> No.55593983
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Wrong, the government only needs to oversee defined safety standards and enforce them.

>> No.55594235
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Electric cars are soulless zogshit, no matter how fast they go, and no matter the brand.

>> No.55595034

>made in Canada

>> No.55595055

In the future we will get free to drive cars and the manufacturers will profit by selling paywalled DLC skins and unlocks for them.

>> No.55595064

kek, based

>> No.55595105


i like how you think corporations care any more or less about you than the government. in fact, the government in the us is essentially an amalgam of corporations. so, you hate the government so much and think it's doing nothing for you, but it's literally corporations doing all the policy making. how do you square this reality with your child-like perception that government bad corporations good? they're literally making the rules.

>> No.55595119
File: 53 KB, 500x383, 1654894355672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Now just $9.99 a month to use the highway for the convenience of faster travel! Save time with an annual subscription so youll never be late again!"

>> No.55595203
File: 236 KB, 624x612, 1676721163215804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Introducing the brand new SmartLock™. For just the low price of $9.99 per month you can have unlimited use of the Lock/Unlock function of your SmartCar. Have the freedom to Lock AND Unlock your SmartCar whenever and wherever you want, giving you more time to enjoy yourself.