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55588133 No.55588133 [Reply] [Original]

Now it is AI, why is no one talking about it. Does AI have a future? Which other narratives should we focus on?

>> No.55588139

Blockchain fixes this

>> No.55588153
File: 46 KB, 484x600, 9FBA60A5-1CB0-498B-BEA1-B919FE79136E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI/ML has been around for decades. Way overhyped.

>> No.55588382

Kek, NFT is reviving. Lots of NFT projects are waiting for the bullrun. I think AI is the real scam here.

>> No.55588409

DiD is still gaining momentum, best narrative to focus on.

>> No.55588499

Its still too dumb to do anything usefull

>> No.55588556

I'm still holding ocean though it's not pumping but I'm hopeful. Just like PEPE and XRP soon it'll make millions. You sleep on AI, you lose

>> No.55588571

real AI is very much alive, crypto AI scams are dead

>> No.55588572

Blockchain is old tech

DLT is the future.


>> No.55588576

This - stuff like image recognition, etc, has been a thing for ages.

>> No.55588657

If it ain't quantum resistant, rekt!

>> No.55588708
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AI is designed for the next generation of the internet, retards are happy thatan AI-based platform, AGII is offering a wide range of products and services to empower Web3 builders and users.

>> No.55589383

Pepe will unironically be a narrative in itself. If you are truly paying attention, you already know this. The highest risk/reward opportunity is with the Pepe ecosystem. The safe play is just to accumulate $pepe. The riskier side of this trade is to watch the layer 2's that build using pepe. Two examples I have for you: pc and pop. One of those is a scam. I will not be telling you which one.

>> No.55589530

I'm feeling comfy with Ocean, AI narratives and self custody are still the narratives for the future.

>> No.55589545

What layer 2s build on pepe? And go spread the word what you think is good, in this shit board no one is genuine anymore. Be the difference

>> No.55589608

Good morning sers

>> No.55589662

Chatgpt, AGII and token metrics are all AI based platform. No need to hire assistant in life anymore.

>> No.55589784
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Having an AI platform that provides chatbot assistant for text, speech-to-text, and VoiceOver capabilities for Web3 is a big deal.

>> No.55589814

Ranjeet fuck off.

>> No.55589849

Following mainstream narratives is npc tier retardation

>> No.55589899

Using token metrics for same reason, instead of studying multiple indicators and charts, you can get a simplified breakdown of whatever you want
Something the new and oldfags will like

>> No.55589945

I anticipate the launch of its beta platform, chuds will enjoy user-friendly interface, advanced AI models, and powerful magic tools.

>> No.55590049

turns out it was a gimmick like Nintendo wii

>> No.55591071


3d printing was supposed to be revolutionary too lol

>> No.55591412

This is a good news for newfags, they'll be empowered with unparalleled creativity, efficiency, and flexibility.

>> No.55591455

Apple launching it's headset will literally send vr and metaverse tokens into a bull run, bobos won't see this yet but it's coming

>> No.55592172
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My ai coins are doing fine. Building, preparing, and networking for the bull. Sounds like you're just dumb anon

>> No.55592327

What a good time for creators and mid developers to live in, building and creating is now like a child's play.

>> No.55592354

Reason why Ocean and ORE are not going to miss from my bag. All is set for the future gains.

>> No.55592399

This will be the next biggest thing in crypto, AGII is becoming outstanding, with the aim to ensure that the platform meets the diverse needs of its users.

>> No.55592494

I'm holding PEPE and some DiD tokens, I'm convinced. wagmi.