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55584536 No.55584536 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.55584554

It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker, that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest. We address ourselves, not to their humanity but to their self-love, and never talk to them of our own necessities but of their advantages. Nobody but a beggar chuses to depend chiefly upon the benevolence of his fellow-citizens. Even a beggar does not depend upon it entirely. The charity of well-disposed people, indeed, supplies him with the whole fund of his subsistence. But though this principle ultimately provides him with all the necessaries of life which he has occasion for, it neither does nor can provide him with them as he has occasion for them. The greater part of his occasional wants are supplied in the same manner as those of other people, by treaty, by barter, and by purchase. With the money which one man gives him he purchases food. The old cloaths which another bestows upon him he exchanges for other old cloaths which suit him better, or for lodging, or for food, or for money, with which he can buy either food, cloaths, or lodging, as he has occasion.

>> No.55584556

profitbros I don't feel so good...

>> No.55584563

profitbros we eating so good

>> No.55584634

obesity and poverty are correlated. Poor people eat too much food. No one is starving

>> No.55584685

ok, consider the following:

>> No.55584731

There is no alternative. Maybe AI overlords will free us. Under all economic systems you will have the same problem of a evergrowing parasite class(elite), the problem is in our nature.

>> No.55584747

Okay, I'll just stop growing food and you can all starve then.

>> No.55584775
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If we starve everyone, there will be no profit
Checkmate, capitalist pigs

>> No.55585249

>capitalism le bad
Under politics, division isn't resolved to unite people, it's produced to swing a vote. When it's not beneficial to unite people, we keep them divided. And when our population has divided, politicians must manufacture unity to justify their existence.

>> No.55585255


>> No.55585326

So is theft good because it is an outpouring of personal interest?
Not really getting the point here.

>> No.55585333
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I get that you're conflating a lot of contradictory things that the woke crowd and neoliberals espouse but lets walk through this list:
Doesn't have to be that way. We can handsomely reward the people who do work, particularly specialists (and in many modern industries, specialists are the main thing needed).
Again, no need to rely on altruism, just reward specialists well.
Here's where it might get hard to follow for you because you're likely an amerishart completely brainwashed by the money jew, but bear with me. Apart from compensating specialists who run production processes, all cost in modern production lines are ultimately derived from some form of rent seeking behavior. "We need x input for our product, and that shit is really expensive", look a bit closer and 99% of the time you'll see a jew who has somehow legally monopolized and wrested control of a resource. He adds no real value, he just extracts it. Remove all that by nationalizing everything and you'll see that we can actually produce for the needs of the many with very little relative effort.
Again, specialists can be well compensated.
See my previous answer, we absolutely have, everything else is an invention of the money jew.
No real leftist will support this position, its purely a neoliberal ploy (a successful one) to wreck real leftist agitation, wreck the welfare state and sow discord by creating a chaotic, multicultural, non-homogeneous society. Which of course the US always was.

>> No.55585342

Fuck you on about? Everyone is fat fucks. Stupid commie, you fuckers starve people. Read a book

>> No.55585370

>wahhhh everyone should do everything for me and I want to do nothing
Fucking Reddit commies are too stupid

>> No.55585379

>Greed is good!

>> No.55585392

How the fuck did you interpret that from what I wrote. Why don't you try think for once and formulate a reply that comes from the words that link together in your mind that applies to the fucking thing I wrote? Can you do that?

>> No.55585393

Pretend I'm an out of work guy, convince me I should do a 12 hour shift to make your food for free.

>> No.55585405

Actual brainlet.

>> No.55585409

The commie doesn't deal with reality. The deal in fantasy land where you already are a baker and you make 100 loaves of bread a day but you sell them because you are an evil baddie. And the good guys (commies) are telling you, bravely, that you are a doo doo head.

>> No.55585412

Goo goo gaaa gaa

>> No.55585417

Look i was reading untul you called me amerishart and started to defend leffist positions while at the same time calling out the jews, people like you are so fucking annoying mixing together shit from left to right in a bad effort to make your own personal ideas.

"Compensating the specialists" whatever the fuck it means as if they're not compensated in our current economy, is nothing to me but worthless rethoric that doesn't really explains how and why they are compensated. My attack against OP is clearly an attempt to ridicule his assumptions that something can go on without some way to make a net positive from an economic perspective, behavior that resulted in a catastrophic failure of economic systems with the intent of building an "altruistic" tomorrow, in particular nationalized planned economies.
>He adds no real value, he just extracts it
if that was actually true, you would get another way to cut out the middle man and get a better working business, even in a free market economy, and yet it's another attempt failed, ending with the unpopular business models of cooperatives and such.

and to be honest "it's not real socialism" doesn't add more value to your positions in the landscape of hundreds of different socialist thoughts.

>> No.55585419

>No real leftist

>> No.55585428

>people like you are so fucking annoying mixing together shit from left to right in a bad effort to make your own personal ideas
Yeah, its called politics in the real world, try it some time you ignorant cunt.

>> No.55585434

Are we being raided by mental retards?

>> No.55585444

You are totally right. It's evil to make and sell bread, and communists are good, and capitalists are doo doo heads.

>> No.55585447

so, basically... uh ..ahah
so uhm you see.. you'll be actually a New Man(tm),
your nature will magically change because uh ..
Anyway, give me all your stuff or I kill you you fucking greedy pig

>> No.55585449

I would call it "my own personal mental mansturbation" instead.

>> No.55585484

>mixing together shit from left to right in a bad effort to make your own personal ideas.
The most retarded government shill i've ever seen. I don't agree with most of what he said but you are FUDing any critical thinking with this statement. Trying to incentivize blind sheepism for one party or the other is arguing for controlled oppositions.
Protip; both are fucking you and both are retarded, intentionally or on purpose.

>> No.55585491

Wtf I love communism now?!

>> No.55585526

If you want to share an opinion, feel free to do that. My biggest issue is people who build up inconsistent systems of ideas, you either identify the problem as a systemic problem with muh capitalist class or as a racial problem. Otherwise the only thing you need to do is killing every kike.

As an ex-leftist myself the racial background of X class would be totally irrelevant because it doesn't align with dialectical thought, even if you accept "race" as a real category.

>> No.55585536

>commie talks about starving people

Top kek

>> No.55585555

>either identify the problem as a systemic problem with muh capitalist class or as a racial problem.
Imagine still shilling this false dichotomy you absolute glowfag.
There can be multiple problems from multiple causes running at the same time you fucking retard.
A single problem can also have multiple causes.
Multiple problems can also have a single cause.

>> No.55585585
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>mentions amerisharts out of nowhere
Rent free

>> No.55585591

Only in the west.
Guaranteed, if global health and food supply were brought to an average; your quality of life would drop significantly if you live in the first world. There's not enough caviar for everybody, and lefties like you don't seem to realise how much caviar you've been eating.

>> No.55585594

Feel free to show these multiple problems with multiple causes instead of just getting butthurt because i pointed out an inconsistent way of thinking, i already had enough chatting with mongoloids on this board, free speech doesn't mean your ideas won't compete with others.

>> No.55585654

>or I kill you you fucking greedy pig

>> No.55585658

>an inconsistent way of thinking
It's called critical thinking. When your ability to think is flexible enough to solve different problems independent of another party telling you what to think.
Do you also reject the idea that ther can be multiple solutions to a single problem? Or will you still argue there are only ever two choices?

>> No.55585713

>Poor people eat too much food.
Wrong. Poor people eat low quality food.

>> No.55585727

>It's called critical thinking
Yes it's critical thinking that i took and crushed under my foot because the guy is another socialist in the loooooooooong queue of revolutionary wannabes, included many right-wingers (don't worry, i take care of every collectivist faggot).

All of this before you started crying out about different opinions, you have a lot in common with woke normies, diversity for the sake of diversity, diversity without selection.
You still haven't told me where am i wrong, if it's a matter of class be sure that jew or not jew you're going to get a capitalist class, even from a 100% genetic causes, material conditions makes a specified phenotype to take control and become the rich class, therefore the race is irrelevant bcause in this case material forces are focused on class.
On the other hand, a racial problem is dealt with purge, because capitalism would be identified with the existence of the jews causing it.

>> No.55585734

When you buy food you're buying the multi million dollar pieces of farm equipment for the farmer. The reality is that you can't have a post scarce good without all of the input factors that make the good also being post scarce. We ain't having free farming equipment for a while

>> No.55585739
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you do know capitalism involves buying AND selling?

when you stop doing both that's not something you can hide under the rug

>> No.55585846

communism theory still exists because it creeps up amongst the loud, unrealistic NPCs that believe 1. government is democratic and operates 100% in the best interests of their citizens and has a benevolent foreign policy. 2. all fellow citizens are good people, and want to work together to accomplish ideas and theories to forever benefit and advance mankind.
they live in a simple world where bad does not exist and their comfort of mediocrity is exactly the same as everyone else. the few extreme outlier types they are willing to break beliefs for (celebrities for most), they must believe are good and on their side. they'd allow them to lead them as a figurehead because they must be such good people and therefore care about them.
as abused as capitalism becomes, I at least know I can work as hard as I want to create the life I'd like to get away from those malicious and deceitful ones that would naturally be the ones to rise in popularity and take advantage of those good natured naive NPCs that accept them as their officials in communism. capitalism rewards and encourages the experts to operate at their highest productivity and capacity.

>> No.55585876

>You still haven't told me where am i wrong
I did, you're just too retarded, or willingly ignoring.
>so fucking annoying mixing together shit from left to right
This is where you are wrong.
>you either identify the problem as a systemic problem with muh capitalist class or as a racial problem.
And here.
You are promoting a false dichotomy.
It doesn't need to be either or, it can be both at the same time or fucking neither. Stop trying to corall people into the little boxes you must categorize in order to understand them and then play them against each other.
All of your shit is retarded because of this premise. Regardless of any statements you make which happen to be correct because you have assigned them to one category or the other based on the premise that they cannot belong to both or neither and must belong to something.

>> No.55585929

I don't disagree with anything you've said. I think the biggest problem with any economic system (barring the flaws unique to each) is always originating from the political influence over them.
Capitalism has a proven record of being harder to corrupt (despite our current state) than other systems because the majority of power lies in capital itself, and not influence or other political currencies. Though capital can be used to influence, in other systems influence is easier to buy with words.

>> No.55586368

it's not about the ideology, it's all about the stock that produced it, which may or may not be able to produce the cultural values that keep itself from decaying

>> No.55586382

the leftist propaganda is that people are mean, not inherently, but because they dont have the material condition to coom.
Once they are rich and have the easy life that humans want, all people are happy and hug each other.
of course the same humanist propaganda says that people who become rich are inherently mean, bc ''money & absolute power corrupt absolutely'' and rich people become selfish forever. It's impossible to stop being selfish alone, this is why all atheists want bureaucrats to make rich people poorer.

so you have the atheist dilemma: the atheist want to coom, they need money for this and they say money will make people happy. but once people have money they coom alone instead of making other people coom. Atheists also need a whole intellectual apparatus to feel mentally safe about their way of life.

This is because atheists and women have no morality beyond hedonism, but still have the deep desire to see themselves and being told that they are virtuous. However, hedonists know that they are subhumans, and since nobody tell atheists that they are righteous, they are addicted to self-made stories where they self insert and are righteous, ie ''because they say so'' lol.

Don't forget that atheists and women are natural born schizophrenic so they dont have any critical thinking in their lizard brain. IE they actually survive by being sex and drug addicts because they see nothing wrong with building a narrative in their little heads were they pass as righteous.

This is why also in atheism, the society is build on commentaries, by editors, journalists and the plebs, and the topics are female centered, ie about sex and crimes (and most against women).

Dont forget that historically in atheism , there is no truth, and no morality , and atheism was a propaganda pushed by revolutionaries merchants to make a society based on international commerce
atheism = hedonism+metanarrative by humanists about how christian monarchies are evil

>> No.55586389

this is why all the intellectualism in republics are just about ''how much the bureaucrats should control the economy'', which is just the most barren mentality ever. Bourgeois only care about money and keeping their property rights, in order to coom better.

>> No.55586401


>> No.55586409

capitalism is hardest to corrupt because it is the concept of "profit", in the same way "interest" was created. you're mistaking political influence for genealogy influence. the original races fight to rule this cycle and then once again prepare contingencies for the next reset. capitalism enables TPTB to further agendas and comfortably situate themselves that communism could never do. if you're mature and realistic enough to look past all of the inevitable greed, you can hopefully find comfort with opportunities created that allow you to sell your skills and knowledge, which if lucky, will never feels like a job and allows you the freedom to experience new things, and create a strong family.

>> No.55586517

>we don't have a peak-utopia social cohesiveness in a country where the main contributing group is demonized, terrorized, and actively pushed out of every major institution in the name of 'diversity and inclusion'
Really makes you think

>> No.55586536

Under Communism you starve, that's it, the end.

>> No.55586798

Your pro monkey KGB faggot Russian ideology made the lives of white people miserable. Take this garbage back to Europe and then get a job.

>> No.55586835

You are both right.

>> No.55586853

Kill yourself

>> No.55587115

>you're mistaking political influence for genealogy influence
I'm not. The ability to influence politically exists independent of any genealogy, though specific genealogies have more political influence when applicable.

>> No.55587116

>I did, you're just too retarded, or willingly ignoring.

>> No.55587226

Who the fuck can't afford food in the US? Like 80% of these motherfuckers are obese. Are you aware that you can buy a cow for cheap? They mow your grass and are made of food.

>> No.55587244

thats because poor people tend to be stupid. Asians don't suffer this fate and asians became far more successful than other minority groups. Interesting correlation no?

>> No.55587253

I really wonder what goes on in the leftist brain. You really don't get it. There are concepts outside of your mind and your reality that you cannot comprehend. You refuse to look at reality the way it is. You could see Cuban babies and children dying of starvation as a result of communism and you'd say, "no that's not what's happening."

>> No.55587266

>asians became far more successful than other minority groups
They really aren't if you include global populations. The smartest asians leave their nations, that is why they outperform comparitively.
But also their diet.

>> No.55587274

>"We need x input for our product, and that shit is really expensive", look a bit closer and 99% of the time you'll see a jew who has somehow legally monopolized and wrested control of a resource.
Rancher here. Name one of these "monopolized resources". I'd imagine you won't, as you are another slave-kept urbanite faggot, talking out of your ass of shit you know nothing about.

>> No.55587285


>> No.55587339

Entire argument breaks down when you realize artificial scarcity is not possible in a competitive market

>> No.55587353

>decent soil is free
>fertilizer is free
>irrigation is free
>pest control is free
>harvesting is free
>processing is free
>packaging is free
>storage buildings are free
>refridgeration is free
>shelf space is free
>stockers work for free

What don't you chuds understand about this?

>> No.55587355
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>> No.55587386

nah idk man growing up I knew a bunch of children of Vietnamese refugees and they all had their shit together. Even facing reverse affirmative action it's night and day between them and anchor babies. Their obesity rates are far below average too

>> No.55587397

It is astonishing the lengths people will go to avoid actually producing something useful to their fellow human beings. This goes for the sniveling commies as well as the crony capitalists. Both are looking for a free lunch at another person's expense.

>> No.55587404


>> No.55587415

>record amounts of famine deaths under communism
>under capitalism, the poorest people are the fattest


>> No.55587450
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Arguably in the west they feed the poor goyslop to keep them under control
Imagine if the Average American was fed a steady diet of Fresh Vegetables and lean Meat

There would be revolutions every other week

This shit isn't done for the benefit of the people

>> No.55588165

>Vietnamese refugees
What did i just say son? Leavers are higher IQ always. Then the new environment forces even higher IQ plays.
The same is true for white people who leave. Always the communities they form in other countries are better than those in their origin.

>> No.55588476

Nta but i will play devils, i am not a contrarian btw i just want theory.

I think most fertilizer companys are actually managed by just a few corporations and without fertilizer things will cumble.

The state can take your land at any point in time and basically there is always a middle man between farmers and the client.

Silicon which is needed for computers and glass for example is everywhere in planet earth but its refinement for chips you can only have it in some places

>> No.55588549

The state exists to regulate this sort of behavior. A corporation should always have one goal - make money. This is how it operates the best. It is up to the government to limit the corporations and say - you cannot own slaves. You cannot steal. Food stamps are such an example of a system to counter your image and, really, in the (perhaps distant) future it will be expanded to guaranteed meals.

This is why it is very important to eliminate corruption in politics and frankly, get rid of lobbying. A constant battle between corporations and government is necessary for the most productive society, but neither side can ever be allowed to win.

>> No.55588558

woww that is so deep bro

>> No.55588577

>What did i just say son? Leavers are higher IQ always. Then the new environment forces even higher IQ plays.

bro take a gander at the demographics of south american "refugees" who come to america

>> No.55588599

EBT is enough to feed them fresh food as long as they get staples and not splurge on exotic foods, or buy canned and processed junk.
And revolution isn't good for the people at all. Every revolution is the same story over and over again, replace one set of oligarchs with another, worse, set of oligarchs.

>> No.55588619

>I knew a bunch of children of Vietnamese refugees and they all had their shit together.
They were all 100+ IQ middle and upper-middle class fleeing a murderous communist regime. They may have been the last genuine refugees we took in.

>> No.55588659

>Leavers are higher IQ always
Only the ones fleeing communism. They were successful in their home countries and were driven out.

>> No.55588689

America is a unique phenomenon in regards to black people. Always will be because of the dynamics at play. America incentivizes victim mentality more than any other country.
You don't see this elsewhere except in select few centers which idolize american pop culture. e.g London.
Though i think this will change in the future as the younger generations, who idolize american pop, grow older and vote(or not) accordingly.

>> No.55588703

Not to say america is to be blamed, these other palces obviously have their own problems if they are turning to the american pop as a bastion of culture in their sad environments.

>> No.55589194

(((Fresh))) (((Food)))
Apples in America have more pesticides and sugar than coca cola

>> No.55589326

>jew who has somehow legally monopolized and wrested control of a resource. He adds no real value, he just extracts it. Remove all that by nationalizing everything and you'll see that we can actually produce for the needs of the many with very little relative effort.
your solution to someone abusing the power of authority (using the legal system to get monopoly) is to add more authority into the system (nationalization)?

how do you know that in the process of nationalization it won't be corrupted in the same way the jew corrupted the legal system (as per your example)?

>> No.55589354


Blacks didn't create victim culture. They were the meat and vessel used in order to promote and propagate victim culture. Jews created victim culture, in order to benefit by proxy (they usually include themselves in all bills/acts that "protect identities" after pitching it on the basis of black oppression).

The concept of the poorest demographic in this country getting special protection/support isn't that crazy. The fact that the richest/most powerful demographic managed to sneak themselves in there too is.

>> No.55589431

Makes sense. If people stop buying and eating food, you would drop producing it.

>> No.55589507

>Blacks didn't create victim culture.
Didn't say they did. They did, and do, buy into it though.
The way i see it, the state that we are witnessing/witnessed in the past is being exported to the youth today. Black people were just the poorest and got there first.
>The concept of the poorest demographic in this country getting special protection/support isn't that crazy.
There is a big difference between protection, support and what is happening. The support is not really there in most places, the little that is is applied sporadically. The protection is arbitrary, going above what is necessary in many instances and below what is necessary in others.
I think this speaks to the incentive more than anything. This state is desirable for government. Positive change, or positive preservation if opposite, is not.

>> No.55589536
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That’s he jist of capitalism suffering over humanity

>> No.55589866
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So don't buy apples. There's beef and chicken and pork in the back of every grocery store.

>> No.55589906

why should someone work for others whit out reward?
thats slavery and thats what people complain about when capitalist boss does pay as much as someone wants.

left is retarded.

>> No.55589976

>He buys American chicken
Oh brother, hope you washed it in bleach before serving

>> No.55590924

If you like communism, why not start a commune?
Because OP is brought to you by WEF and Blackrock.

>> No.55592084

communist shitholes = starving
capitalist west = not starving

everyone wants to come and live in the capitalist evil west
you have any other questions?