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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55584190 No.55584190 [Reply] [Original]

treasury bill 1 year term is 5.2% apy zero risk
you have to be a retarded ranjeep scammer to think this crypto shit will make you rich or a neet loser that never worked a job

>> No.55584209

You should read the Chainlink CCIP blog post and if you can actually understand the jargon your life will change in an instant.

>> No.55584242

Because on good days I can make 5% gains by clicking a mouse 20 times

>> No.55584256

> if you can actually understand the jargon
chainlink is a worthless asset from a retail perspective

>> No.55584337

>1 year term is 5.2% apy zero risk
I made 50% gains on my stocks 1 yoy. Can't believe people really saw SPY down 20-30% and decided it was too risky to invest lmao

>> No.55584386

youd be a millionaire rn if that were true

>> No.55584437

>people cant have investments in both stocks and treasury bills
biz never ceases to amaze me with how vicious and boastful everyone is not to mention all the scammers and liars

>> No.55584438

And that's impossible because your soijak just proved it

>> No.55584444


>> No.55584454

there were so many stories of weaboos getting lambos in the early days. it's a retarded bandwagon for sure but so is Powerball and MegaMillions. why do you have to ruin the fun, Chud

>> No.55584462

>gambling in crypto can make you go from nothing to generational wealth
>buying treasuries can earn you 5-5.5% apy per year
what is there to talk about? you click buy, you wait

>> No.55584469

>how vicious and boastful everyone is
literally everyone and their mom was screaming at me for being an idiot, deadset that a massive recession was coming and they needed to get out of the stock market because the radio and tv guys told them to. I am not boasting, I'm am stating a fact that people need to stop trusting the experts when their interests so obviously don't align with ours. Now ask yourself, does 5.2% apy really have zero risk? What's the downside? Could it be missing out on the obvious stock market correction after they bailed out banks and started the money printer again

>> No.55584480

>neet as an insult
Good goy, work for the jews until your 70 and get returns that barely beat inflation.

>> No.55584485

good for you if you manage to get generational wealth being a degenerate crypto gambler contributing absolutely nothing to society
trading crypto for monetary gains is bs and everyone including you knows this

>> No.55584512

>im a loser with no job
>im too autistic to function in society
>im mentally retarded
>im physically disabled
pick one

>> No.55584632

nothing is obvious to the average person
giving them the most brain dead option that guarantees a return is more responsible
you are educated and have a better understanding than these people. you know its impossible to change their minds when kike media tells them something

>> No.55584637
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I choose option 2

>> No.55584661

Where do you think you are?

>> No.55584666

>invests in the treasuries
Absolute retardation, its better to get a low yielding stock, get coca cola or something. Coca cola is a better bet than america imo, the US government can fail and latin america will still drink coca cola and fanta.

>> No.55584674

I just turned 18 in may and i already got $6000 portfolio + paid off truck + gold jewelry i could probably turn into another thousand. Im in run down rust belt city so im thinking buy $80k duplex, put 20k down, live in one half rent the other half out, worse comes to worse i have storage space/place to have guests. Lmao if i cant rent it out within 3 months id just start growing weed and or shrooms in that half of the house.

>> No.55584688

>the US government can fail
>invest in globohomo
no thank you

>> No.55584720

show me this $80k duplex you speak of cuz if its true its a total trap house
you will rent it out to section 8 niggers most likely that will break all your appliances
look into how much it pays and how many bedrooms that S8 voucher is for because anything under 4 bedrooms pays shit especially in a shithole city

>> No.55584735

>$80k duplex
My sides. Dude's think he's in the 80s

>> No.55584765

also not to mention you have to repair everything and pass property inspections every 6 months
youre just a little boy with no clue and on top of that youre giving out financial advice
/biz/ ladies and gentlemen
this is who gives you advice on what to invest in
stupid ass board for stupid ass people

>> No.55584772

International conglomerates are less likely to fail than the US government under its current administration. I understand not wanting to invest in globohomo companies, get some shit thats still NWO but doesnt go that political or is conservative.
Guns businesses(lockheed martin for me but thats peak globohomo)
Nestle and JM smucker are both good but im in neither.
Ok smart ass look up youngstown ohio real estate, you can get a house for 20-40k. Tbf probably not the best house but still, rust belt has cheap houses. I want to get a cheap house and rent it out to a friend, I got one friend i want to move up here and id have him has my first tenant. Inb4 money can ruin friendships. Yeah i know but hes my best friend i dont think hed fuck me over on the rent when id give him a rate slightly lower than the other houses.

I mean yeah it isnt in the best area, youngstown doesnt have that much crime, crime is personal here, used to be a big mafia town, now the crime is pretty much drugs + sex, theres almost no robberies that arent personal. North and west side are comfy. South and east side are ghetto shit zones. Id pull it up rn but playing MMO and shitposting rn. Just look up "youngstown ohio multifamily housing"

>> No.55584792

Its called house hacking you retard I would want to own a duplex regardless of if i can get a tenant, id like to be able to help friends if they ever need a place to sleep.

>> No.55584808
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this the shit? lmfao

>> No.55584882

Just examples, they arent the best houses but even the nice houses arent bad. Good neighborhood your average house is 90-150k with poland(safe rich suburb) is 110-250k. Pull up 1 bedroom 1 bathroom price in san Franciso

>> No.55584904

if youre deadset on purchasing a trap house in youngstown ohio make sure you know all the risks because landlords are sick of owning these properties for a reason

>> No.55585281
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because everyone here is holding VC bags they bought after it did already 1000x,
hoping to get 5x so they can break even.

>> No.55585340

5.2% of my measly $10k is $520/year. 5.2% of my hypothetical $1M after crypto bull run is $52k/year. These T-bill and high interest savings are ok only for people that have already made it.

>> No.55585344

/biz/ was explicitly made as a crypto containment board, /g/ was completely overrun by buttcoiners and iirc Dogecoin counted for almost half of all the threads on the catalog at its peak. The board was so unusable for its intended purpose (computer/tech discussion) that the admins jettisoned the crypto shit into its own separate section of the site, general finance was just tacked on because it didn't really have a good homeboard at the time.

>> No.55586479
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t's easy and cheap, that's all
sometimes I can even get a little greedy with SORA but eventually (only sometimes) I get more than I invest, it's easier than working after all lmao

>> No.55586493
File: 48 KB, 459x426, TFW Can't Lose Weight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy my government bags

>> No.55586499


>> No.55586500

But real inflation is like 10 some cases 20%. So why lock up your money with that inflation when people can gamble to keep up with inflation

>> No.55586519

at this point you already have 100 million pajeets holding bags, who is going to pump it?

>> No.55586535
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>> No.55586565

5.2% to make cash illiquid for a year isn't worth it when a basic savings account currently pays 4-4.5%