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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55580344 No.55580344 [Reply] [Original]

What causes poor people to be the supporters of the status quo, despite suffering under it?

>> No.55580350

They often don't support it, hence Drumpf

>> No.55580352

I just want leftists to suffer

>> No.55580356

this is a prison planet, dasquarius. even the inmate with the most cigarettes is still doing time

>> No.55580363
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OK groomer.

>> No.55580368

zero class consciousness. they don't see themselves as workers, but future millionaires/billionaires who will exploit workers

>> No.55580384

desiring a better life for workers and less alienation from labor is not the same as that trainwreck in your post

>> No.55580385
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>> No.55580387

>bombard your slave class with propaganda for why unions, vacations, benefits, rights are bad
>psyop them so fully that they think it's morally wrong to compare their wages with other workers so they won't realize that the new guy they just hired is getting paid 40% more than them for the exact same job
Americans are slaves.

>> No.55580390


So you are willing to suffer yourself as long as other people suffer as well?

They are living their life in joy unlike you.

>> No.55580393

do you think i believe billionaires are not working to keep the rest of us down? that's the entire point, smoothbrain

>> No.55580394

The average poor person is a disgusting commie held back only by extensive social engineering projects, now kys and go back to /pol/

>> No.55580416

All we need are economic accommodations for the working class along with values that aren't alien to the average productive person!

>> No.55580418

How come they become more conservative of the status quo as they get older? I can understand those delusions when they are young, but surely they would realize they will never make it by the time they turn 50.

>> No.55580439

/pol/ has the lowest IQ average on this website.

>> No.55580475

Yes, for a reason, now go back

>> No.55580484

>How come they become more conservative of the status quo as they get older
this is mostly a myth but regarding the ones who do become more conservative:
>but surely they would realize they will never make it by the time they turn 50
you partially answered your own question. not everyone has the same experience but many resign themselves to merely surviving, believing reform is impossible and protecting the scraps they have accumulated. some have been lucky enough to experience upward mobility and now benefit from exploitation

>> No.55580494

Red hat isn't going to take the socialist bait. We can accomplish just the same without forsaking the good ol' American spirit.

>> No.55580504
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People on the left don't understand basic economics

The higher the wages, the less incentives businesses have to hire workers, provide other incentives like health insurance and the more likely they are to outsource their work to illegals or move base to that country

They don't understand how incentives work and that they can't just get free shit, they also don't want to accept that if they want to get those higher wages and less hours they desire, they need to have skills that are in high demand and low supply, the higher the demand for a skill, the higher the wages are and the more negotiable it's hours tend to be.

But it's easier to demand being a burger flipper that works part time but gets paid as much as an Architect because the West is too privileged and pampered to consider these things

>> No.55580518

>provide other incentives like health insurance
this is not something that's normal in the majority of the world

>> No.55580549

>people responding to #Bait
Ill let it slide this time, but dont do it again /biz/. These threads are made to waste your time

>> No.55580553
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>People on the left don't understand basic economics
That's because they literally consider kindergarten math to be white supremacy.

>> No.55580559

Your point is?

>> No.55580560

Laissez-faire is not basic economics, but an approach to it. And for a society economy is not the only goal, but one of many different goals. Destroying the social and demographic structure of a society for a short term profit is both immoral and idiotic.

>> No.55580571

how is obongo's "hope and change" working out for those poor people?

>> No.55580578

my point is it's a horrible way to treat people and is a wholly dysfunctional psychopathic way of dealing with healthcare

>> No.55580603

Chuds are so gullible lmao

>> No.55580618

Who says they are? Cute little assumption.

>> No.55580636

So fucking what? Appeal to popularity, gtfo

>> No.55580640

Their cuckservative behavior and denial to take any action against injustices done against them.

Strawman, and not a good one.

>> No.55580642

I wasn't talking about laissez-faire, I didn't say anything about the economy regulating itself.

It's the law of scarcity, which is basic economics. The bar for entry for being in these positions that are the center of these wage arguments are granted to all citizens of a western society for free, and that is why they are paid the lowest possible wage, they are in great abundance.

No aspect, social or demographic, is being "destroyed" because that's how resources have been allocated since time immemorial.

>> No.55580665

That's not a very nice assumption to make of poor people - but then again, I don't have omniscient psychic powers like you apparently do

>> No.55580699
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>Strawman, and not a good one.
It's not a strawman when leftoids openly say it, retard.




Total leftoid death NOW.

>> No.55580717

The trend for change is always net negative for the poor. They are not unaware of this, only willfully ignorant to cope.
They would unironically prefer the status quo over continuing the trend.
This thread belongs on >>>/pol/

>> No.55580741

I get it, but believe it or not, no one besides the government in theory has unlimited resources, in the exchange of your labor to a business for your wages, your health and well-being is a non-factor, the fact that they afford you those privileges is a reflection of the value of your labor as opposed to a god-given entitlement that everyone should get.

If it was economically viable for a country to guarantee free healthcare to its citizens, it obviously would've done so, it's easy for countries like Norway and Sweden who have homogeneous populations of under 10 million and a small, centralized state.

A country with a 9 figure population that has an extremely varied demographic with complex histories and living conditions can't be granted those same privileges in a way that could satisfy all of them and not destroy the system of the current infastructure.

>> No.55580753

>zero class consciousness. they don't see themselves as workers, but future millionaires/billionaires who will exploit workers

>desiring a better life for workers and less alienation from labor

>status quo, despite suffering under it?

I just don't understand why lefty mentality is like this. Like those people who listen to positive affirmation recordings. Like if you say the right things over and over and over, then eventually it will just come to reality. They see a 300 lb walmart wagie literally eating themselves to death then blame their morbid obesity on poverty and greedy rich people. They don't want to think about anything uncomfortable and even mentioning these topics mentally stresses them out to a point where they have to compartmentalize you as a nazi alt-right chud etc.

>we just need to help poor people by like taxing the rich people more and giving that to poor people so they can buy more food and stuff
>wtf you DON'T think we should help poor people?

>> No.55580779

>It's not a strawman when leftoids openly say it, retard
You don't know what strawman means.

It's about the finance of poor people. And their economic well being surely improved after they killed all kulaks in Soviet Union following the revolution. It depends on the type of change.

>> No.55580781

yep, you can talk about it generally but don't you dare point a finger

>> No.55580808

Here's some basic economics for you;

Pay us what we want or you will get nothing.

>> No.55580820

Another strawman argument. Y'all need to learn how to construct a proper argument.

It doesn't work that well in Scandinavia, and it's not fully funded like many believe.

>> No.55580839

Here's some more basic economics for ya: you take what they give you or the next lowest bidder will

>> No.55580856

because the alternative to import a new lower class to compete for jobs is not the way

>> No.55580913

Yeah that isn't how it works. Labor is the superior of capital always has been and with out labor you have nothing. Unions getting more popular by the day.

>> No.55580926

>It's about the finance of poor people.
>And their economic well being surely improved after they killed all kulaks in Soviet Union following the revolution.
And no, it always gets worse. Remember the bullet fees.

>> No.55580992

>People on the left don't understand basic economics
I would bet a lot of money on the fact that the average MAGAtard doesn't understand basic economics any better than the average BASEDcialist, both are usually completely clueless about even the very basic economic facts so that's definitely not the answer to OPs meme.

I think this is the actual answer. They just hate the lefties because of who they are. They're basically the complete opposite type of people. Also there's the fact that not all MAGAtards even want to work less hours so they don't even necessarily agree on these issues, they've been brainwashed all their life that work = good so the "work less" actually just sounds bad to them.

>> No.55580993

Don't care still not gonna work for pennies, mr. kikestein

>> No.55581018

>More popular by the day
> 20% membership in 1983, 10% membership in 2022, 6% membership in 2023

Ok bud, even if a company has a union that negotiates for the workers, that doesn't mean that it applies the union labor's rules to the rest of the workers, and being a part of a union comes with its own troubles(like the shit ton of membership fees), which in the end, isn't worth it for the extra $2 an hour they can get you.

Also good luck being in a non-skilled worker union

>> No.55581052

Union membership has been at record highs for the past three years and shows no slowing down. Rises and falls happen all the time but we're clearly on an uotrend.

It's so funny how you douche bags always cry about membership dream I have been in two unions and I pay literally no more than 30 bucks out of my check. You're so dumb. You don't understand reality let alone your idealistic understanding of capitalism.

Also I work in a paper steel fagg so try again. Represented by the USW. We make 3x the national average.

>> No.55581055

Paper mill*

>> No.55581076

Actually, if they followed through with what the guy on the left proposed, it would end in the outcomes I just talked about in my first post and the probable laying off of the pink wojak

The people on the left who speak like this are in a privileged enough position like>>55580993 to where they either saved up enough from working to shitpost, are trust fund kiddies who just want to "make le everything heckin fair" or live in mommy and daddy's basement and have several self-diagnosed anxiety disorders and just want to watch hasanabi and CodyKope all day

>> No.55581088

>But it's easier to demand being a burger flipper that works part time but gets paid as much as an Architect
Look at this dumb nigger , he thinks higher wages is for burger flippers and not the people who work 40+ hours a week and still can't make enough to thrive due to the high cost of living everywhere.

>> No.55581131

You're misunderstanding the conflict. Your average Republican would be more amenable to economic ideas traditionally advocated for by "the left" if not for the torrential assault on values held by the average Republican.
>I want you to have access to healthcare
Okay, I'm interested.
>And I want to cut your son's balls off
Fuck off. I imagine the freak show put on by "the left" is orchestrated specifically to be as repulsive as possible to the average blue collar man. It's theater.

>> No.55581136
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>trying the same shit that has not worked in many countries along the years
Leftists are fucking geniuses. We should just let them take over the country.

>> No.55581156

>Looks at stats, ignores
You can say whatever you want, Fag, simply Google BLS union membership and look at reality

>I'm in le epic yoonyun and get all da monies

Cool dude, that's not the reality for most union workers, back when I was a little retard like you the Starbucks workers united union gave you an extra $2 dollars an hour.

We can go back and forth over anecdotes but your main point about union popularity is retarded, and still doesn't refute the basics of economics

>> No.55581159

Government is fucking me enough at it is

>> No.55581173

That's because you and all the other retarded burger flippers are the only ones who don't understand why that isn't viable

>> No.55581180

>You're misunderstanding the conflict. Your average Republican would be more amenable to economic ideas traditionally advocated for by "the left" if not for the torrential assault on values held by the average Republican.

doubtful. There has been a century of red-scare propaganda that socialism means the government controls every aspect of your life, even though that happens way more under capitalism. People in America are so brainwashed they think Biden and the liberal media are left-wing. America has a right-wing and further right-wing party.

>> No.55581205

Keep coping, still not gonna wageslave

>> No.55581227

Unions on average make 3x the national average.
Look it up, haha. You really have no idea what you're talking about. Also it has so many more benifits like wiengartien rights. You're really desperately trying to spread a bunch of anti union propaganda when you Clearly know nothing about them. Why are you such a cuck?

>> No.55581229

>incentives like health insurance
this is your brain on judaism or cuckservatism (judaism.)

>> No.55581230
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>and the more likely they are to outsource their work to illegals or move base to that country
Free market capitalists do this regardless of what the minimum wage is. Every single billionaire is a social progressive in favor of mass immigration

>> No.55581232

>Another strawman argument. Y'all need to learn how to construct a proper argument.

It's not a strawman calling leftist ideals stupid. There is nothing to criticize because at it's core it's just shallow unrealistic simplifications and midwit ramblings. OP's meme is literally a strawman because leftists are that fucking stupid they can't separate idealism with reality yet their 110 IQ makes them believe they're geniuses compared to the average republican

>> No.55581245

>The people on the left who speak like this are in a privileged enough position like>>55580993 to where they either saved up enough from working to shitpost, are trust fund kiddies who just want to "make le everything heckin fair" or live in mommy and daddy's basement and have several self-diagnosed anxiety disorders and just want to watch hasanabi and CodyKope all day
yeah, all those Russian, Chinese, Vietnamese peasants that have their lives vastly improved are just privileged. China under Mao had the greatest increase of life expectancy in the time-frame of any society ever.

>> No.55581279
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Yeah, I'm done wasting my time with you. Suck my dick

>> No.55581284

I don't find this to be the case in everyday interactions. Here's an example:
34% of Republicans favor an increase in direct government intervention in healthcare to reduce reduce or eliminate consumer costs beyond Medicare/Medicaid. 15% favor a single payer system. That's an enormous number of people who would probably consider switching sides if it weren't for insane social policies pushed by Democrats.

>> No.55581295

The real status quo is believing the eternal promises that everything is going to get better if you just vote for the Good Guys.

>> No.55581297

>China under Mao had the greatest increase of life expectancy in the time-frame of any society ever.

Literally tens of millions of farmers in china starved to death while being forced to give away their food. Poor people in the west eat themselves to death

>> No.55581302

>Guys I know capitalism is bad but what we need is more capitalism but with a gun in your back.

>> No.55581309

>Looks it up

>They make way more than the average un unionized worker


Lmao the absolute state.

>> No.55581329

>Higher wages
>Less hours
You deserve to be paid exactly the same!
With more time to do less with the money you don't have

>> No.55581331
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>unions demand higher pay
>mafia style exploitation
>jobs go overseas
>pay stagnates
>wtf we need more unions

>> No.55581356

Liberals only believe in the left in theory. In reality Biden will break the UPS strike just like he did the train strike and most working people recognize this

>> No.55581362

Listen bro, I get it, but those were all literally FUEDAL STATES before their socialization, then cult of personality dictatorship, and then their pseudo-socialism except with capitalism sprinkled in this time.

Literally any change from a FUEDAL government would be an improvement, I wanted to believe in socialism too, but after a point you need to interact with the global economy to have any economic growth and improve the lives of your citizens, no country is self-sufficient.

China is the largest holder of U.S. debt just for the simple fact that it wants to keep the value of the Yuan low so that it can remain the best option for imports for the U.S. and use that profit to support economic growth, look it up.

>> No.55581370
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>Life is a binary between capitalism and communism
Peak amerimutt comment. All MIGApedes think anyone who disagrees with them is a commie. All commie fuckwits think anyone who disagrees with (you) is a capitalist

You guys don't comprehend how much you have in common actually

>> No.55581376

You left the part out about the volcker shocks deliberately destroying exports to facilitate outsourcing. I guess outsourcing is good now because the wagies want to be paid well enough to live?

>> No.55581413

They only want the money to pay people to not leave their culture. Every plan to get them more money makes huge changes to the underlying culture which it is their only goal to preserve.

>> No.55581421

>Bro every union workers gets paid 3x what a non-union member makes!! Unionized baristas literally make $45/hr!!!!!!

The absolute brain damage

>> No.55581426

Nazi is a form of capitalism you dumb fucking reject.

>> No.55581429

Unions are so terrible you only make 18% more

>> No.55581434

>The average wage is 60k per year in the united States.

>12k more a year is bad!!!!

>> No.55581441

Yeah we should have a government that will seize the capital infrastructure of any company threatening to commit capital flight cuck boy.

>> No.55581442

that's not how averages work

>> No.55581473

It's a cult of personality retard, it's not an economic system

What do you think would happen if Unions had 100% membership? Why aren't even 10% of workers apart of a union? Put your thinking cap on

>> No.55581476

I think you might actually be retarded

>> No.55581487

Every political system has an underlying economic foundation moron. The foundation of Nazism is capitalism.

80 years ago before taft heartlynwe had nearly complete unionization of the economy and those were the best times in Us history because workers had leverage over their employers.

>> No.55581497

Based on your post you don't understand economics very well either. Or rather you understand the most myopic, compartmentalized, and biased teachings of it imaginable. You're like Good Goy incarnate.

>> No.55581503

Yes. And evidently I am much better an enduring the suffering because I'm wealthy and mentally well compared to pill popping gender dysphoric people begging for $300 for rent. I want to be left alone but if they're going to target me then so be it.

>> No.55581511

>What do you think would happen if Unions had 100% membership
Total political upheaval

>> No.55581525

>What would happen?!?!

The 1950s with less racism


>> No.55581528

>Noooooooo you don't know anythinggggg! :'(

Well tell me where I was wrong instead of barking at me, boah

>> No.55581540


here ill explain some of my retarded reasoning.
>Union employees make 18% more than non-union counterparts

they sourced it from this data https://www.bls.gov/news.release/union2.t02.htm

wheredoes it say being a union causes their increased salary? No where. That assumption is based on no hard data. Watch this

>mcdonalds employees in San Francisco make 2x more than their counterparts in Tulsa Oklahoma
>So the employees in San Francisco are better off

that's about as useful logic

>> No.55581576

Even looking at your own charts at a quick glance it's drastically more annually. Jesus Christ you people are stupid as fuck.

>> No.55581577

Free healthcare is a myth. If one of your wagies gets cancer and can no longer work. There are two people to replace the wagie. There is no reason to even try to get the wagie healthy as more people are going to be able to their job regardless and serve the rest of the economy with more output.

>> No.55581592

What did i tell you? Fucking >>>/pol/

>> No.55581649

Nah. I recognize terminal stupidity when I see it. You're not just stupid, you're confidently stupid. There's no fixing you.

>> No.55581675

Yeah that's what I thought, you have nothing. Now get back to making my coffee or I'll give you a reason to cry about le capitalism on TikTok again :^)

>> No.55581714

the left have all turned into brainless morons who can't comprehend common sense and basic logic

>> No.55581796

You're not wrong the issue is you again have a very myopic and idealistic understanding of economics that your econ 101 course shoved down your brain.

Yeah says the guy who thinks Jews control the economy

>> No.55581844

>Literally any change from a FUEDAL government would be an improvement, I wanted to believe in socialism too, but after a point you need to interact with the global economy to have any economic growth and improve the lives of your citizens, no country is self-sufficient.
Of course you have to interact with the global economy, why would socialism stop that? I mean besides being sanctioned by the capital empire because it is a threat to their system.
China is a good example. I am aware it is a quasi-socialist system, but you can't just press a button and have it, they are building it. One thing that is true is that the government controls the billionaires, and not the other way around. But with the Dengist capital reforms, and currently with Xi, they have lifted more people out of poverty than any nation, 800 million people. I would call that a massive success. And they are also leading the world in development, research, energy development.

>> No.55581938
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You pay higher wages and business is forced to be more productive, increasing productivity gains in the economy and everyone gets richer.

If there is too much low wages in the economy business has no incentive to increase productivity and their is a limit on how much the economy can grow and citizens are poorer overall.

Business adapts to higher wages and eventually and everyone is better of overall because of it

>> No.55581970

this is not "left"
at least not for the rest of the world
I am left and I hate niggers and I hate capitalism as much

>> No.55581986
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In a low wage economy a farmer can employ 100 immigrants to plow his field and pick his crops and he is happy

In a high wage economy the farmer invests in a tractor so he can pay 1 immigrant to plow his field and 10 immigrants to pick his crops and the 89 other immigrants can get jobs in other parts of the economy and society will be richer for it

>> No.55581995

Slave morality

>> No.55582000
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fixed your faggtnigger tranny image, Mr. FBI agent

>> No.55582041
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>> No.55582049

Nazbol rejects aren't invited

>> No.55582081
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>> No.55582106
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Except in reality, the farmer just hires 100 Mexicans and pays them pennies an hour, and the American leftoids twiddle their thumbs and believe that their food magically appears on store shelves via African voodoo rituals and Harry Potter spells.

>> No.55582108

The most Glowie post I've seen in a while

>> No.55582124
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>Yeah says the guy who thinks Jews control the economy
Well the big banks and major businesses sure as hell ain't run by the Amish.

>> No.55582201

It doesn't matter who runs them that's completely besides the point. Do you think if the Irish ran banks things would magically be better?

>> No.55582316
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This. I need wagies to slave for my welfare, because if they do not pay social security every week how would I get my neetbux?
Fucking lazy libtards commieshits get back to work.

>> No.55582328

>Irish ran banks things would magically be better?
As long as they shared with us their pot of gold.

>> No.55582372

Lol really tho

>> No.55582412

>MAGA is the status quo
wtf are you on?

>> No.55582525

Based meme warrior

>> No.55582933
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Stupidity is a conservative demonstrable trait.

>> No.55582982

You’re retarded

>> No.55583862
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>just give more power to the oligarchs, that'll fix the problem!
Shitlibs are natural born useful idiots. How many strikes/near-strikes have happened in the last year? Now how many have clawed back even 2019 real terms TC? There are no political solutions, and not in the poltard "violence is the answer" as violence is of course wholly political, there are no political solutions because politics is a memetic parasite that never fixes anything. There are only technical and economic solutions, and BTC is just that, a technical fix for the political corruption of Money.

>> No.55583962

modern banking is entirely a jewish creation so your point is moot

>> No.55583963
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Nothing has kept wages down for the working class more than mass immigration. Both the left and the right have been complicit in this. They are evil, you are either simply retarded or both. MAGA.

>> No.55583966

>burgers itt STILL falling for left/right rep/dem dichotomy.
Start hanging politicians you pussy ass nigger bitches

>> No.55584000

Maybe because they have seen how utterly horrible command economies are? Or maybe they have seen the soft, pink hands of the pussies who champion class conflict?

>> No.55584137

It's a damn shame you nigger faggot tranny plebbit cunts never left. A damn shame. You faggots are far worse than the cancer that was summer of 08

>> No.55584182

Every single counter-argument to this post is just seethe and really makes you understand how many retarded socialniggers this board has been filled with.

They call themselves based, but they are based on ass.

>> No.55584265
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>they have lifted more people out of poverty than any nation, 800 million people. I would call that a massive success
Why the fact that people getting out of poverty in china matching with china getting the fuck out of their planned economy and embracing a profit driven market economy to the point they placed anti-suicide nets under their factories with people even marrying and living in the factories is always conveniently memory holed by sino-faggot commies.

>> No.55584647

God I hate reddit and redditards. The few times in my life where I've seriously given a beatdown to somebody was at reddit meetups at my local bars.

>> No.55584818


>> No.55584823

>You deserve to be ethnically replaced by low IQ hordes from the jungle

>> No.55584824

Cultural differences between the rural and urban.

>> No.55584828

I've never ever seen a commie attack members of the ruling class

>> No.55584965

Because its not less work for higher wages for everyone

>> No.55585130

Stop importing shit hole people

It lowers wages

That's the real class war

>> No.55585175

Lmao this post convinced me to register Democrat tomorrow

>> No.55585570
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Welcome to pol tards

>> No.55587166

Why should I support the people who wanted me to suffer because I didn't take the vax?

>> No.55587201

How is this obvious pol thread still up?

>> No.55587276


>> No.55587300

>he actually thinks being fat is a decision most fat people get to make

>> No.55587305
File: 719 KB, 997x847, net domestic migration by county.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because leftist termites don't do that. They rush in then elect megatstate superbureaucracies that grind economic activity to a halt, jack up taxes/regs and turn everyone into a servile underclass puppet. Look at how fucking poor and miserable the majority of city people are now outside of the upper crust elite who live atop them in towers and capitalize on the grift.

Leftism is a product, you suckers buy it, perpetuate cancer, until the inevitable boiling point whereupon you move out and try to repeat the process in functional, happy communities. Fuck off

>> No.55587430

Simply because they have crippled mentality. Sometimes I begin to wonder why poorfags don't want to embrace decentralization having been robbed all these years by centralization.
Already cut that chain away from my entire generation by embracing blockchain tech. Now living the best life with crypto via CryptMi interface.
>Poor keeps getting poorer.

>> No.55587841

These are america

>> No.55587874

All I know is that all of the real nazis ive ever met liked trump at first and support wages/unions or whatever crap you are peddling
R u a nazi?

>> No.55587906
