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55578868 No.55578868 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.55578879

seeing this just put me in a state of euphoria

>> No.55578883

>1.5% pump
Congrats on this linkies, seriously

>> No.55578895

there is nothing to discuss, for years desu

>> No.55578901

Get out of the thread assface, this is big news, fuck any price action

>> No.55578915

>BTC dump to suppress the price of LINK, as is standard practice
You have no self awareness.

>> No.55578918


>> No.55578933

So let me get this straight, eth, bnb, avax and every other l1 mooned harder than link last cycle not because of some inherent value, but because each operated as the gas for users to play shitcoin casino? And now link effectively links all chains, making the casino multichain, while fulfilling the gas role as well?

Probably a nothing burger…

>> No.55578938

I wonder if they convert payments in NON-LINK to LINK, where does this exchange occur? Does it happen on an exchange? I assume the quote for the exchange is called using a standard LINK oracle, but where??

>> No.55578986

right around deez nuts

>> No.55578995
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>> No.55579003

At this point you need meds for the blatant denial. I’m sorry guy, Link is going to $81,000 no matter how much you scream and cry.

>> No.55579005

Thanks. Just bought 100 million LINK to use in future CCIP transactions.

>> No.55579012

>1.5% USD Pump
>5.0% ETH Pump
Fuddies are always laser-focused on LINK/ETH and LINK/BTC, except right now when it doesn't fit their narrative.

>> No.55579037

Their overwhelming presence in every thread as well as the increase in their own created fud threads is an important signifier for how big this news is. Don't concern yourself with them, anon. They play an important role. They are your shadow, you as you could be. They serve as a warning. Do not do as they do, lest you become like them.

>> No.55579055

Congrats on 1xing your money
>July 7, 2020
>LINK: $6.47
>BTC: $9,108
>ETH: $246
>BNB: $16.77
>ADA: $0.12
>SOL: $0.75
>DOGE: $0.003
>LTC: $43
>MATIC: $0.02
>TRX: $0.01
>XRP: $0.19

>July 7, 2023
>LINK: $6.16
>BTC: $30,342
>ETH: $1,868
>BNB: $236
>ADA: $0.28
>SOL: $21.90
>DOGE: $0.06
>LTC: $98
>MATIC: $0.68
>TRX: $0.079
>XRP: $0.47
Kek baggies

>> No.55579064

Notice these posts never mention LINK's price before the middle of 2020. I just found that interesting.

>> No.55579075


>> No.55579116 [DELETED] 

Also worth noting that cross-chain activity on testnets is also consuming mainnet LINK tokens.

>> No.55579210

No they dont:https://faucets.chain.link/

>> No.55579277 [DELETED] 

huh how does that work?

>> No.55579540

>mooned harder than link last cycle
stop believing fudsister talking points just because they get repeated a lot
link outperformed eth by a 5x last cycle
it most assuredly did not miss any bullrun

>> No.55580009
File: 69 KB, 1227x571, kek fuddies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuddies never mention that us stinkies bought here

>> No.55580018

1000 eoy bro

>> No.55580076

Why should the price instantly moon just because ccip has been released? Usage will drive the price, not speculation. Don't buy onto the fud narrative that we should have seen the price 100x in a heartbeat

>> No.55580606

its fine, i joined in late 2019 (coming from pol getting on here at 2015)
i got my first big boi job almost 12 months ago
I will be able to make the same version of that chart point to buying at $6 and people wont believe it bought that cheap
I understand this
so do you
congrats on buying cheaper
and the fuddies actually are half the reason I have such a strong conviction in my LINK position

>> No.55580624

you got outperformed by redditors and twitter crypto bros lol

>2 more decades bro and I'll be rich

>> No.55580670

>customers are going to pay me thousands to use my bridge!!!1

this isn't how it works. the price of chainlink cannot be high, no one will use it if it is lol.

>> No.55580691

Services are paid in link but are denominated in USD

>> No.55580917

18 decimals fuddie, cope harder

>> No.55581016
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at the time of purchase i quit my job and blew all my paid out PTO $$ to scoop 50k stinkers

it's really ironic that i want to utilize future assassination contracts on the guy that's creating them

>> No.55581504

This is the case till the next bull cycle retard. The smart ones are already accumulating at the current entry levels, I'm already doing same on Ltc, Xrp and AI gems like Fet, Peaq and Ocean.

>> No.55581585

so link set up a bridge or something ? what happens when thats hacked?

>> No.55581590

That IS interesting!

>> No.55581621

Check again.

>> No.55581637
File: 635 KB, 485x691, 1668811203313629.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wise words anon.

>> No.55581655

same thing as what happened when their price feeds were compromised

>> No.55581672

what video is that from. looks wildly based

>> No.55582047
File: 86 KB, 1080x592, 1634246420593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry I have no idea, I have only seen that screencap. Agree with the based level.