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File: 244 KB, 1600x901, cross-chain-interoperablity-protocol-ccip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55575993 No.55575993 [Reply] [Original]

Sergey is speaking at ETHCC on the main stage Thursday, so it seems like that's when they'll do some big reveal (we're launching CCIP, here's the huge thing we already have lined up with ETH/ETH partners/dapps), right?

Then this aligns with the fact that they're now advertising it'll be available on testnet for devs on Thursday.

So it's basically "Hey nerdy devs, here's why CCIP is about to take over all blockchain and you need to pay attention, now go have fun kids".

>> No.55576009

Holy shit, can I quit my job now?

>t. 1k linkie

>> No.55576030

>1k linkies is enuf, he gonna make it

>> No.55576043

CCIP is already out in main net with limited access

>> No.55576057

this t.bh

I think we may have to wait and see how thursday plays out, probably have to wagekek another 1-2 yrs to be honest, maybe 1 year if the news is bullish and we;d just have to operate lean til it moons

>> No.55576112
File: 150 KB, 1246x2048, 6546564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55576137

Not yet. But we're about to experience an ETH-like run up that will leave fudders in the dust. And next year we have BTC halving.

>> No.55576198
File: 538 KB, 1305x732, Announcing CCIP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Announcing" something that they already announced FOUR YEARS AGO
I guess the coffers are running low, so it's time to get donations from new "investors" to fund their luxury lifestyles.

>> No.55576222

holy shit has it really been that long

>> No.55576280

bro im sitting here hyperventilating waiting for my 10k stack to set me free, if I had 1k link id probably kms ngl.

I couldn't imagine needing a 1k link to make fucking $100 a day. RIP honestly. at least w/ a 7k stack staked the path is visible, even if just barely.

>> No.55576399
File: 69 KB, 714x779, Sergey Suit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since you got trips I'll answer you honestly.
No, it hasn't. That screenshot is from August of 2021.
So it has been a couple years since they first announced it ... but no, not four years.

>> No.55576422

You have to imagine someone with 1k LINK is either very young or has been extremely poor their whole life, anon. For those people, time horizon is very different - for the youth, they can afford to wait because a lack of responsibility generally leads to less stress. For the poor, they are willing to hold onto any light of hope.

In the end, 1k LINK does make it for these people if they can withstand the test of time. I would think 10-20 years from today maximum, and possibly much sooner if the blocks align in the sky.

We are all in this together.

>> No.55576540

What about someone like me who's neither young nor poor nor rich.

Just a white man 29 years old. With a few grand I'm savings. And 1.5k link.

>> No.55576548

guess that one insider that was posting like 2 months ago was real he said ccip live before aug
and he was ridiculed to no end in his thread but he was real

btc halving is in about 8 months

>> No.55576554

I don’t care about ETHCC, I just want to know why Sergey is so obese.

He has millions, can’t he hire a nutritionist or something? Doesn’t he care about his professional appearance?

>> No.55576580

2 years from announcement to delivery is pretty amazing considering the security requirements and the novelty of the entire space
how long did eth take again to go from announcement to actual merge

>> No.55576852

Have kids? If not you have way less stress than someone who does, both financial and otherwise, so consider that things could feel way shittier. Just keep accumulating. You'll be fine.

>> No.55576867
File: 53 KB, 750x131, IMG_3276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55576884

Well done OP

>> No.55576900

Strap in boyz

>> No.55576924

Fun thread but it's live on mainnet now. Synthetix and AAVE first mainnet users.

Remember CL team announced SWIFT will be using CCIP?

Sergey is ready to go, SWIFT and the banks will be soon. This year is about putting the pieces in place, multi year bull starts next year.

>> No.55577969

WOW a new CONFERENCE. Sick BREADCRUMBS marines!!!! Man it is so SICK being involved with a SECRET investment!!!! This shit must be MOONING... let me just check the cha--ACK!!!!!