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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 209 KB, 400x500, 1687785174467760.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55575830 No.55575830 [Reply] [Original]

You will pay up whether you like it or not.
>Use a bridge?
>Pay up.
>Use a DEX?
>Pay up.
>Use a Perp DEX?
>Pay up.
>Send money from your bank to anywhere in the world?
>Pay up.
>Pay for anything on your debit or credit card?
>Pay up.
>Get any type of insurance?
>Pay up.
>Put gas in your car?
>Pay up.
>Use public transport?
>Pay up.
>Do anything at all?
>Pay up.
None of you idiots have any idea what's coming. The world is changed. Chainlink is the new locus for EVERY SINGLE TRANSACTION OF ANY SORT AND IN ANY SYSTEM.
You are going to deeply, deeply regret choosing this token to become deranged and bitter towards. Imagine rejecting the God protocol. To put it into perspective take your mind back to 1998 and picture yourself in a meeting with your investment advisor. He writes down 4 words: Google, Amazon, Apple, Paypal. He hands the piece of paper to you and knowingly taps his temple. You take the paper and stare at it briefly before tearing it pieces and calling him a 'cuck'.
This is you. This is the path you're on.
Soon you will be left alone here, and /biz/ will be turned into a ghost board, haunted by the distraught spirits that knew more about the greatest investment of all time than 99.99% of the planet and still turned it down. The only other people will be the normie tourists who shuffle in and out simply to see the fabled /biz/, the board that 'made it'. They will be greeted by the shrieks of the damned. 'Cuck, chainshit, bagholder!'. The tourists will take no more note of them than the Link Marines ever did.

>> No.55575835


>> No.55575840
File: 380 KB, 780x773, 1499196646405.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CCIP = proven flop
1) you must wait 7 years to use mainnet
2) each transaction costs like 0.00000000001 link, literally nothing
3) you can just pay a small fee and never use link

>> No.55575870

That link fee will come from the supply that isn't in the circulation, ccip is bearish af.

>> No.55575871
File: 152 KB, 1200x960, 96FB778D-A9EC-4137-8AE1-36887E8BC68A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Linkies are the most powerful investors in the world

>> No.55575893
File: 35 KB, 564x563, 1689448702749427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All 'utility' tokens are shitcoins, if you have a valuable service you can just -- wait for it -- wait for it -- sell that service! For, you know, money! Crazy I know, but just crazy enough to work!

>> No.55575949

>1) you must wait 7 years to use mainnet
Mainnet is live now. It'll be live for everyone later this year.
>2) each transaction costs like 0.00000000001 link, literally nothing
0.0001 on Matic. 10x more on Eth. Hundreds of millions of transactions a day will add up quickly.
>3) you can just pay a small fee and never use link
10% is not small, and it gets converted to Link anyway.

Kek fuddies. You are so sad and so tired. Just give up. You have achieved nothing.

>> No.55575998
File: 422 KB, 1284x1096, IMG_2722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You folks need to quit being this dramatic.

>> No.55576050
File: 46 KB, 955x169, fuddiesseeth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. Thanks for the 10% tip, nolinkers.

>> No.55576258

>doesnt pump

>> No.55576274
File: 122 KB, 888x1120, 1534251260377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me Anon, do you believe in prophecy?

>> No.55576310
File: 533 KB, 870x712, 1620650879104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never using your globohomo shitservice shill.