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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55571502 No.55571502 [Reply] [Original]

Who are these subhumans?

>> No.55571511

Imagine the blackrock ceo going on television, screaming "BUY BUY BUY I'LL PUMP YOUR BAGS, I SWEAR" to millions of normies, and then actually listening to him like the cattle you are.

>> No.55571540

imagine being such a scared puss puss you dont even attempt to make money off it. you a scared puss puss to unmanly in life to try? yeah you are go find a way to get accidently killed since you arent man enough to do it yourself. run along puss puss there's a reason you're still a virgin and look at the ground when you walk.

>> No.55571595

Let me guess, you're a $32k bitcoin bagholder after you listened to the Jew telling you to buy.

>> No.55571634

kek nope I havent bought bitcoin since it was 9k. nice try tho you get a 4/10 for trying to bait and looking like a bitch made for it. next you'll go hue hue hue you bought chainlink at $40 and than it will be some other coin at some other price. scared puss puss cant even argue like a man just scared lil puss puss tactics for a scared lil puss puss non investor like himself. imagine how much of a disapointment you are to your parents and loved ones even tho they dont and havent loved you in forever. run along puss puss you're boring me.

>> No.55571863

His timing is perfect in the 4yr cycle, you absolute faggot. Have fun staying poor.

>> No.55571871
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Imagine having no Bitcoin and remaining poor. God hates poor people.