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55570370 No.55570370 [Reply] [Original]

I have about 230k cash. What should I do with it?

>> No.55570381

eat it. Yummy yum yum

>> No.55570390

Give it to the first person ITT who posts a penis.

>> No.55570465

buy eth unironically
that is what people in 6 digits do for a safe bet

>> No.55570475
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Invest most of it.

>> No.55570485

Put it all in something for a safe return on investment.

>> No.55570506
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also get an education and go work in finance
then you get that big dick energy fuck poor people energy

>> No.55570541

use it to borrow 70k and play 300k on 1 option for netflix earning

>> No.55570600

Buy 32 ETH, 3 BTC, rests in stocks or savings

>> No.55570674

give it to me kek

>> No.55570869


>> No.55572632

purchase bitcoin at market price then masturbate furiously

>> No.55572672

Stocks are for millionaires retard. A 10% return is a waste of time if you have less than $1m to invest. It’s just as safe to put almost all into ETH or BTC then a few gambles spread into altcoins

>> No.55572730

Put it all in XRP

>> No.55572743

>Has no clue about all of the stocks that have outperformed his crypto this year

>> No.55572744

lmao fuck white peepoo

>> No.55574476

Stop slacking anon, get your ass into Beefy Finance & start racking up some mad yield to pump up your freaking bags up. And the best part is that you can do it all anonymously

>> No.55574495

Don't FOMO, always DYOR before you ape

>> No.55575668

Never! I would rather opt for lowcap assets without a million bagholders, i would go with QNT, CYMI and INJ.

>> No.55575804

The last time I checked, beefy was a defi platform, how come they are offering anonymous yield farming?

>> No.55575868

The dude can stash his coins using Railway wallet. It's legit secure, because no one's gonna sniff around his transactions or snoop his wallet balance. Privacy mode: ON

>> No.55575914

Go invest in Agriculture, and trust me, you will be glad you did

>> No.55576007
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Yea, Beefy Finance isn't about privacy, They teamed up with Railgun privacy project to hook their users up, now you can rack up that yield in stealth mode, no one's watching

>> No.55578206

why eth and not just btc?

>> No.55578866

I'd bet on ATOM and its ecosystem. Despite all the multichain problems not letting people withdraw their assets, I think Kava is going to outright replace it with their own solution. They got handpicked by the Tether team to handle all their liquidity for a reason

>> No.55578871

YWNBAW tranny

>> No.55578878
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can you retarded faggots make it a bit less obvious?

>> No.55578887
File: 523 KB, 498x929, Screenshot 2023-06-07 030723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Down payment on a house. Invest, buy the house later on.
>I already have one!
Sell the house for at the very least a 500k gross profit. Repeat.

You have the money to abuse the system faggot. Use it wisely.

>> No.55578897

>Hype-driven shitcoin thats the same as ZCash and all the other payment shitcoins = no utility.

>> No.55578898

This. If you've got all that wealth stacked up already then you might as well go all in to BTC since it's the only one that has the most promising ROI potential

>> No.55578900

Proof of hand faggot, if there's none we'll know you're bullshitting us with that Tether statement

>> No.55578914
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Their eth interoperability makes me diamonds.

>> No.55578922

All that info is publicly available on Twitter. If you're not willing to google things by yourself then I'm afraid you'll never make it. Lol.

>> No.55578928
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Good fucking lord look at those child bearing hips.

>> No.55578940

Turns out that offering practical value is more convincing than relying on gimmicky shitcoins, huh?

>> No.55578959

- Agriculture
- Corn(ZC)
- Brazilian Crop came in slightly under estimates
- European corn crop at risk
- due to the heat, keep up with the weather
- Wheat(ZW)
- Black sea Initiative on monday
- Russia silent because they are not getting what they asked for
- if resolution occurs wheat will give back
- Commodities
- Copper/ aluminum will perform really well in the neat future due to the EV initiative
- Copper(HG)
- incredible performance on the put selling
- Aluminum
- Price performance has not been good will see near term prices continue to decline
- Lower prices
- capacity start-up in china
- ~1.4m T/yr
- Expected EPS from JP morgan is 55 cents
- Homebuilders
- Tue- NAHB Housing Market Index
- Wed- Permits, starts
- Thurs- Existing home sales
- sitting 6% below ATH
- Comfortable with short position due to the macro backdrop
- Index of leading indicators that are 70-80% right
- 3 month to the 10 yr money market to capital market
- never has it escaped a recession for this deep and this long
- If need to add beta OXY is a great one
- earnings coming up (caution)
- Exxon warned earnings will be lower due to natural gas pricing which OXY has exposure to
- If it pulls back then will sell 500, $60 puts with 60 DTE
- Cashflow from operations per share with cashflow yield based on the price
- Cashflow on these will be built up, has to be returned to shareholders someway
- Dividends
- Share buybacks
- Dimensioned exploratory cap x
- Maintenance cap x
- Earnings
- Puts on KRE
- Looking to sell Puts
- Earnings on Wednesday, hopefully they take a hit
- Baker Hughes (BKR)
- Halliburton Company (HAL)

>> No.55578960
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Kadena, Kava, anything that makes Ethereum less of a pain in the ass. BNB too for good measure. Good investments.

Invest in AI technology (OpenAI, Meta).
>HURR you can run ais on ur own computar nao
The tech to make it viable for average zoomers looking to get an AI to write their highchool essays is not there yet. Pull out once that happens. Also invest in Nintendo, new console coming soon.

>> No.55578988

I'm an ETH maxi, fuck right off

>> No.55579001

of all the things you could do with almost 250k you pick up a piece of shit?

>> No.55579056

Youre prolly to retarded to even understand any of his content