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55569702 No.55569702 [Reply] [Original]

What are some of the ways i can make money

>> No.55569709


>> No.55569712

>gender confusion
It's like 4pm boomer time for you to go to bed

>> No.55569718

short zoomers
short gen alpha

>> No.55569736
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Invest in pharma companies that sell them their candy?
I wish there was an executioner position available. I’d love to get paid to kill them all. Fucking dream job right there. I’d be like Rick Deckard, just retiring trannies instead of androids.

>> No.55569748

Shut the fuck up you degenerate faggot. Your day will come.

>> No.55569752

>le pharma may may
Estrogen and testosterone are generic drugs made by 3rd world pharma companies for peanuts, but you schizo retards are incapable of viewing anything as not being an epic conspiracy something something 2 more weeks

>> No.55569760
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2 more weeks
There are healthier ways to deal with your porn addiction chud

>> No.55569780

You have to go back. 2023 is the year degenerate faggots reclaim 4channel

>> No.55569788

I’m talking about the ssris all you faggots consume.

>> No.55569811

>you hate spiders so you must want to fuck them.
You have no idea how much hatred I have for you people. My three children and they will hate you too. We will always outnumber you because you sterilize yourselves. The world will never accept your kind.

>> No.55569835

That's not really lgbt exclusive

>> No.55569844
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You’re not taking over shit.

>> No.55569854

>I will teach my kids to be just as obsessed with trannies as me
Ironically you are ensuring that they will be trans
t. had mom who was obsessed with hating the LGBTs

>> No.55569863

more like
>t. catholic

>> No.55569873

I was raised in a secular conservative household, but I do know christcuck fundie trannies too

>> No.55569877

2 more years

>> No.55569896

you disgusting freaks have more reason to hate the pajeets than anyone else. other than maybe environmentalists

>> No.55569910
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>> No.55569917
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Pajeets are based

>> No.55569921

well you're not wrong it is extremely based to push pharma poison on trannies

>> No.55569937
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HRT is a trans-ped phenomenon, sorry reality doesn't line up with your dumb conspiracy theories that you use to wave away everything your little chud brain can't immediately comprehend. Go spend some time seething on /lgbt/ if you're going to be obsessed with trannies at least be good at it retard

>> No.55569953

Go long on animal product stock. Nobody having kids anymore so they adopt kitties as children

>> No.55569955
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You will never be a woman

>> No.55569974

Would Jesus belittle troons online? I don't think he would advocate for harboring such hatred for people who have not even harmed you personally.
Instead of getting angry, couldn't you point them in the "right" direction, assuming it's so simple?

>> No.55569979

Im not Jesus

>> No.55569982

The huge spike in tranny suicides when it stops being trendy to be a tranny will almost make the whole clown show worth it, as will the mental gymnastics from the barely sentient armchair leftists who supported it but will be trying to claim they had their doubts about hormone therapy for children etc.

>> No.55569992

oh now trannies dont 99% of the time support mutilation through hormones and surgery? they didn't massively support the vaccine? they didn't all start pushing insanity trying to force people to call them her?
the funny part here bro is im not actually anti tranny. feminine men are fine by me and you can even wear a dress idgaf.

>> No.55569996

You’re supposed to emulate him. So are we. Until you can break out of the Jewish trap spell of direction-brained philosophy, you can never truly accept kindness in your heart

>> No.55570018

Trans people are some of the biggest consumers out there so just sell pride merch that you got made in China by child slaves for cheap and they'll eat it up. Especially like the little back pack pins. They love those.

>> No.55570045

>go on a fag board
No. Why the fuck would I do that? Instead you can take your sick shit back there and stay out of biz.

>> No.55570087

>the vaccine
How does it feel to go through life poisoned by partisan brainrot? What a disgrace

>> No.55570115

it's funny you think I don't realize big corporations are the ones driving the tranny agenda. ITS STILL THE AGENDA. and you little faggots all run around so proud of it. like I said. feminine MEN which are still men are fine by me. but your societal decay from an evil agenda isn't.
>y y y y you cant talk about t t t trannies like t t t t they're a group f f f f following a big m m m m money agenda

>> No.55570297
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How does it feel to be led by the nose from fake scandal to fake scandal like a total buffoon?

>> No.55570353

im being led by the nose but every single one of your forums and places to hang out online bans people like me for saying anything against pharma

>> No.55570373

>Trans people are some of the biggest consumers out there
they're the perfect consumers, their sexual fetish requires they take artificial drugs and chemicals every day.

>> No.55570399

Jesus literally said pedophiles should be throw into the ocean with a rock tied to their necks
Kys tranny nigger

>> No.55570440
File: 28 KB, 565x575, 0568674d0e0fd13b7c99fbfa9a975d89a6ac6966_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the most politically oriented website is currently run by le epic establishment chud and you are explicitly allowed to say anything about trannies but not other groups
>goes on 4channel dot org, a website where you can be banned for saying naughty things about jews and negros but you can say whatever you want about trannies
Yes, being obsessed with hating trannies is clearly the freethinking independent minded thing to do

>> No.55570452

I was referring to 4chan. ive posted to lgbt anti pharma rhetoric and immediately received a 3 day ban. it even said I mildly support men being allowed by society to be feminine.

>> No.55570637

also im obsessed with pharma, not trannies but nice try to sneak that one in there, lying diseased tranny