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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55568370 No.55568370 [Reply] [Original]

I just came up with a new Personal Finance ratio:
Cost of Pussy Per Month.
It is easy to calculate if:
>you are single and pay for hookers, just keep track of amounts and sum them up for the month.
A bit harder to calculate if you are in a relationship or go on dates, but basically:
>keep track of and sum costs of all dates
>keep track of time spent with gf or date
>(your current hourly pay) x (time spent with gf or date)

Keep in mind pussy can be defined as female company or actual sex. If you go to strip clubs then include the amounts you spent there.

Wala, you have a solid metric to keep track of each month if you care to do so. I suspect many of you are either spending near $0 or an excessive amount (5K-25K+)

>> No.55568380

God I love our queen. save our planet greta

>> No.55568389

Solid advice. But for most of biz users it's zero cost because they never get action. They're trying to make it so someone can stomach taking the risk being with them

>> No.55568390
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this should *not* include cost of learning how to get pussy, or going out to bars/clubs in attempts to get pussy. it is the raw cost of actual interaction with attractive women.

some of you are chads who already don't care or need this info. but many of us are touch-starved because we're stuck in loser cycles. so if you have just $100 per month to spare go get a massage. doesn't have to be at one of those seedy asian places. a normal massage. look up the site and do DD before hand so you can guarantee the massage will be by a woman. allocate $100/month to getting that female touch. shower beforehand so she's not grossed out by the cheeto smell.

>> No.55568398

can you give examples of how this metric would be used

>> No.55568420

Looking back at my lowest points, i've gone on dates that led to nothing more than an awkward hug. women say thay don't want to fuck on the first date but most of them do, but they want you to be aggressive and charming enough to lead them into the outcome. you basically have to do everything. these dates each cost around $50-$100 in 2010's money which could've gone towards my investments. So yes many men don't get action due to inexperience, being too shy and trying not to be pushy on first date. But once you think about it just raw cash being spent per month, then perhaps you can see it more ruthlessly and just a hooker or a massage. richer anons can go on sugardaddy sites or go travel and find a woman who is horny while traveling.

>> No.55568468
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of course, here are two hypothetical anons:

Jack is 32, he's gone on dates, has had sex, but is going through a dry spell after various breakups and lack of action. He makes $60K per year as a project manager. After taxes, expenses, rent, etc. he saves approx $500 per month. He decides to allocate $100 to a massage at a local spa. Not a happyending massage, just a normal massage. He leaves feeling incredibly relaxed and reinvigorated. He is no longer depressed or pessimistic. Now that he is less stressed he can get actual pussy by going out and not giving off a needy, loser "vibe".

Fred is 27, and has a gf. Fred made good moves and has a net worth of around $1.3M. He has been with his gf for approx 2 years. She's starting to get cunty and more demanding, even though they go on vacations. Fred browses /biz/ and learns about the CPM. He is also aware of pussy-hyperinflation AKA hoeflation. For the next month he keeps track of how much time and money he spends on his gf, everything from dates to buying shit that she wants. Fred realizes he's been simping, even though they have sex approx once per week. The relationship is fizzling out and he's spending approx $18K per month on her (converting time into money using $200/hr). He concludes that this is not a financially wise decision. He also concludes that he doesn't want to marry this woman.

>> No.55568504

frens they don't teach you this shit in school. but it is so incredibly basic and fundamental. this one metric would've saved my ass 10 years ago. i'm basically Jack except now i'm older than 32 and no longer employed. the stress built up too much and i fucked up. i was also getting laid but the cost of getting pussy from going out and dealing with girls on an organic basis finally broke me. almost all women are whores, just figure out ways to minimize payment into fixed cost. i'm now just into hookers and massages. much better service and more predictable cost. just look all these suckers who get into multi-year relationships with women who turn out to be low quality or bitchy. they get rekt. don't be like them, and don't be like me. stop jackin it and just allocate a fixed amount per month towards actual pussy. don't waste too much on dates. you could be investing that amount.

>> No.55568540

>near $0 or an excessive amount (5K-25K+)
the duality of /biz/

>> No.55568548
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as many of you know, we're dealing with women at a historic time where they are simultaneously the most whorish while also pretending to have high standards. even 5/10 landwhales expect to get chad. the most average looking asian girls expect to land a billionaire like zuckerberg. it's rough out there unless you have great game and chad looks. avg guys do get laid all the time but it takes energy, effort, time, all are costs. and when you're young it doesn't feel bad to waste all of that, but once you crack 30 you start to feel differently.

anyway, hookers (in general) and strippers know to keep their bodies tight, even if their pussies get loose. time with pic rel can be enjoyed for $160 for half an hour. that's a great deal.

>> No.55568571
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pic rel is some crypto expert who felt like he needed to bring his gf along to NYC. i can 100% guarantee that his decision to physically show up in NYC was influenced by his gf, because if you look into the story his gf loves michelin-star fine dining. in the post-zoom and skype world, absolutely NO ONE needs to show up for a meeting, but this fag felt like he was so important he had to be there and of course get to continue treating his gf out to the finest meals. look what happened to him.

p.s. his gf isn't even that hot....avg looking too skinny, nothing that would make you go "OH FUCK!" and want to save her photos.

>> No.55568595

avg guys over 30 and 40 start to feel every minute, every hour. you're getting closer to death, you're no longer in your teens and twenties where the time slips by effortlessly. gone is that weightless feeling. you have more responsibilities, maybe you have to take care of your old folks, etc. all of that weighs down your ability to just blow hours or thousands on pussy. make smart moves. don't end up like me.

>> No.55570228

im 40 now.
fucked more than 100 women.
2 exwives later im now wise enough to know women were the biggest scams of my entire life.

paying whores?
lol, okay dumbass. wait until the hormones calm down your sanity will be restored and the retarded decisions u make with women will no longer plague your precious and fleeting time alive on earth.

>> No.55570251

That's a man

>> No.55571102
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>wife is a MD with an 8 figure net worth
>tfw my CPPM ratio is positive
Not only do I get laid, I get richer with every second for giving her ~3-5 orgasms a day with my huge cock

>> No.55571517
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>> No.55571553
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Grrrr, she better shut the fuck up before I fuck her cute autistic face. She really need a good deep dicking, and not the deep dicking molestation she got from her parents.

>> No.55571554

Wait, you guys get to talk to women? Women that aren’t related to you?