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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 5 KB, 282x179, SDL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55563761 No.55563761 [Reply] [Original]

about to change tokenomics to:
100M max supply(no mint)

>> No.55563780

So in theory. Price should 10x?

>> No.55563800

when chainlink staking pool opens later this year, yes I can see a 10x,
they are just about to do a vote with council to change to this tokenomics, so i would get in asap

>> No.55563861

Lol so we're gonna be back to where we were before they fucked everything up? Why did they even migrate the token anyway? They should have just kept LPL and turned off the staking rewards if they were short on cash/revenue.

>> No.55563872

I thought it was liquidity problems or some shit but here we are lel
I can't justify buying more

>> No.55563886

The team betrayed the investors. I had over $10k in LPL and now my SDL bag is worth $500 even after dumping more money into it based on hopium posts like this. Can't wait for a 10x so I can still be 50% down

>> No.55563896

Basically this. I bought some at 30c and feel dumb now.

>> No.55563916
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GM based kings ready to get rugged again :^)

>> No.55563943

Betcha regert rage selling now huh fagitron? You spastic nigger bitch.

>> No.55563966

the revenue share model wouldnt have gone well with all the new regulation coming into the space, they had to change it

>> No.55563974

you have another chance to get in now, so your up when it goes 10x

>> No.55564011

you have another chance to get in now, so your up when it goes 10x

>> No.55564130

Reminds me of a quote:
>Your reputation is heavier than life. Guard it at all costs.

It's ironical investors have to learn this lesson from Sergey's "trusted" node operator.

>> No.55564526

people have short memories
in time the story will be that a regulatory uncertain model and sbf induced market panic (which scared off investors) hit the lovely linkpool team
since then however their protocol has emerged as the premium chainlink lsd blah blah blah

>> No.55564592
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Ah so they're blaming regulation now for the rug pull. Those shameless scammers, can't wait for their comeuppance, at least jeets just run away with the money, those fucking linkpool scammers want to steal money AND keep their reputation. It will never happen, Chainlink will never be able to endorse them early investors will make sure to remind the public what they did this will never stop

>> No.55564611
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>Pools cl-ACK

>> No.55564650

I'm still holding and still staking you gay nigger, you think lpl chads would ever panic sell? I'm just salty about losing 10s of thousands in an instant the day of the "big announcement"

>> No.55564670

Tbh I feel like I'm going to become some unhinged linkpool fuddie posting dozens of threads a day in a few years if they don't fix their mistake

>> No.55564682

Which is simple. Every single lpl holder who they rugged gets airdropped SDL to the equivalent price of LPL on the snapshot day.

>> No.55564698

Wrong, SDL will go back up to $10 and everyone will forget about it, its wild west days in crypto and its still working it self out as it evolves

>> No.55565273

no their official line is to blame sbf destroying investor confidence:
>By November 2022, we had progressed to the final round of due diligence with a potential lead investor. The last step was a meeting with the partners, and by all accounts, the indication seemed to be a go-forward.

>On November 7, 2022, the initial disruption from FTX began spreading through the wider blockchain community.

>On November 9, 2022, we posted this tweet announcing the Snapshot to take place on November 25, 2022. On the same day, we were scheduled to meet with the lead investor, but the meeting was postponed to November 16, 2022.

>On November 16, 2022 the meeting with the lead investor was postponed without a scheduled followup date.

>On November 18, 2022, the lead investor indicated they would not be moving forward with the round. By this time, it was clear investor sentiment overall was bearish due to the FTX contagion, and a token raise would not happen optimistically until, at minimum, Q2–2023.

>On November 23, 2022, we laid off 33% of staff, cut salaries of the remaining staff by 30% (set Jonny’s salary to $0) and implemented extreme cost cutting measures on infrastructure (our largest single expense) by 60%.


but the regulory stuff is more about how this got them out of that mess. the team back in 207 and 2018 didn't know what they were doing on a couple of counts:
1) they gave up 25% of REVENUE to holders which was an insane amount
2) the token was a straight up security

with the shift to 100m supply they can now claim that lpl investors have the exact same amount of tokens... assuming they stayed 'loyal' and got the airdrop
now that is bullshit is some ways as they have only changed to 100m again after the community got involved and saved them from themselves after they tried to inflate the supply to 500m which lead to a dump from 0.30 to 0.10

>> No.55565317

>Pool's clos-ACK
It feels so good to see how broken and humbled Linkpool fags have become. Don't fall for this shit again you retards.

>> No.55565505

I see how humble you are on National Geographic when you're bathing in the Ganges.

>> No.55565569

How do I claim the airdrop wtf I haven't checked this since the last token swap

>> No.55565570

>The team betrayed the investors.
more like retards getting scammed AGAIN by same scammers

>> No.55565576
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let's see what happens with the next staking announcement
it will never be good as what we had before with the revenue share
but SDL can become very important in ecosystem
the first lsd, most of the top nops on board
in any case it's a very good buy at $0.20

>> No.55565582

the airdrop was something but not great at that time
but now with the tokenomics reorganization it returns you to the amount of lpl you had and same supply

>> No.55565595

Elaborate anon- what new regulations wouldn’t let DAOs act as a pass thru entity

>> No.55565626

this faggot wants it all for himself, fuck you

>> No.55565752

Supply is 260mil though

>> No.55565761

They will slash holders tokens?

>> No.55565788

read about it here:
community keeps their tokens as is
the team, chainlink and nops get their tokens slashed
community also gets a big increases in rewards at expense of nops
now is a good time to buy before it all goes through governance

>> No.55567435

Every NOP who can afford it will leave.

>> No.55567608

the fact they couldn't secure funding in the bull run and waited till the bottom of the bear market to get funding tells you that saddle pool's C-suite should be fired and managed by at least someone semi-competent in business

>> No.55567641

I find it odd that link fudders say nothing in lpl threads

>> No.55567718

They don't get paid to post here.

>> No.55568002

i have to stay loyal after losing 50k in 2 minutes to get my money back?

>> No.55568298

price estimates anyone?

>> No.55569782

this is a risk but
1) this is only chainlink lsd, thye have no other options
2) few nops are going to have that kind of money. imagine if the 50k link amount is increased to 250k link. that is 250*6 = $1.5m of LINK to lock up. if a nop doesn't fill that (either with their own holdings, sdl or in a private deal with a whale) then they're missing out on free money
3) they could adjust rates if competitors come

also if it isn't obvioius, the team will be selling this to them as now SDL can really increase in price. the nops are sitting on a nice % of the total supply that they can sell over time
i agree the team has been incompetent time and time again.. who can forget mat beale...
but they also happen to be first mover with top nodes and have proven *technically* on top of things. this dao is actually the most bullish thing for them as they get their fucked up business decisions vetted first... and actually change them like in this situation
hence loyal in quotation marks. it's fucked up and i',m still pissed at them but objectively, they sit on valuable real estate, even if they don't deserve it. that hasn't changed
not really sure but if next staking announcement is in their favor + bull then $10

>> No.55570058

can link do a 50x next bull? was thinking putting some link into more sdl

>> No.55570105

i think link will go $100+
sdl is clearly more risky but is a very low market cap. r/r is good for a small % of your stack

>> No.55570128

has the staking apy changed?

>> No.55570207

good breakdown of numbers here:

Total generated from 750k #Chainlink staked = 52.5k $LINK.

Currently distributed as follows:
· 20% go to SDL stakers -> 10.5k LINK (1680 to community and 8820 to NOPs)
· 3% to LinkPool -> 1575 LINK
· 77% to LINK stakers -> 40425 LINK

If SLURP-8 passes, numbers would be:
· 5% to NOPs fixed fee -> 2625 LINK
· 3% to LinkPool -> 1575 LINK
· 16% to SDL stakers -> from 1.6k to 8.4k LINK (now with less stakers and most of them regular holders)
· 76% to LINK stakers -> 39.9k LINK

>> No.55570747

I'm just glad I sold half my lpl @$7. SDL didn't even let me stake my link because the pool filled up. That was the whole point of lpl... to guarantee a staking spot. Seems like they are just making shit up as they go.

>> No.55570932

Sounds like this is going to happen on the same day as my quinceanera. Some people would can that divine providence.

>> No.55571110

So why would I buy this when I can buy more LINK and some memecoins

>> No.55571213

- passive income in stlink
- staking priority, the next staking announcement might not have much community staking space (and this will be taken now that people have trust in chainlink staking)
- speculation on sdl price, market cap is only ~$20m
yeah the launch was very messy, they are fixing it so get staking space as a sdl holder

>> No.55571223

$10 USD eoy

>> No.55571255

Bankruptcy EOY!

>> No.55571296

you lpl niggers are like beaten housewives its just sad at this point

>> No.55571326

Good observation, and you would have thought that they'd shut down lpl threads even faster than you could say "new link thread", given that lpl/sdl fud literally writes itself. Quite telling really

>> No.55571343

they broke all their promises they made with linkpool. I don't see how they can be trusted again.

>> No.55571397

the revenue share model would have been shut down anyway from all the new regulation coming in

>> No.55571412

SDL is going to be huge when chainlink opens their staking pool later this year

>> No.55571429

how you going to make money off your LINK, SDL is the only way, unless you can make a success for node that will get used alot... good luck with that

>> No.55571460

i won't fully trust them again but
1) there's not much they can fuck up here as they have the set income from staking coming from cll's treasury. i am angry but clearly the 25% revenue decision back in 2018 was really, really dumb.
2) the market cap is very nice and gives a good r/r
3) the dao gives some much needed oversight

>> No.55571475

you say that like regulation came out of nowhere. everyone knew regulation was coming and lpl still decided to issue an obvious security. which means they're either incompetent or scammers.

>> No.55571482

in 2018 they clearly we incompetent, there's no doubt
remember that mat was running operations, they would have had no legal advice at all i'm guessing
they then gave a massive chunk of their revenue stream to make it even worse

>> No.55571523

in other words this team is so retarded that the first iteration of their project was completely doomed from the beginning yet you people were blind to the obvious problems and still decided to invest. now that same team is starting an entirely new project and you people are once again putting your faith in them and saying "this time it will work out". like i said it's just sad at this point.

>> No.55571533

defiantly the most competent on the technical side which is all that really matters.. look at what it is..

no business is smooth sailing, everyone makes mistakes, theyre on a good path now..

>> No.55571558

when its running full steam and your making good yield are you really going to give a fk?

>> No.55571580

The only reason fudders spam link threads is because they're jealous of early link buyers who are still in profit even after the price went -90% . Linkpool on the other hand fucked literally all of its holders, no jealousy here.

>> No.55571722

they're about to get jealous, SDL is a moon mission

>> No.55571837
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>> No.55572016

No they lost their reputation nobody will touch it Chainlink cannot publicly endorse them no investors wanted them they're public relation poison look at their twitter they're dead they shouldn't have betrayed autists will never forget

>> No.55572106

nice fud, still buying

>> No.55572305

well no, the project was always two parts
1) linkpool node revenue share
2) staking service
obviously what we had before was far, far better
but 2) by itself is incredibly valuable, and was always going to be more valuable overall
i used to think like this but you should know after being in this market this long that people have goldfish memories and greed
the lpl fuck up will just be put down to early experimentation, bad luck and that sbf scammer (his corruption brought down good projects like linkpool blah blah) in the longer term

>> No.55572343

My LINK is already staking in the community pool

>> No.55572388

obviously we all have link staked there but good to look longer term
also sdl rates a bit higher than community pool
but the downside if you're in us is that it's a taxable event to stake there

>> No.55572450

might not last as long as you think... then what you going to do?

>> No.55572473

Based Goldfish here I won't buy until they start partnering with Bancor again (Formerly the Gold Standard of DeFi shilled by Based King 42 before he became a NFT legend now sadly has passed away) RIP King

>> No.55572515

Sell what I need to live off over the course of my life

Do you think I'm Jewish or something

>> No.55572533
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are any of you staking in the curve stlink-link pool

>> No.55572559

what are the risks of staking on stake.link? Can i lose all my linkies like what happened on bancor?

>> No.55572571

How is this fud? That's reality
>people have goldfish memories

Not linkies, especially not the ICO linkpool ones, and especially not the ones working in or with significant stake and weight in web3 now. We have the means to make sure they never take off and we will it's over for them they had people ready to stomach anything for them they could have been upfront and say they were switching to profit sharing only they chose to hype it up and lie (not just talking about retail here) they had their reputation at stake they lost it.

>> No.55572700

yeah the big question is if they used or manufactured the situation to get out of the rev share
>We have the means to make sure they never take off
this sounds a bit grandiose but good luck i guess
i still just think that no one will even remember after a year or two

>> No.55574153

its fud cause people are going to miss out on a good money opportunity

answer to your second question is:
"you're wrong"

>> No.55574171

Yup, my SDL liquidity mining incentives are piling up nicely

>> No.55574174

What does staking SDL actually do?
Does it produce any value? I know staking LINK secures the network so it has a real use. But what about SDL? Or is it just a gate keeping token to stake in their service?

>> No.55574202

1st question: Yes

2nd question: 15 of the top chainlink nodes, it gives you priority staking in their pool

i.e where do you think all the big dogs are going to use to put their data on chain...

>> No.55574207

the best of the best of the best

>> No.55574221

if you decide to make your own chainlink node, who the fk in their right mind is going to use it, you might as well sell roti bread on the streets of Thailand, this is why SDL is a good buy

>> No.55574308

Im serious. Does staking sdl produce value?>>55574174

>> No.55574380

the answer is: YES

>> No.55574394

i could be some greedy fuck and accumulate without telling anyone... im telling you this is a good buy(dyor)

>> No.55574449

How to calculate Fair value? I am dumb. I mean with slurp 8, considering apy and who knows what else Is sdl undervalued or overvalued right now?

>> No.55574655


>If SLURP-8 passes, numbers would be:
>· 5% to NOPs fixed fee -> 2625 LINK
>· 3% to LinkPool -> 1575 LINK
>· 16% to SDL stakers -> from 1.6k to 8.4k LINK (now with less stakers and most of them regular holders)
>· 76% to LINK stakers -> 39.9k LINK

its undervalued in my opinion...

>> No.55574843

Care to elaborate tour math behind ser?

>> No.55574844

I already have 13k sdl. Im asking if staking the token produces something.

I'm not asking about revenue sharing.

The link token produces security for its network. What does the sdl produce?

>> No.55574934

The SDL token is a means of tokenising additional staking space, which also yields additional rewards due to the 7% APR of the node pool, allows for governance decisions and captures a percentage of the value of the rewards generated by the nodes in staking, since users are effectively lending them uncollaterallized LINK.

>> No.55575039

Im asking because im super religious. Does staking sdl meet any of the criteria mentioned below?

For, that is the real meaning of usury: when, from its use, a thing which produces nothing is applied to the acquiring of gain and profit without any work, any expense or any risk

>> No.55575253

I might be able to use my expertise and knowledge to get a bank loan to run a node out of an office someday.
I'll need to use the loan for equipment and rent and a stacey secretary to butt slap, so I'll hopefully be able to join stake.link to crowdsource the LINK I need.

>> No.55575854

I'm not entirely sure. Think of it like this. Chainlink node operators don't need to stake in their pool, but the can, and if they do, they gain a cut of the pool rewards for doing so. They are allowed to stake up to 50k LINK each, but not every node can stake that much, so people provide said liquidity, a tool to provide security to the Chainlink network.

Users get a portion of the rewards in exchange of their liquidity and node operators get rewarded for providing their staking allocation to the protocol. I'd say there is a balanced symbiosys. Not really sure if that meets the criteria to be considered halal though

>> No.55576689

can i lose all my link staking on stake.link?