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55557831 No.55557831 [Reply] [Original]

>Take the L

>> No.55557841

Some men just wanna watch the whole world burn
Pay me or fuck off
Your daughter will light herself on fire for whoring around it's the natural order of things

>> No.55557920

more like the natural order of COPE

>> No.55557927

I tried I just ended up getting tazed in the hospital by security, getting hit with the booty juice and having to be restrained for 3 days while 1.2 grams of amphetamine tools it’s course….o then sent to a looney bin where the real fun began.

Im tired of taking Ls for my Ls that’s the biggest L of them all.

>> No.55557945

sounds like it wasn't your first rodeo, have you had mental illness episodes before and were dumb enough to take all those amphetamines. i've been mostly clean and on my meds(low dose) since I racked up 5 months jail time from some stupid shit I did when I went crazy.

>> No.55557974

It was my first time going through with the plan and that was to swallow 1 of 2 of my bottles 42 30mg irs probably should have taken the bottle of 60s I had. I’ve had mental illness episodes since I was a kid but just buried them because I thought that’s how everyone felt. I just recently started seeking medical help after my 5 or 6 implosion. Im not on any meds right now I took a trip with a fungi and it quieted the monkey on my back for now.

>> No.55558004

the meds get a bad rap and i resisted them for a long time but I don't want to end up in jail again or worse. the right stuff on a low dose is no different than any other pill for me and it keeps the crazy away

>> No.55558027

Im totally for medication and understand what you’re saying. For me it’s a double edged pendulum the meds work for me until my body gets used to it or the sides make it where I basically become catatonic and can’t even think for myself and start staring at walls. I will need to go back on my meds for sure right now I’m ok but only because I took that trip and I think it rewired my brain a lil bit. But that’s not permanent. Yea man stay on the stuff if it helps keep you free, for me I knew it was bad when you start seeing faces in windows, hearing voices cemeteries, driving 3 thousand miles cross country, running from shadows, and calling the police on yourself 4 times because your listening to a police scanner on your phone describe every action you make. My brain is my own worst enemy and I don’t find a way to control it, it will kill me.

>> No.55558221
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this whole month was a big L for me, I couldn't do anything I wanted to do, btc staying afloat was good to continue with SORA, but I'm still unemployed and I can't even finish college cuz of the moony

>> No.55558240

I really need to start therapy before I have an L in life

>> No.55558262

meds don't always work, my dad didn't come out of it well

>> No.55558272
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>the meds get a bad rap