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55557116 No.55557116 [Reply] [Original]

>we decoupled from the sun
We are mooning for the next 50 years, it's over bros

>> No.55557119


>> No.55557125

is this bullish for bitcoin?

>> No.55557144

Long Alaska

>> No.55557432

zoom out

>> No.55557481


>> No.55557503
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Why does temperature lead solar activity?

>> No.55557509

Crimate Change muh nigha

>> No.55557513

Gotta love how they had to re-brand global warming as climate change because some places are getting colder

>> No.55557548

micronova pole shift inbound 2046 or sooner get with the program anon

>> No.55557554

That trend is unsustainable, giant red candle incoming

>> No.55557595
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>but this one place got colder
Nigger, it's undeniable that global average temperatures are increasing

>> No.55557835

El Niña and El Niño

>> No.55557849

population overlay?

>> No.55557885

How can the average IQ increase 3 to 5 points per decade when there are still retards like this one?

>> No.55557916

It doesn't matter much from an environmental standpoint. Life has thrived on our planet during periods with almost 10x the current concentration of CO2 and way higher avg temps. If our goal is to preserve endangered species and protect nature we should rather focus on preservation of biomes and prevention of pollution. Also, climate change doomsday religion never seems to acknowledge the cyclical climate patterns created by our and other planets' orbits around the sun. They love to talk about supposed man made climate change but often ignore it when it's natural.

>> No.55557926

I'm unironically moving to Winnipeg.

>> No.55557938

The man made climate change is all that is actionable upon you fucking retard.

>> No.55557968

Because they literally changed the data to, they now hage "adjusted" temperature data that is more accord with their climate change view, not kidding, this chart just shows how insane they are

In climate science the same with is happening as with covid, everyone showing data against the current thing is canceled to death

>> No.55557979

>The man made climate change is all that is actionable upon
That's wrong dummy. Pollution (esp. plastics) and things like deforestation and poaching of apex predators are way more pertinent issues than the avg temperature going up a degree or three. Fossil fuel dependence is an issue not because of some temperature increase but because humanity as a space faring species, perpetual protector of planet Earth and fire keeper of Earth's magnetic core is in trouble if we don't wean off them before they become very hard to come by.

"THE CLIMATE IS CHANGING!" no shit, it has always changed and will continue changing until our planet turns into a scorched rock before the sun swallows it.

>> No.55557981

midwit take

>> No.55557984
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Humans are becoming competent enough to launch a satellites and block some of the suns light as we please. The only danger to humanity is luddite climate alarmists signalling to their other low-IQ cultists.
If they really want something to worry about, then they should worry about A.I. or autonomous weapons or biotechnology.
P.S. Greenpeace is a corrupt criminal empathy-money-pump machine.

>> No.55557997

>Pollution (esp. plastics) and things like deforestation and poaching of apex predators are way more pertinent issues than the avg temperature going up a degree or three.
That is literally all climate change you retard.
>Humans are becoming competent enough to launch a satellites and block some of the suns light as we please.
So the solution to climate change is climate change.
>Greenpeace is a corrupt criminal empathy-money-pump machine.
Are you surprised that the rich subvert everything while they load up their bags? Nothing new.

>> No.55558015

Climate alarmists are hyper focused on CO2, higher CO2 levels means greater plant growth, which will allow more CO2 to be taken out of the atmosphere. Methane is a worse and yet no one focuses on that. Plastic pollution is a greater threat to our environment, but climate activists still leave their protest sites and festivals a trashed mess.

Climate Change is bullshit, it's overhyped and over focused on the wrong area. It's almost like it's an excuse to add a new tax to us all. As everything we do produces CO2.

>> No.55558020
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The future will not be conquered by cowards. Ramp up energy production. More factories. Mine the seafloor. Accelerate.

>> No.55558025

Plastic pollution is climate change? Lol

>> No.55558026

>Climate alarmists are hyper focused on CO2, higher CO2 levels means greater plant growth, which will allow more CO2 to be taken out of the atmosphere.
The majority of C02 is absorbed by the ocean, increasing acidity. Find out why this is bad in your own time.
The plants are being cut down at a rate twenty times greater than they are replaced. No amount of atmospheric C02 increase will change this.
>Methane is a worse and yet no one focuses on that.
Yes they do. You obviously only pay attention to climate news selectively.
>Plastic pollution is a greater threat to our environment, but climate activists still leave their protest sites and festivals a trashed mess.
Maybe where you are. Funny that your focus is on the activists themselves and not the lobbyists.
>It's almost like it's an excuse to add a new tax to us all.
What else do you expect from the government?

>> No.55558041

>That is literally all climate change you retard.
Stop making stuff up for righteous indignation and angry gotchas on 4chan, you fucking dummy. What's your point in saying that "The man made climate change is all that is actionable" anyway even if we go by your faulty definitions? That people in charge are in fact NOT trying to tout muh "climate change" as this new thing?

As the other guy said more CO2 would literally make Earth more lush with woods and vegetation barring human deforestation.

"Climate change" is neither good nor bad objectively speaking. It could cause issues for the human economy though and that's ironically indirectly why you're fuming. Silly

>> No.55558049

One day you will be taxed on the air you breathe and walks in the woods. This is the future you choose.
Yes. Do you even know the definition of the words you meme?
Clearly you anti-climate fags only watch news to form your retarded takes. You are a stooge of those with the heaviest bags. They are switching out into the solutions while the government take on their bags through taxpayers.

>> No.55558060
File: 23 KB, 636x183, Climate change - Wikipedia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>making stuff up
No u
> righteous indignation and angry gotchas on 4chan
see above
>your faulty definitions?
see above
>As the other guy said more CO2 would literally make Earth more lush with woods and vegetation barring human deforestation.
So what you're saying is that without man-made cliamte change, man made climate change would be good?
What a fucking retard.
>"The man made climate change is all that is actionable" anyway
In response to >>55557916
>They love to talk about supposed man made climate change but often ignore it when it's natural.
Wh ycan't you follow a conversation and why do your arguments keep changing with every post?
>It could cause issues for the human economy though and that's ironically indirectly why you're fuming. Silly
I'm laughing at you anon. It's you who is seething at climate activists.

>> No.55558071
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Show the fucking vostrok tier graphs where its measured against 1000s of years. You can't just make a 200 year scale graph and call it a day saying le decoupling. Earth will take care of itself and when judgement day comes, it will take all the climate change fags with them first to hell.

>> No.55558079

Your chart shows the decoupling.

>> No.55558106

>See above
>So you're saying bla bla
>In response to ...
>Wh ycan't bla bla
>I'm laughing
Nonsensical. Are you on stims or asperger syndrome? I'm taking a nap fyi and I'll leave one fan pointing into the wall.

>> No.55558114

Enjoy your nap.

>> No.55558133


It doesn’t. You just can’t loose.
The reality is there is NO scientific basis to blame humans for the temperature increase. It’s a maybe at best.
Mankind has a dozen threats much more dangerous than “climate change” yet western elites push none of them. The reason is “climate change” is exactly the right solution to their problems. It’s perpetual, diffuse, acts as artificial disruption, sedates the middle class with a pseudo cult to be obsessed with while the high and low conspire to destroy it.

>> No.55558160

>The reality is there is NO scientific basis to blame humans for the temperature increase.
Yes there is. The increase in temperature is beyond all projections. But whatever, temperature is only one part of climate change and it compounds with the natural cycle.
>Mankind has a dozen threats much more dangerous than “climate change”
Such as?

>> No.55558276
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It's weakening the jet stream and makes the weather wonky.

>> No.55558287

>Methane is a worse and yet no one focuses on that.
Instead they want 8 billion people to live of beans, imagine the smell!

>> No.55558476

Ur retarded it’s not cuz “some places got colder” it’s because maybe we had a fewhurricanes/ rainstorms/colder winters and then all the retards said “but global WAAARRRMING?” Like if the global temp isn’t steadily rising,which fucks up annd sorts of shit and causes hail storms and tornadoes and shit

>> No.55558482

Ur right LIFE will survive. Most of humans? Probably not Kek fatties die in heatstroke

>> No.55558490

You’re dumb as fuck if you think we can launch enough “sun shades” to cover the earth impact fully. Holy shit I bet you think we can build Dyson spheres right now too

Some sci if concept a guy thought of =! Competent enough to do

>> No.55558502

Kek greater plant growth. U less all our Forrest’s burn down or we chop up all the trees for cattle and farming space and lumber . The ocean is already turning acidic and the entire biome is changing like bugs are thriving and Forrest fires and fish dying coral dying , overgrowth of invasive algae . Ya shit will change and life will continue, but humans might not survive and thrive anymore in the intense conditions

>> No.55558513

That is awesome, I hate winter anyways.

>> No.55558589

Global climate shills are working overtime ITT

>> No.55558596


>> No.55558629


>> No.55558633

don't worry I'm pretty sure elon musk has something lined up to save humanity as he always does

>> No.55558634

Oh cool, new (((climate change))) scare just dropped
>starts at 1880
Very nice, lets see the entire history of the planet

>> No.55558640
File: 366 KB, 1696x1325, image_2023-07-15_083038684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inflection divergence
theory disproved

>> No.55558641

You need to proofread your posts when phone posting and you need to avoid supplementing actual arguments with swearing as a catch-all.

Projections in the early 90s were coastal cities devoured by the sea. They're also selectively reading ancient ice core samples, ignoring and hand waving those that don't meet the intended hypothesis.
Here's an angle I'd like you to tackle this from: the most common strategy is 'carbon credits', which can be traded and are given in greater number to less advanced countries. Do you think there's any significant impact of carbon trading, or do you consider it to be redistribution of wealth with no significant impact?
If we're on the same page there, then maybe there's some common ground to be found elsewhere.

>> No.55558642

The opposit eis true. You're all employees of big oil or subverted retards. A few anons are maybe just here to FUD so they can continue accumulating.

>> No.55558662

I should learn how to get HVAC certified but then again Europoors are too broke and cucked to buy ACs.

>> No.55558677

>big oil
Whats next did big slop make you order fast food today? Big porn made you bust 3 nuts today? You should try being big green with all that climate knowledge in your brain

>> No.55558692

>Projections in the early 90s were coastal cities devoured by the sea.
The projections were wrong, can be wrong. As i pointed out.>>55558160
>The increase in temperature is beyond all projections
>Projections in the early 90s were coastal cities devoured by the sea.
The sea level FUD was always a meme to anyone who bothered to look into it. A few scientists thought they could change the economic dynamics fueling climate change by inciting public hysteria. They failed to do either. Plus they got their 15 minutes of fame on TV and funding.
Even with the most extreme projections, it would take the rest of the century, if not longer, to compeltely melt the caps. Though the lowest altitude cities are already being effected by sea level rise.
>They're also selectively reading ancient ice core samples, ignoring and hand waving those that don't meet the intended hypothesis.
Sauce on this?
>Do you think there's any significant impact of carbon trading, or do you consider it to be redistribution of wealth with no significant impact?
Redistribution of wealth with no significant impact. The former is key here because this is a financial board. Those with money, or just those who do their diligence, can hedge their bets while maintaining the status quo. While at the same time shifting blame onto the public who can't really do anything to prevent what is happening. Thus maximizing potential profits and minimizing risk in the long run. As i pointed out. They want to tax you for air, water, and walks in the park. These things are already being suggested and planned and there are some indirect taxes already implemented. It can only get worse.

>> No.55558719

The only green i'm concerned with being in is in my portfolio. I'm not trying to convince anybody to short oil here or quit using plastics. It will be profitable forever and exponentially so. Nor to stop eating delicious steak which will also be profitable, exponentially.
But there are ways to position yourself, and your family, for success and avoid becoming the podman who eats the bugs if you care to do the research and hedge wisely.
And i'd like to point out that it doesn't even matter if climate change is real in regards to the profitability of the solutions. Because the public believe it to be real.

>> No.55558725

Yes, and finance, retard

>> No.55558733


>> No.55558735

This mexican nigger knows

>> No.55558770
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all thanks to concrete, asphalt and the like, essentially turning previously green surface into effectively desert.
80s was when communism fell and all the ex communist countries and 3rd world countries started building their infrastructure.
it will be for the next 50 or so years probably, yeah, especially with china colonizing africa now.

>> No.55558826

>Sauce on this?
Sure, Hara an example. Greenland, original record https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/96JC03981
The debunk: https://www.carbonbrief.org/factcheck-what-greenland-ice-cores-say-about-past-and-present-climate-change/
>Speaking to Carbon Brief, Vinther suggests that this multi-core Holocene reconstruction provides a number of advantages over the old GISP2 series, using ice core 18O data corrected for past elevation change and “tuned” to fit ice core borehole temperatures at four locations.

The article obfuscates by attacking some blogger's graph long after, and doesn't address the underlying contradiction of the core samples.
Elevation is then blamed for variation and the new core samples are 'tuned'.

You know as well as I do that actual studies to the contrary of public sentiment get buried, don't get funded, etc.
You seem like a good guy, I've liked your posts.
I'm in banking and my father is in government, your point on there being an industry as long as there's public belief in a problem is accurate. We produce windturbines that never get plugged in.
We invest in and market hydrogen power plants as viable technology.
I've yet to be convinced there's an actual issue to global warming, but I'm always protecting myself from government encroachment on my quality of life and my family. Phone posting with a new baby near by so hoping I didn't miss anything significant on the skim read of my post.

>> No.55559102
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>1973 / global cooling

>> No.55559109
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>1986 / global warming

>> No.55559304

Links are very interesting. Confirming that temperatures have still not reached highs seen prior to 7,000 ya. It's a shame they don't clearly define what "tuned" is in this context. Their link is just generalized climate models and will take some sifting.
The temperature argument is one i don't particularly like to get into because i got tired of it really fast. The arguments on both sides can be retarded and political, omitting key information like this when the public is involved. Which is bad for both arguments and just a distraction from the data and projections which are showing a temperature increase trend, independent of cause. So the argument is of no concern to the profitability of A/C for an example. You can hedge in traditional A/C and the "green" A/C solutions and benefit from both sides if you were to take the longer position that the planet is heating, or even a shorter position that the public will at least believe next summer will be hotter than the last.
Energy is where i'm looking at too. The demand for nuclear and renewables is indisputible and the most lucrative. Regardless of which direction we go, or how inefficient some renewables are, they are both profitable and there is still massive development being undertaken everywhere.

>> No.55559316


>> No.55559321

>global average

break that down retard, lets see if you can. do you fucking know how averages even fucking work you ass hat?

>> No.55559356

this. only ppl falling for this scam are vaxtards because they believe everything the "experts" say.

>> No.55559374

why would increased temperature create more storms which are result of warm & cold

>> No.55559410
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It's fucking cold outside, but no one here will live long enough to witness the climate-spring and the climate-summer.

>> No.55559429

because the earth would be in a natural period of global cooling rn. population growth has offset this and then some. as global population continues to grow so will le climate crisis

>> No.55559459

I'm with that anon who says that the biggest threats are AI, civilization destroying weapons, extinctions, and ocean pollution+acidity. I honestly couldn't care less if the average global temperature goes up two degrees and we get more crazy weather during my lifetime. Just move away from water level or big storm paths before you are stuck holding your property bags.

>> No.55559470

>1880 - 2020
>140 years
>earth has exited for 4.5 billion years
>hes using a 140 year sample size (out of 4.5 billion) to make a prediction
>he doesn't know what an r^2 is
it's over scientists don't know math anymore

>> No.55559477

Assuming it is real and the environment is on a crash course, what could even feasibly be done at this point? Brazil and Africa will continue chopping down their woods regardless of what other nations do. Africa is projected to increase by another billion people in the next few decades and they will clear more land out for farming. People in the west can buy electric cars and install solar panels, but it’s pissing into the ocean.

>> No.55559533

Sure we do, but like every industry corrupted by political agendas, the genuine article will always be drowned out by moneyed interests and those willing to sell their credentials and soul for short term gain

t. chemist that got fed up with the severe academic corruption that exists at every 'prestigious' institution I ever visited

>> No.55559708

>White dwarf activated

>> No.55560037

>The government burning down Canada has nothing to do with this

>> No.55560108


i'm long water

>> No.55560402

Anti-pollution is based
Climate change is too speculative, even for /biz/raeli like myself

>> No.55560831

>The majority of C02 is absorbed by the ocean, increasing acidity.

The guy who made that claim was proven to be a fraud. He used muriatic acid to test for the effect of Carbonic acid. When a jap scientist recreated the study using carbonic acid they found it increase biodiversity and expanded corals. The CO2 absorbed by the oceans combines with calcium to create calcium carbonate which is the backbone of corals.

>> No.55561477
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>> No.55561560

>what could even feasibly be done at this point?
You answered your own question.
>People in the west can buy electric cars and install solar panels, but it’s pissing into the ocean.
Sell electric cars and solar panels.
Also get yourself a set of woods so that your grandson can charge the wagies for walkies.
>Climate change is too speculative
Just as an example ACWA has x3 since IPO. They are only developing more. This kind of trend can be seen across the board.
>The guy who made that claim was proven to be a fraud.
>The guy
Yes, the one guy.
>When a jap scientist recreated the study using carbonic acid they found it increase biodiversity and expanded corals
Your guy controlled for PH. Calcium carbonate cannot form corals in low PH water. But even assuming this is not the case, what then is destroying corals?

>> No.55562503

In layman's terms, solar activity is the sun "sweating" because the earth is getting too hot for it

>> No.55562559
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>No the climate hasn't changed