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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55556581 No.55556581 [Reply] [Original]

I've been working at taco bell for around six years and i need a side hustle.. i never got around to getting my ged so skilled stuff is not an option. I've saved up around 600 and want to risk it on a coin, fuck it i don't care anymore. What wiuld be a good option?

>> No.55556592

How the fuck have you only saved $600 in 6 years you pathetic loser

>> No.55556600

Crypto isn't a "side hustle" retard. Spend the money on a tutor and get your GED.

>> No.55556614

Rent increased and insulin is also more expensive

>> No.55556615

>side hustle
you mean you need a second job

>> No.55556618

>$600 net worth
>in 2023
rip I think its over for you

>> No.55556632

my friend did a ged study buddy program and he still failed, i'm self aware enough to know im even more retarded than he is, plus he's out 500 dollars now

>> No.55556641

>6 years
>only 600 saved
How is that even possible? Did you only work part time and play video games/jerk off for the rest of the day? Please tell me you have a family you need to feed that sucked up all your income because there's just no way.
>I want to yolo 600 into a shitcoin
You're going to lose all your money, get a better job and work more hours.

>> No.55556648

i work full time but I need medical supplies for my diabetes

>> No.55556654

doesn't the government pay for that??

>> No.55556661

not for everything

>> No.55556666

suck dick

>> No.55556670

sucks to be american then

>> No.55556676

Hows your credit? Try to buy a car after 2007 and drive Uber. You'll start making much more.

>> No.55556690

Make a meme page and sell out. It basically cost nothing and all meme pages steal from each other

>> No.55556693
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I share a finance board with people that have worked at Taco Bell for 6 years.

>> No.55556705


>> No.55556735

You sound kind of dumb OP. This is not to insult you but to help you recognize your limitations. Dumb people are better off holding long term and selling near the top in a bull run. If you try to trade short term you are going to get rekt by extremely smart traders who live and breathe taking money from goyim like you. You should also figure out how to get a better paying job. It will do way more for your investing to have some savings and invest $6k or $60k than $600. Do some googling on jobs every night. And get some self confidence, there’s no chance you can’t get your GED if you aren’t an alcoholic.

>> No.55556741

my credits in the shitter. I got drunk snd bought a car for my girlfriend in Kansas City and they had to repossess it on wednesday becsuse i couldnt make the payments, thats why I'm looking for a coin to gamble

>> No.55556765

You need to hustle hard
OP you sound like a fat lazy loser

Do 200 pushups daily & go to a gym, start eating super healthy

Go cold turkey on time wasters like TV & videogames, if you waste time & need to chill, read books & play chess instead

also go cold turkey on drugs & alcohol, you don't deserve to smoke & drink if you're a brokie

Learn a valuable skill / hustle like coding, selling drugs, crypto, trading, etc.

You need to develop good habits

>> No.55556775

are you the autustic guy whos dating his boss who is blackmale raping him to continue working like a slave?

>> No.55556795

Yeah thats me

>> No.55556798

Buy TOAD and get your ged anon

>> No.55556805
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man you guys are fucking assholes. OP is working a job and trying to improve his position by asking for advice. I have more respect for him than you porn addicted NEETs that jackoff all day and whine about your sleep schedule being fucked up.

OP. if you want to invest in crypto I recommend Dollar Cost Averaging, which is putting in a small amount at regular intervals. whatever you can afford, be it $50 a week or even less. The advantage of doing this is it limits your risk of price fluctuations.

you have about one year, maybe 9 months until crypto does a major run up. if you want to play it conservative, go with larger market cap coins like ETH, BTC, or even XMR. if you want to get a little riskier, allocate a portion of your portfolio to a smaller cap memecoin like PEPE. if you go with this strategy, don't allocate your entire portfolio to the risky play. Keep some ETH in your back pocket because it's almost guaranteed to remain stable price-wise and to go up once we get into next year.

I'm rooting for you bro, there is a way out!

>> No.55556809

thanks man, thats actually helpful

>> No.55556816

Each of my two side hustles pay more than your main job. That's pretty funny and sad.

>> No.55556851
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No problem. Don't worry about the shittalk, most of it comes from little kids with 0 life experience who have been in crypto for one cycle if that. I have been in crypto since 2013 so I've seen this movie a few times before. just invest what you can, what I used to do was allocate 10% of my retail wage to crypto every paycheck. it will pay off, just be diligent about doing your regular DCA.

>> No.55556895

200 push ups is way too many. Should do a full body split with progressively more difficult movements over time as strength develops. Push ups, pull ups, squats is a good and easy way to start. Otherwise I agree with everything you’ve said except the selling drugs. OP should also join a Catholic Church.

>> No.55556898

jesus christ dude, no.

get a better job. thats obviously the best path, investing 10+% of you net worth is not the road to financial freedom. the glowies want you to stay poor, they just say it in a way that seems reasonable if your willing to blindly trust them

>> No.55556947

Please anon get the GED, that shit is mad easy you only need 50% of the questions answered correctly, is all about mindset, your friend most likely did not make it because he did not want it in the first place, if you get your GED you can start applying on job search sites like Indeed for something that pays 20$+ a hour and you can actually start to get a decent life one day, Crypto is a gamble and 600$ won't get you far, watch youtube videos about GED, please anon, PLEASE PLEASE

>> No.55557077

>What wiuld be a good option?
Why don't you try checking 1 of your dozen other threads?

>> No.55557264

Option #1 Get the GED
Option #2 Life of Crime

>> No.55557303

>i never got around to getting my ged so skilled stuff is not an option.
nigga just get it
do you hold BBBY by any chance?

>> No.55557338

have you been working at the same location 6 years and anyone work there longer? do you want to be a manager someday?

>> No.55557371

>Not even a ged
>No assets at all
>No wealthy family to turn you on to a side hustle and get you started
>No talents or hobbies (assumedly)
I'm sorry I hope you find something but right now it looks pretty over. In some areas you'd have trouble even finding a fast food job with no GED

Maybe losermaxx and become some shitty rapper like lil can that makes music where the moral of the stories is to not be like you

>> No.55557393

One thing you can do to get a better income from waging at least, is job hopping. I know people who came from drug dealing who just got a shitty mcjob for a bit, then filled out applications for another job and said they'd move if they could pay more than their current job, stayed there for a bit and then did the same, etc. And got up to getting paid nearly 25$ an hour at entry level garbage mcjobs. It still won't be much, but you can use that money to them put more than 600$ into something

Granted though, those guys at least had a high school diploma

>> No.55557403

>lil can
Lil xan*
Fucking phoneposting

>> No.55557405

Thats just how much things are now days. He works at talk bell. The cost of living is crushing now days. Median income in the US is 31k

>> No.55557433

I dropped out at 16 in like 2018 got my ged 6 months after did no studying only hard part was the science cuz I knew literally noting but biolog but multiple choice is ez asf

>> No.55557464

Is everyone a newfag now? OP made this faggot thread daily for a week a couple of months ago

>> No.55557500


wow u got him lol

>> No.55557618

Wtf story?

>> No.55558481


>> No.55559182
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I don't know what you're into, but check out those Polkadot gems like Pha and Glmr. And add Peaq 'cause it's powering the Economy of Things. Explore those projects, do your research and don't be lazy.

>> No.55559292

Can't you get a job at some factory instead? Has to pay better than tbell

>> No.55559456

i amazed that people still fall for this copypasta

>> No.55559475

I did a GED. Check the local highschools. There was a community GED program that trained us for free and didn’t let us take the test until we had passed practice quizzes. It’s a few weeks f learning some algebra and science/history facts

I did that, worked my way up to being a Walmart operations manager and then went back to school for biochemistry. It’s not over

>> No.55559485

Is Taco Bell insurance that bad?

>> No.55559537
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buy a burner phone that you dont use at your house and start pedobaiting and then blackmailing them. Could probably get a couple grand per pedo. Have a burner laptop you use at another location, spin up a whonix vm, use wasabi wallet and generate a bitcoin address, and have the pedos send bitcoin there. From there, set up on an online business with a social cause that accepts monero donations. Stealth convert said bitcoin to monero, and then pay yourself.

>> No.55559981

what do you do for a living? this isn't a bad idea if someone just HAD to make money to pay for cancer or whatever asap

>> No.55559985

Well my first year at taco bell i dated my boss for several months but things went sour between us, I wanted to quit and move on but she wanted to stay friends. She claimed i sexually assualted her in the freezer and would press charges if i left but If I stayed for reduced pay she wouldn't say anything

>> No.55560110

Lol not this it was just an idea I was spitballing for fun. I'm a machinist. That'd be good for op too. Get your GED and get into manufacturing or an HVAC apprenticeship.

>> No.55560130

You must've been bad but if you have documentation you can press her for blackmail that's a felony

>> No.55560165

There are no cameras in the freezer, it's her word against mine. She said no pda at work but we were the only ones there (we were still together) i tried to kiss her and she said no. Knowing how things work nowadays everyone would automatically buy into her bullshit

>> No.55560180

It’s a Taco Bell job
Do you have proof you dated? She’d probably be fired for dating you even if you couldn’t prove blackmail

>> No.55560188

If this all isn't copy pasta literally call her bluff and let her try and take you to court and threaten a blackmail charge.

>> No.55560200

I have photos from concerts and the gathering and what not but im not sure that's proof we dated

>> No.55560210

She will have to lie in court saying you didn't date. She will be pressed on that. Just quit and say your family is dying or some shit.

>> No.55560241


buy pulsechain with it then don't even look at chart for at least a year. 100x is guaranteed. Or you can list to what most of these fucking retards on this board will tell you and buy some bullshit like chainlink, avax, matic, etc. and get a 5x if you're lucky.

>> No.55560391

You must have text

>> No.55560433

Op saved 27 cents a day, give him some credits

>> No.55560451

being the retard i am i got angry and deleted everything after we broke up, she probably still has it

>> No.55560476
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Well played anon!

>> No.55561498


>> No.55561558

I agree with buying TOAD but fuck the GED, you won't need it as long as you don't paper hand and sell to early.

>> No.55563047

Side hustle or not, get that 600 to do some work while you're out there trying to accrue more. I don't think you're smart though but you should have the mental capacity to leverage your lil capital on Defi middlewares for yields.

>> No.55563079

>but I need medical supplies for my diabetes
Lmao, fat ass cracker first world problems!

>> No.55563181

>i never got around to getting my ged so skilled stuff is not an option
Get your goddamn GED.

>> No.55563206

With 4% yields, he's better off gambling it away on a shitcoin.