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55556552 No.55556552 [Reply] [Original]

does rory have a booze problem?? why is he drinking at a corporate conference?? is it because he lost his life savings on celsius?

>> No.55556682

Youre sipping/tasting, so youre spitting it out. Get some class you uncultured swine.


>> No.55556922

Why would anyone want to drink with that fat fuck? This SmartCon is sounding like the worst one yet. By the time we got the Big Mac announcement we had way more announced speakers by now. They've barely announced anything for SmartCon 2023 and they've already wheeled out their meme thing for this year. I really hope Francisco shows up.

>> No.55556944

Its literally turning into a fucking employees festival and vacation to celebrate their fucking lifestyles

>> No.55556952

LOL you lost all your money.
hahaha fucking loser

>> No.55556958

GM based kings

>> No.55556983

>By the time we got the Big Mac announcement we had way more announced speakers by now.
Wow you must follow chainlink pretty well I would say. Do you complain about the Comic Con speaker list too?

>> No.55557017

I lost fucking everything to give all these yuppies who do nothing all day a vacation.
As a link holder yea i most definitely am the fuckong loser in this situation and employees at Chainlink labs have no problem coming on biz to call me a loser.

Its fucking sad this happened

>> No.55557033
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>I lost fucking everything

>> No.55557062

Yeah funny for you with your 160k work from home flexi-time minimal work job with annual vacations called “smartcon” paid for, and bonuses in LINK tokens easily dumped.

You won in this situation, me and investors lost. Why do you need insult us?

>> No.55557092

I lost 28k with link was my life savings, my life was ruined and been a struggle since, I can't count how many times literal chainlink labs employees laughed at me or told me to kill myself when I was low, wish I was kidding after seeing them disappear and reappear weekly I realized the same thing dude.

>> No.55557137

Yep. It was not happening when the team was small. There are almost 700 of them now. There arent that many engineers.
Its people like chris berret or the army of product managers, marketers, HR and recruiters or whatever number of pointless busywork jobs invented by employees to look like they are required.
They have amazing jobs. Permanent remote, flexible hours, massive salaries, very generous bonuses and vesting schedules, large expense allowances, while not really having much work to do.

They want to jeep their jobs and easy comfy life and who can blame them. Sergey allowed it to happen and it isnt like Eric Schmidt did not warn him. Practically every company i know is making non technical workers go back to office more and more now because they know the same thing is happening.

It just makes me sad when these employees come here and insult me and you and others who basically funded their life and were the net losers in the situation.
I know they get angry when we point out they are just seat fillers, and i know we should be directing it to Sergey but they really could just not post and insult the losers. They have amazing lives and can just ignore us.

>> No.55557156

>Wow you must follow chainlink pretty well I would say.
Yes retard, because he's probably invested in Link? Does being an investor in Link mean that someone has to blindly suck Chainlink Labs' dick for everything even when things look like shit? In this instance, it's fucking shit that the Smartcon is looking like an employee circlejerk because there's almost no speakers announced.
>Do you complain about the Comic Con speaker list too?
No retard, because he doesn't hold an investment in Comic Con. You're a fucking retard. kys.

>> No.55557162

Chainlink ruined my life. There really needs to be a support group for link holders

>> No.55557187
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>There really needs to be a support group for link holders

You baggies should start one together. Call it "I bought the top club"

>> No.55557203

I don't need any support nigger. Chainlink is positioned to do extremely well. However, Smartcon 2023 is shaping up to be a dud lmao.

>> No.55557214
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>However, Smartcon 2023 is shaping up to be a dud lmao.
You baggies said this last time

>> No.55557228

The issue is they have no traditional investor structure.
Its all retail bagholders funding it with no power.

If they had actual investors like normal companies do they would be getting criticism from these investors many who are experienced larger companies. They would point out how inefficient the company is, employees posting AI art of their lifestyle and occasional buzzwords like “oracles” would be a point of contention and things like this would bring some accountability otherwise loss of investment.
Unfortunately there just is no accountability at Chainlink due to it, and no competition either. Thats allowed this bloated inefficiency to grow to this behemoth mess.

>> No.55557235

>bragging about buying early

Imagine buying at $1 and holding from $52 to $6. I would kms

>> No.55557260

Are you actually retarded? Everything from the team since ico has been one giant let down. The lied about finishing the first whit paper and completely pivoted to some other stupid shit that should have been done in 2022. They will fall short again. Thank fuck btc still runs the cycle.

>> No.55557268

This was done on purpose

>> No.55557310

I don't understand how they can be so fucking tone deaf. Link is a straight up scam and it's time that linkies wake the fuck up already.

>> No.55557341

GM based kings

>> No.55557344

I think its sad looking back how jovial fud made fun of “smartcon” as in it is a smart con, but its pretty much turned out to be true.

We had a crazy shit marketing last year for it with extremely high ticket price while all holders were down 90%, cringe little marketing towards them, emergency price cuts etc. it had potential dont get me wrong but it just did not pan out.

It seemed like they realised the mistake and made it cheaper this time, somewhere more affordable at least for europeans. However it slowly just turned into a employee vacation and lifestyle event… it really does start living up to the name “smart con” now. I say this with practical tears. What the fuck happend.

We had Schmidt warn Sergey where he was going to fail with work from home and he ignored it. All major tech companies are ordering people back to office for non tech roles because only engineers seem to be able to work that way and remain productive.

>> No.55557351

What's been a letdown? Following products/services are available for public use:
>Data Feeds
>Any API
>Proof of Reserves
Following are in beta, to be released on Mainnet this year (inb4 "CCIP was meant to be out in 2022". CCIP is obviously imminent right now):
They also have a huge dominance in the oracle space, and the SWIFT partnership is literally confirmed and now openly shilled even by SWIFT themselves on their videos. I won't mention the upcoming tech because they're several years away still.
I will agree though that staking is a genuine let down so far.

>The issue is they have no traditional investor structure.
In a way I'm glad. I understand your point about CLL moving too slow due to lack of investors putting a fire under their ass to hurry tf up, but at the same time Sergey genuinely has a genuinely world-changing vision and being a public company may undermine that vision as he'd have to make compromises to satisfy investors. Sergey is an authentic autist dedicated solely to achieving his vision. He may lack business acumen which causes some missteps but IMO the important thing is that his vision is never compromised.

>> No.55557354

>I won't mention the upcoming tech because they're several years away still.
Ok I will mention is solely for the sake of clarifying. I meant that DECO and FSS are several years away still.

>> No.55557370

All good points. Sergey is a complete failure of a leader. This shit is un fucking believable. This is a historic scam and it's just insane that they're all living high on the hog without the slightest hint of repercussion. All the laws and protections in place supposedly to protect the public from being taken advantage of...these people dump 30 million dollars A MONTH on the market with ZERO recourse from their chuck e cheese token holding rube crowd sourced VC lackeys. I feel so bad for linkies.

>> No.55557379

Only data feeds is relevant in reality and it launched in 2019. The others are just taped on easy ideas that in reality would make no difference if they didnt exist.

Functions are in beta and CCIP os nowhere to be seen. LINK has achieved basically nothing since 2019 other than bloating is staff headcount.

Also, how does XRP manage to pump more than LINK on days where SWIFT mentions blockchain and even LINK directly? Its just total failure of Sergey to take advantage of his position. His employees all get 150k cushty remote work with no real work needed to be done and comfy token bonus and vesting schedules. They also have no need to improve anything related to token price

>> No.55557386

>but at the same time Sergey genuinely has a genuinely world-changing vision and being a public company may undermine that vision as he'd have to make compromises to satisfy investors.
Man are you fucking kidding me with this shit? Sergey does not give a fuck. He's on autopilot while he fleeces his working class marks for 30m a month. Thirty fucking MILLION dollars a month. What is that buying the people who support his vision exactly? Red wine for Rory?

How can you be this naive?

>> No.55557389

That's right lincels you all got too cocky so now the based VCs need to unblock a few of you on twitter where all the good posters went and rile you fags the fuck up. hate sergey but do not dare question the VCs. Buy whatever bags the bankless scammers shill you next time and life will be simplier

>> No.55557399

Sorry missed second part.
Sergey is a visionary but is an utter failure as a CEO. He doesnt even recognise it either. He literally fucking ignores Eric Schmidt’s advice. An actual smart Visionary would recognise their faults and employee someone who understands them to be CEO and would be board head instead.
This massive inefficiency, bloated mess and complete failure to take advantage of their fundamentals and position would not happen under a competent CEO.

>> No.55557404

Like i stated the white paper 1.0 was never completed. Second all of those “products”are paid for by holders. Third sergey told us all staking and ccip in 2022( i like many other holders held specifically because of this) we found out after the fact that they just started working on it early 2022. Btw im betting deco and what ever other bs crap is just notes on a paper and no code has been produced. Which is strange considering they have time to set up wine time with rory the cuck

>> No.55557414

I don't understand how seemingly intelligent people such as yourself aren't livid at this shit. You got straight lied to by them and they're stealing your money and giving you breadcrumbs and empty promises instead. I've lost a lot of money investing before but never been scammed like this. I can't help but post in these threads it's horrific.

>> No.55557420

>I meant that DECO and FSS are several years away still.
Really really hope these never get released. Actually I hope the team slows things right down and takes a long hiatus from tedious web3 development and enjoys life offline for a bit. I think they are signalling SmartCon23 will mark the start of a decade long break and its well deserved. The team have worked harder than any team in crypto to deliver fundamentally nothing at all afterall. Take your break and if you feel up to it and want to make some money for everyone involved to sustain your comfy lifestyle then the price of Chainlink token must rise upwards but please think of yourself first of all after all there are many i's in Chainlink so there is space for individuality.

I speak for my entire FUD discord in this matter this is official

>> No.55557423

>Only data feeds is relevant in reality
That's a matter of opinion. I don't agree with you btw.
>CCIP os nowhere to be seen.
It's incredibly imminent. We know they were testing it over the past year with a few partners, now they've finished 2 rounds of public audits and then the announcement from Kemal that it's coming within 1-2 months. This is completely different to Sergey announcing "CCIP 2022" at the start of 2022 when there hadn't been as much work or public knowledge of its progress yet.
>Sergey does not give a fuck. He's on autopilot
I feel like you don't understand Sergey at all. It's extremely obvious that the ONLY thing he cares about is completing Chainlink to his honest vision. This is unironically the result of him studying philosophy. Thank you Plato for your guidance of Sergey from thousands of years ago.

>> No.55557424

Sergey is so affluent at this point Chainlink is nothing but a vanity project for him like a retired man mat treat his part time job. He doesn’t give the slightest of fucks about inefficiency in his company or being taken advantage of by employees, neither maximising his impact and leverage with what he has.

Another man would realise he isnt CEO material(Steve did) and remain a founder and head bord member with a good CEO working for them. Sergey either is retarded or as i said, its all a vanity project for him now and totally irrelevant to him how bad the company is run.

>> No.55557431

I just want to have another beer with Sergey like that fun night from a few weeks ago

>> No.55557434

I am very upset, but the good and bad part of all this is btc still runs the show. In the off chance some gay shit happened like this i could just hold one more cycle and get it out. That is exactly what i plan on doing

>> No.55557447

They are going to announce at smartcon. They have nothing else to talk about, oh wait rory gets to drink wine with a pajeet

>> No.55557448

Why do you act like Sergey being an autistic visionary means his company isnt allowed to be more efficient and having a bloated team of 700+ do nothings going to spain and posting “oracles” on twitter once a day for their salary is part of that?

Its not excusable at all mate. Sergey can have his autistic vision not compromised while also not having 500 blood suckers screwing his company over from the inside too you know?

>> No.55557450

He probably gets finessed by overpaid upper management. He seems like a pushover and a rube to me. I don't know about this visionary shit he seems like an autistic fuck who maybe had a good idea but couldn't make it happen even with over a billion dollars (it has to be over a billion cashed out at this point right?)

He's very good at avoiding accountability and surrounds himself with people who are similarly gifted at avoiding accountability. Nobody at Chainlink seems to have the slightest sense of fiduciary duty to their stakeholders - the rubes they all got filthy rich off of - and seem perfectly content to dump on them to fund their lifestyle as long as they can get away with it.

>> No.55557451

Next time maybe you dumb LINK niggers will stop rocking the boat and just buy what Bankless and Sassel sell you that will make life easier for everyone :-)

We pay them enough money to sell you our projects.

We never told any of you to buy LINK. I don't understand why you are so attached to it. Just give up its opportunity cost and you are old now so watch Bankless and The Daily Gwei and buy what you are told after us okay :-)

>> No.55557455

GM based kings

>> No.55557462
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>This is completely different to Sergey announcing "CCIP 2022" at the start of 2022

>> No.55557468

>Why do you act like Sergey being an autistic visionary means his company isnt allowed to be more efficient and having a bloated team of 700+ do nothings going to spain and posting “oracles” on twitter once a day for their salary is part of that?
I'm not saying his company "isn't allowed to be more efficient". I even acknowledged in a previous post that Sergey has shortcomings. I agree that he doesn't have the best business acumen. However, for a project as important as Chainlink Sergey's got the most important quality, which is being an autistic visionary. So, he's got room for improvement but I'm still satisfied with the way things are going.

>> No.55557484

Sergey's mismanagement of the Chainlink project forced the VCs to take drastic actions like making baggies angry on Twitter and funding the competition just out of pure spite.

The VCs were forced into these decisions by that Fat Oracle man who is bad! Very very bad!


>> No.55557488

Im gonna tell you right now.
LINK will NEVER trade above $100. Ever.
Sergey will ensure it through inefficiencies.
Why the fuck is token price appreciation even listed as a risk factor by Chainlink labs btw??

>> No.55557492

I don't think you're framing the issue correctly. You seem very, very optimistic in assuming it's merely a lack of business acumen on Sergey's part - this is a man who has cut the market cap down on his token by hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars - to the detriment of nut huggers like you (no offense) - and done fuck all with it. There's lack of business acumen and then there's just straight up scamming. This shit fucking stinks to high heaven from where I'm sitting. But hey you do you. No hate. I just wonder at what point someone like you would ever throw in the towel. I get the sense that some people only need breadcrumbs trails to remain suckers forever. Be careful with your money anon.

>> No.55557494

Chainlink isnt an important project. Proof of reserve is only as good as what ever company feeds it. Example being trueusd. Even chainlinkgod admitted that fact. The whole project is a fucking meme and the only thing it has is a testing phase on test net eth. Which is going to be another ten years

>> No.55557533

GM based kings

>> No.55557577

>Wow you must follow chainlink pretty well I would say.
Obviously I do you retard kek. I don't complain about Comic Con speaker lists because... I don't care about Comic Con!

>> No.55557584

>If they had actual investors
100% confirmed fuddies are a VC psyop. If only VCs had been able to buy cheap LINK then none of this would be happening, who knew?

>> No.55557586

Is this real? Did either of you keep receipts of Chainlink employees rubbing it in your face?

>> No.55557621
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Fuck you Sergey you cūck. Single handedly changed a promising project into something everyone in blockchain hates. So this post doesn't seem too negative, let me tell you a couple of jokes

>> No.55557623

>Sergey is a visionary but is an utter failure as a CEO. He doesnt even recognise it either.
This is what I really don't understand. Sergey has the right idea, we all got in because the vision is brilliant. The problem is the execution is starting to really become questionable and his leadership skills in managing the organization is raising a lot of eyebrows. I would have a ton of respect if Sergey acknowledged that his time and energy could be spent in another role, and let someone like Kemal actually take the reins and take on the "CEO" role (note: I don't think anyone is officially the "CEO" of Chainlink... muh SEC fears I guess).

Chainlink has done good things, but something to keep in mind is most of the good things they did happened years ago at this point. In more recent memory Chainlink has been really disappointing. Dangling staking and CCIP at the start of 2022 was a complete scumbag move and there's no way you can spin it. They knew people would never sell with that kind of announcement. In reality we're still waiting for CCIP and we having "staking" in the form of v0.1, which isn't actually staking at all.

The bizarre thing with Chainlink is they behave with a certain arrogance almost like they seem it's still 2020 with the goodwill they had with the community back then. The problem is at this point they've destroyed a huge amount of the goodwill they had with their most dedicated supporters, and it's becoming more absurd as each day passes. I mean, Reds with Rory? Seriously?

I'll say it again: I really hope Francisco is a real dude and he shows up. I really don't think it would be a bad thing for these people living in their own bubble to get shaken up a little bit. Yeah they don't owe anyone anything, but that doesn't mean no one isn't allowed to give these retards a healthy dose of reality.

>> No.55557672

Hes literally raising his wifes black son

>> No.55557719

I don't even bother reading the threads anymore since nothing of importance is ever said.
Just mentally ill fuddies and bored baggies arguing

>> No.55557773

Exactly this. Just listen to Bankless and get your instructions for your next buy :-)

>> No.55557782

*sigh* I am going to unblock so many linkoids on Twitter just to rile them up because of your cocky attitude baggie

>> No.55557903

Checked. This smartcon is looking like a gap year smartcon with minimal impact speakers and a lack of positive morale because it’s six fucking bucks.

>> No.55557990

the pidgeons have come home to roost in linkies empty stinky heads

>> No.55557996

i'll buy link when it hits $3...maybe lol

>> No.55558381

Sounds exceptionally gay

>does rory have a booze problem
Probably, like most people who buy vin to pretend they're being classy but really it's to get the higher % gains in without the harshness of spirits.

>> No.55558471

Trust the process, hodl together, diamond apes, WAGMI.

>> No.55558693

>employees at Chainlink labs have no problem coming on biz to call me a loser.
I'm not an employee anywhere I just recognise you salty moaning faggots every thread now.
>Wah wah chainlink bad
Shouldn't have bought the top, shouldn't have used celsius or whatever. Shouldn't have used leverage. You're stupid, you'll be stupid forever, while I'll get rich. It's fine, it's natural. Get over it.

>> No.55558712

Link is never topping $100, even if it manages to get there.
It is certainly never even going to get to 50% of its sat ath ever again. I hope you can “get rich” with that limitation

>> No.55559351

Thanks for letting everyone know you're a fucking retard

>> No.55559665

Yeah but we will see 39 fucking threads a day about it regardless

>> No.55559792
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>being an investor in Link mean that someone has to blindly suck Chainlink Labs' dick for everything even when things look like shit?
That's what happens when you "invest" in an abstract, unneeded token with no shareholder rights, kek baggies

>> No.55560442

Yeah okay salty boy. I don't care what you think because you're never getting any of it no matter where it goes lmao. Enjoy destitution.

>> No.55560446

Whose money are they burning when they organize these events across expensive cities around the world?