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55554460 No.55554460 [Reply] [Original]

Blackrock is full on the bitcoin train. I am a bit worried bros, are we the baddies?

>> No.55554484

Bitcoin goes up,
Freedom dies.

>> No.55554486

BTC will always be useful because its the Original cryptocurrency. That holds more weight than what any functionaly can provide. Being the first to something means more than anything else.

You can always create new cryptos. You cant make a new original crypto. Bitcoin is the equivalent of gold for that reason a finite resource. The rest are expendable

>> No.55554490

jews will do anything to unload their baggies.

>> No.55554500

its a bluff another jewish trick

>> No.55554513

imagine the money kikes will make when everyone has to use the lightning network

>> No.55554541

Comparing BTC to Gold is disingenuous. Gold has unique atomic properties which seperate it from other metals. Whereas your entire value proposition for BTC is 'well, uh..it was the first.'

Scarcity as a value proposition doesn't mean anything if you can copy paste it, something you can't do with Gold.

>> No.55554544

I know he’ll ultimately destroy the goy. It’s just a matter of how. We don’t know yet, but we all know he’s evil and he’s out to get us. That fact is indisputable

>> No.55554549

>Being the first to something means more than anything else.
I agree, thats why AOL and Compuserve are still such dominant internet service providers.

>> No.55554566

Bitcoin is a scam, ChatGPT defends Bitcoin aggressively the same way it defends LGBT nonsense, that's all I need to know that it glows.

>> No.55554588

>Gold has unique atomic properties which seperate it from other metals

Bitcoin has unique properties which seperate it from other cryptos.

You cant produce another first crypto. Its the OG. The mcdonalds, the coke.

>> No.55554590

Anything digital is a useful method of control and big institutional banks and money managers love bitcoin because they can use it as their own fiat currency.

>> No.55554597

AOL has to provide an actual service.

Crypto, despite what people are desperate not to say, doesnt provide anything except wealth storage. For that reason a crypto that is the OG matters more than what phoney services it provides

>Oh no but my crypto provides live price updates on Eth:USD because our stakers provide computational services

All filler bullshit.

>> No.55554605

Checked. In b4 mEthheads come her and say MySpace

>> No.55554621

Bitcoin has failed as a true currency that people can use for day to day purchases so it will never be a threat to the money powers. They love the "digital gold" narrative, probably them who came up with it.

>> No.55554680

nobody actually gives a shit about it being a daily driver currency only like 0.01% of crypto actually care about that.

>> No.55554692

Gold has failed as a true currency that people can use for day to day purchases so it will never be a threat to the money powers. They love the "expensive metal" narrative, probably them who came up with it.

>> No.55554731

I use USDC as a daily currency and pretty much spend exclusively with my coinbase card. I mean why not? Higher APR than bank checking account and get cash back rewards. But I don't keep money in USD, I keep it in bitcoin. USDC is like 10% of my portfolio, USD is like 5%. Most of it is BTC, but I have some LTC. I'd get some ETH, but nobody can tell me what it is used for other than scam tokens. Can someone sell me on ETH?

>> No.55554764

Gold has many uses, BTC is as slow as gold for transactions.

>> No.55554782

No anon, crypto is like a gold mine
Napoleon stole Spaniard gold including inca and aztec gold
Europe gave it's gold to the USA after ww2

They will use the bear and the crab to steal our crypto, the bear will betray us

>> No.55554810

He can't afford to wait any longer so he is entering while his money still buys a large share of the market.

>> No.55554826

market the top

>> No.55554829

I found this video about crypto finance and the guy explains why they're doing this pretty well, its at about 13:40
tldr its the jews

>> No.55555001

only a small sliver of Gold's value is the result of its unique molecular properties and industrial use. May as well be arguing that fiat paper has intrinsic worth because it can be used as toilet paper. Material-brained nigger, don't you know value is an abstract thing?

>> No.55555003

>are we the baddies?

the smart baddies yes

>> No.55555010

you say filler bullshit but there is legit technological advancement with dlt and smart contracts. so many wagie bullshit jobs in accounting, clearing houses, payroll and other paper pushing departments can simply be automated.

>> No.55555022

Never trust the jews. These people are planning something.

>> No.55555033

He never said Bitcoin though, he said "a lot of crypto". All these twitter posters are misquoting him.

>> No.55555068
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Pump it

>> No.55555072

Quite insightful, however I would argue that major financial institutions like BlackRock investing in cryptocurrencies is a natural progression as digital assets become more mainstream. Crypto is a new asset class that is gaining broader adoption, so it makes sense for big investors to start allocating capital to it. This doesn't mean there is some sinister plot, it's just investors responding rationally to a new opportunity to diversify their portfolios and seek returns. Cryptocurrencies are still highly speculative, but they have progressed beyond just being used by niche tech enthusiasts. BlackRock's interest reflects the growing credibility and maturity of the crypto space. Their investment provides wider exposure and validation which could further accelerate mainstream adoption. Rather than jumping to conspiratorial conclusions, we should view it as a milestone in the evolution of digital finance.

>> No.55555075

>Blackrock is full on the bitcoin train and that's a good thing!

>> No.55555494


>> No.55555696


>> No.55555718
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First (((they))) laughed at us, then they ridiculed us, tried tto shut us down. Now they join us.

Bitcoin bros, we just can't stop winning.

>> No.55555758

I have a lot of my portfolio in USDC and I am farming it through SpoolFi the others are in ETH, LDO, GMX, and a little bit in BTC.

>> No.55555779

> woke up this morning in a cold sweat.

I realized that last night, while I was out, I was not constantly evangelizing about the value of USD. I actually went to a restaurant and spent money and didn't tell the waitress about, "The history of money" and why the USD is the soundest money ever created. I'm sure she woke up, like me, worried that perhaps tomorrow, nobody would care about the US Dollar, and all that fiat we had stuffed under our mattresses (right next to our altar to George Soros) would become worthless. I will make sure to never not do that again. Have to constantly remind people that fiat is the real deal and not fall for any other fake money schemes.

>The fact that it's "financial technology," yet a laughingstock in actual finance and technology communities should tell you all you need to know.

>Last I checked every single cool toy and necessity that I have purchased used USD as the medium of exchange. Sounds like you’re just mad you don’t have enough USD, the soundest money I can even think of

Edit: Ah some of my stuff was also purchased with Yen and Euros, after a conversion from USD. Please accept my correction.

Look at the neoluddites from butcoin, retards still are ideological slaves for the us dollar, they can't stop coping its over for them and the biggest obstacles for crypto have been crushed, i hope they fucking starve and die when bitcoin finally wins, fuck redditors for fucking children and supporting globohomo.

>> No.55555792

Bitcoin is a shitcoin, it isn't nowhere near quantum safe + if Satoshi would dump his BTC (which is 100% sure that he has), he would literally kill the market. I'm personally a Monero schizo.

>> No.55555819

Are you a bot?

>> No.55555865

>have! In fact, I have had many second thoughts about BTC ever since first stumbling on it (strictly as a story, from my perspective) back when you could mine it comfortably(ish) out of a bedroom set-up. I thought for sure it would just blow-over as a fad in a few months. Was wrong about that.

>I think it's fair to say that those who wanted BTC to replicate the historical performance of gold have got their wish: an extremely volatile, highly speculated on commodity that lines the pockets of those who can control access to it, that promises instant wealth if only you can obtain a nugget to go sell and that absolutely awash with matchstick men.

Its funny seeing the ammounts of cope retarded redditors do, they fuck children, they replaced their religion for worshiping the state, took the jab and like nice moral slaves wanted to force everyone that didn't integrate to get fucked in the ass with the vaccine, imagine discovering bitcoin in 2010 but you were so fucking cucked and ideologically indoctrinated for globohomo and the us dollar that you didn't take the chance to avoid a life of wagie serfdom, fuck you redditors you will never make it

>> No.55555876
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>BTC will always be useful because its the Original cryptocurrency. That holds more weight than what any functionaly can provide. Being the first to something means more than anything else.

lol soon you won't be able to spend BTC in the very darknet economy it spawned because everybody is now abandoning it for Monero.

>> No.55556955

No dumbass. At the beginning of the interview he said he can't use the word bitcoin due to legal reasons, so he said he'll use the word crypto.

>> No.55556999

This is like when michael saylor said to go all in on Bitcoin at 60k. Fuck, I'm actually thinking about cutting my losses now before things get really bad.

>> No.55557050

Where else would you put your money? Bonds? Hahaha

>> No.55557749

I don't like him but that won't stop me from being bullish. We will see more regulations and just like with MiCA, there will be different solutions to comply with them like Polygon ID and NexeraID. Also, I ain't fading DiD tokens.

>> No.55558121

>probably them who came up with it
they are the ones who fund blockstream and hobbled the chain prevent it from scaling. problem-reaction-solution. then they developed L2 lighting as a solution. once the majority of volume is on L2, then they can play their fractional reserve games.