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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5555092 No.5555092 [Reply] [Original]

/biz/, let me pick your brains. I'm not saying I'm going to be doing this yet, if ever, but it's a probability that in the near future I'm going to want to cash out a large amount of crypto (millions) and I definitely don't want to pay CGT. I'm a britbong btw. I won't do anything that means breaking the law, but I will use any legal means necessary to avoid giving money to those fucking kikes on the Thames. I've been looking into opening an offshore account in somewhere like Panama or the Cayman Islands and withdrawing from Kraken to it. Does anyone here have any useful suggestions?
>inb4 hurr nice try IRS
I'm not asking anyone to admit doing this or anything, just if you have any useful information or tips it would be appreciated. Cjeers.

>> No.5555366
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>> No.5556245


>> No.5556271 [DELETED] 

bump, i have a similar situation except I'm amerifag

>> No.5556500 [DELETED] 

bump again

>> No.5556630

How'd yall become crypto rich

>> No.5556668


goddamn. You dont fool the taxman, you will get raped

>> No.5556688

You can cash out through the darkweb. You can buy ~dirty~ cash which is delivered by courier to your door. You then release the escrow. So I've heard.

>> No.5556788

By being ahead of the market
Fuck off
I don't want millions of £s cash turning up at my door, I need it in a bank so I can make large purchases with it

>> No.5556830 [DELETED] 

you said your a bribing, have you considered the swiss bank?

>> No.5556854

>I've been looking into opening an offshore account in somewhere like Panama or the Cayman Islands and withdrawing from Kraken to it.
The tax implications would be exactly the same as opening one in the UK

>> No.5556892

Yeah it was a thought, not looked into it properly yet though
How so?

>> No.5556926

Youre such a fucking idiot. Hire an accountant, pay your taxes and get your money.

Do you really think you can pull off such a move with advice from some hentai bashing fags? Do you really think you could make so much money without greasing someone else's paws?

Don't be greedy you goofy toothed fanny rash.

>> No.5556943

LARPs man

>> No.5556944

because you pay tax based on where you live (residence), it doesn't matter where the actual bank account is located

>> No.5556962

How do you move your money back to USA from offshore account?

>> No.5556979

You suck a circumcised cock

>> No.5557014

Ok, thanks. I was toying with the idea of moving abroad anyway, guess I might have to.

>> No.5557081

that is a good option :) would recommend

>> No.5557174

I was born in the Cayman Islands and have tons of family there still. Should I start a tax shelter for neets of biz and make it rich off small %s that they'd otherwise lose to tax?

>> No.5557212


Capital letters are the jews weapon of,choice.


See doesnt really help,anyone, now,does it?

>> No.5557235

>he thinks he can cash out

>> No.5557266

OP the best tax maneouver Ive heard so far has to do with SALT (named after the emotion the IRS feels).

1) Take a fiat loan putting up your crypto as collatoral.

2) spend fiat.

3) default on loan, SALT will,liquidate your collatoral.

Youve effectively went from crypto,to fiat paying 0 taxes legally. Cha ching.

Fuck the jej.

If they wantes crypto gains they shouldve invested instead of laughed.

>> No.5557274

Use SALT and take out a 2% loan using your coins as collateral. Don't have to pay taxes on loans bruv.

>> No.5557350

Not paying taxes is possible on small sums, or on very very large sums. Anything in between gets fucked.

>> No.5557360
File: 51 KB, 645x773, jewjak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read this thread carefully:

You'll avoid all taxes.

>> No.5557370
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I've seen this mentioned in the SALT threads but I forgot about it, thanks for reminding me anon. Have a rare merchant

>> No.5557388

just take out a loan with salt and then dont pay back.

No need to pay a capital gains tax on a loan

>> No.5557394

Problem with salt loans is that it's omething like 120% in collateral that you need.

So if you default on the loan, you're effectively paying a 20% tax.

Kinda dumb if your tax rate is around tehre.

Best is to move to puerto rico for 183 days.

>> No.5557419

I'm not sure how you'd go about doing this but it's a lucrative opportunity if you can pull it off. Not to mention
>island full of rich biz neets

>> No.5557437


>> No.5557438

It is not enough to move, you also need to "cut all substantial ties" to the US

>> No.5557453

What about a trip to switzerland and cash out there at an ATM?

>> No.5557476

The thread forgets to mention the amazon method.

>cash out on flur for amazon bux
>open account with fake name
>get items “gifted” to you
>always use gift option
>resell items on Craigslist


>> No.5557489

I want the money in a bank account for making large purchases AKA property

>> No.5557506

dude what are you waiting for start a bank there accept monero boom done

>> No.5557509

This is why I still visit /biz/.
There really is some golden info hidden in the spam.

Thanks guys

>> No.5557517

oh this is easy, we just ban the government, IRS, banks, the whole lot

next question?

>> No.5557532
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>> No.5557559

fucking genius

>> No.5558146


Yea it's a thought I'm having. But it seems complicated to accept coins. Maybe just setting up bank accounts with routing info they can use on an existing cash out services would be the start. Then eventually with bank I made I can start accepting different coins.

>> No.5558150

thats how i initially did my banking was setting up an account in the Caymans. the banks there wont even fuck with you unless you have millions so just be aware of that. ive been unmolested by the irs niggers for almost 15 years and im an american. there is literally nothing the irs can do about it.

>> No.5558181

t. irs nigger tax man boot licker

>> No.5558229

what is this?

>> No.5558258


>> No.5558280

I pay my taxes whenever I buy shit
You’re a godsend
Hot damn son

>> No.5558313

flur is bitflur

>> No.5558331


>> No.5558334

bitflur.com I believe

>> No.5558386

>what is FATCA and AEOI
you stupid fuck

>t. irs nigger tax man boot licker
I'm not even american so I don't give a single fuck about your jew IRS

>> No.5558525

If the money is from a legit source, put it into a fund that's crypto-friendly like Woodfine, they accept RLX. Your funds will be used to build real estate all over North America. If you just want to cash out, its a public fund, which means its super easy to cash out once they accept your funds. Or just withdraw for life expenses, whatever. But pay your taxes- seriously. I can't even tell you how easy it is to track funds crossing publicly posted ledgers. Bitcoin hasn't been anonymous since 2013- if that. Grease the government's hands and everyone is happy for your success in crypto.