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55547448 No.55547448 [Reply] [Original]

Token not needed
They literally made flare to replace this so xrp has no point of existing now
It’s just a shitcoin unless they plan something to do with it

>> No.55547460

>unless they plan something to do with it

They do have plans. And many partnerships. Keep calling it a shitcoin all you want. Its your choice to hold your bitcoin or whatever but you dont have to harass us.

>> No.55547469

says a 100 threads a day posting paid pajeet cripple shill

>> No.55548430

flare is defintly a security now

>> No.55548440

wat about flare finance??

>> No.55548457

Op is a terminal boboposter who has no crypto or stocks or even boomer rocks. He posts FUD 24/7 about {current coin} because his life is sad and it makes him not sad, but never happy. The best thing you can do is encourage him to put himself out of his misery by not replying.

>> No.55548481

>100 threads a day

xrp only has 1 general up until the pump of yesterday

100 threads a day is link

>> No.55548497

>newfag confrimed
yeah right, it's been shilled here ever time in pumped 0.5% like mad for years. It is the biggest pajeet shill-bot enterprise this site has ever experienced.

>> No.55548668

>They literally made flare
no they didn't

>> No.55548686
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C'mon stop gatekeeping... the cat's out of the bag and the cat doesn't want to go back into the bag

>> No.55549004

This is completely correct. Think about it. The judge has made it so that ripple can't sell to institutions. THAT IS THE WHOLE POINT BEHIND XRP.
Institutions can't trade in unregistered securities. Banks are institutions if you didn't realize. The ruling assures that XRP can't used by banks.

>> No.55549018

XRP is not a security. That is a legal fact now. Still not buying it because it's a useless shitcoin.

>> No.55549038

Its not a security for sale on public exchanges
It is a security to institutions i.e something they make money off by contract with ripple.
token not needed

>> No.55549081

>They literally made flare to replace this so xrp
No they made flare to recycle the rest of crypto through the XRPL

>> No.55549128
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>terminal boboposter

>> No.55549156
File: 264 KB, 376x212, bags.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No they made flare to recycle the rest of crypto through the XRPL
this is probably closest to right.
but flr is a clear scam to enrichen dev's and only devs.
its a perfect case of bleeding retail.

>> No.55549289

>but flr is a clear scam to enrichen dev's and only devs
Please support your argument.

>> No.55549435
File: 387 KB, 547x895, 2D451F46-3D90-4EDC-AD14-A71AA2171513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kikes are out in full force still trying to FUD XRP.
It’s amazing how retarded you fags are, like nigger grade retarded at this point.
Give up, you lost, XRP won like the schizos predicted.
Ripple already had the banks and the elites and now it is officially not a security so their banking partners can begin to legally offer/use without any issue.
But serious you guys need to kys

>> No.55549450

AKSHULLY flare was made to replace link and eth.

>> No.55549591

not buying your bags pajeet

>> No.55549914

isn't that the scam that hijacked flare? which coincidentally, is also a scam itself
wtf i love flare finance now?

>> No.55550364

It's ai

>> No.55550376

Inorganic post

>> No.55550412

hello inorganic, nice of you to stop by

>> No.55551513

Yo, I see the partnerships with Ripples. Like, they teaming up with Root Network with multi-token economy. I'm telling you, mad potential gonna come out of this collab.

>> No.55552376

sirs ripple net works 10 times faster and cheaper on xrp that means a 1000% increase in everything exept price but dont let silly numbers ruin the fud sirs

>> No.55552685

You guys can call it a Scamcoin till you are blue in the face but the fact of the matter is the Judge ruled in XRP's favor.