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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55546994 No.55546994 [Reply] [Original]

Hey retards, it's been a while since I've gotten roped back into using the chan butn since I'm unemployed right now I figured I'd peruse other boards I'd never used previously.

I'm tired of grinding my ass off in dead-end jobs, and I genuinely want to figure out how the hell I can either get a career that can help finance (SAFE) investments or say fuck it and dump into some shitcoin.

I'm not TOTALLY NEET, thankfully. I have a certification in broadcast but lol, who uses radio or cable anymore?

Essentially, I want this thread to be a place to gather to talk about

>Safe investment
>Not so safe investment
>Side hustles
>Not so-side hustles
>Whatever the fuck you want pertaining the scope of escaping the wage cage

>> No.55547017

Still kicking myself for not buying into $SHIB when it was still worth .0000000009 like a 'tard. I could have made it but because I didn't want to fall for the meme again like I did with $DOGE I fucked myself.

>> No.55547021

My side hustle is selling my pee pee and poo poo online and advertising as if I am a biological woman.

>> No.55547030

Dog, part of me wishes I was a hot woman instead of just some 4chan using fag. So easy to just sell underwear or make an onlyfans and sell nudes. Shit's fucked.

>> No.55547062

Seriously, I guess I'm too retarded. How the fuck do I even start climbing the hill to get out of the pit?

>> No.55548850

Nigger duck.

>> No.55548855

Lurk in the generals and read their links.
/pmg/ it is a money pit and should only be used after you makeit, if at all

>> No.55548861

Side-hustle threads get killed too. They moved to other platforms. This board is not for making (you) money. It is for taking your money.

>> No.55549087

Wth dooks smoke!?!

>> No.55549157

ya never had a smoked duck lad?

>> No.55549263

no just peking dook

>> No.55549280

Does anyone here do temp contract work?

>> No.55549310

To systematically invest and work your way out of the cage you must have three things:

Willingness to roll the dice

Capital usually comes from waging and "tightening the belt". Fuck consumerism. Focus on upping your liquid cash flow each month. Very few escape with "one big roll of the dice". You need the ability to roll the dice until the numbers come up in your favor. Grow your capital, and stop thinking about money as "precious", it's fucking slips of paper. Think of it as a stack of plastic poker chips. Assets too. It's all just poker chips.

Security comes from tightening the belt. Reduce your expenses so if you take a hit, you'll still be okay. Again, fuck consumerism. Pay shit off, and get your overhead low enough you can pay the bills with an easily attainable job given your skills. Security isn't a figure in the bank, it's knowing you haven't worked yourself into golden handcuffs with no ability to sit down at the table.

Lastly, willingness to roll the dice. Some ventures will fail. Some will break even. Some will hit. Keep rolling the dice until the numbers come up in your favor. The more poker chips you have, the more hands you can play. How wisely you play is based upon how much you're willing to learn/read/network. Don't dream about Ferraris or mansions. Dream about freedom. You get one run through life, piss on some trees while you're there. Do some cool shit.

>> No.55549500

I all in Bitcoin my wage for a few years and now I'm comfy

>> No.55549517

why would you kick yourself for not buying a completely random shitcoin that happened to moon. might as well kick yourself for not buying the right lottery ticket.

>> No.55551968

>/pmg/ it is a money pit and should only be used after you makeit, if at all
Only thing that is a money pit in /pmg/ is silver. Gold is where you want to put your money since it is a form of savings.

>> No.55552167

I've been buying the gold and silver meme for over a year now and watched the price crab, I think I'm done with it for now and will take the money I would have spent on it and put that toward trying to develop cashflow