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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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55546799 No.55546799 [Reply] [Original]

Can't even sustain 75c

>> No.55546812

A shitcoin behaves like a shitcoin - imagine the shock!

>> No.55546813

>Lmao XRP holders peaked at $2000
>can't even sustain $1800

>> No.55546824

>2017 bullrun

>2021 bullrun

>2023 bullrun

When I point this out to them, they're screeching.

>> No.55546838

>my 100 bill supply shitcoin is going to be worth thousands a piece absorbing alk the money in the world 10 times over
Nice cope baggie, see you below 40 cents by Monday

>> No.55546843

>waahhh I almost understand market cap it's LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE
see you sub .20 and then see you at 10k

>> No.55547033

Do people actually believe this?

>> No.55547046

They're under the spell of a scam. It's like people believe in negative orgones or that people can cure cancer by touch. There's lots of stupid, desperate people out there, and enough people without morals that will happily scam them. Sad world.

>> No.55547119

Ripple and XRP are part of the new financial system. Until that system is working the price wont do much at all. It wont go to 37K, there wont be a buyback, the banks wont be buying my bags, 589 wont happen anytime soon (maybe in 7 years).
Until then at least its not a security.

>> No.55547336


>> No.55547384
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>> No.55547392

I bought at 3 cents

>> No.55547396
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Hahahahhahah. Just go to bed bro.

>> No.55547578

Cope. Seethe. Mald.

>> No.55547621

Go to sleep Danny J Bauer

>> No.55547629

Bull runs happen every 4 years, idiot. 2017 $3, 2021 $2 (because of the SEC), 2025 $100

>> No.55548333
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>tfw the goofy ahh option of holding VINU the blue dog was the right one all along
i sit here on the hill watching everyone die little by little, i think i deserve the same punishment

>> No.55548911

The flip has been switched and the bag is out of the cat bud, 10k eotm. Check them.

>> No.55548925

Holy KEK we’ve been blessed I saw so much digits in favour of XRP.

>> No.55549008

Biggest news in crypto history not enough to recover past 25% of 2017 ath..

That’s a big ducking cringe desu

>> No.55549095
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fomod in at 89

>> No.55549221

i almost did but goybase unlinked my bank account again

>> No.55549389

this is just the beginning you fucking ape

>> No.55549417
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they are truly the dumbest bagholders

>> No.55549429

yea yea sure, more it's over before it even started kek