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55545230 No.55545230 [Reply] [Original]

Its starting

>> No.55545237

>now even LINK/XRP


>> No.55545244
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>> No.55545246
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>> No.55545251

Is this time different?

>> No.55545258

Fuck I never watched it. Didn't realise there would be subtle kino like this. Now seems like a good time.

>> No.55545259



>> No.55545264

for me, it's the fuddie seethe.

>> No.55545276

Bullish for XRP

>> No.55545427

Is this real

>> No.55545580


>> No.55545676

It's so embarrassing

>> No.55545712
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not selling

>> No.55545754

I didn’t get my paycheck in time.

>> No.55545789
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>Why do you always have to try and save me? I could have handled it on my own. Yeah, I admit I've gotten beaten before, but I won't always be on the receiving end, you hear that? You understand?

>> No.55545803

Look closer. He leans in with the opposite shoulder.

>> No.55545804

Aren't we all locked up for staking anyway? You guys did lock your entire stacks r-right anons?

>> No.55545823

I had 500 link in 2021 now I'm broke.
Enjoy the ride fellas I'm the little pepe at the bottom barely hanging on but I fell.

>> No.55546067

Looks like I won't be able to get 4000 LINK in time. Now I need my memecoin to moon

>> No.55546133

sol made a +70% in 19 days

>> No.55546139

Link was $7 three years ago, Eth was $200 for reference.
Cope linkcucks

>> No.55546194
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Lmfao how the hell could you be bullish for link? We won today. Your token is not needed.

>> No.55546227

sol made a +70% in 19 days and it seems going to 2000 in the next bull run. That's a x100
Explain to me why I should buy link and not sol
Not a fudder here.
These fucking reddit scam coin like sol and cardano always outperform Link, so why to buy link? To suffer?

>> No.55546239

I hold both

>> No.55546252

The only reason to buy LINK is because in the long run you want to have the best performing asset of all time. If you're just looking for some short term pumps or think you can time the market perfectly bouncing around to different shitcoins or whatever then yea buy scams like SOL and see how you do. Some people do make a lot of money that way. Good luck.

>> No.55546376

I just don't understand why these scams pump. If someone could give me a reason why do retards buy them, I would be happy even if they outperform link.
The fuck sol was hand in hand with FTX which scammed people why the fuck this thing is not dead. Just die fuck
Maybe you have to go where the money goes? SOL seems positionatded for a solid x40 looking at the log chart

>> No.55546400

Link is 7 years old lmao it still hasn't done anything

>> No.55546449

They pump precisely because they’re scams, you need a lack of interest to have enough runway as a market maker to pump a shitcoin, if retail held huge amounts you wouldn’t be able to outpace them selling into the pump. That said there’s also no logic or reason behind most of them besides being manipulated, it’s a coin flip whether sol continues to have a zombie pump or stays dead like most 2017 coins did last cycle. Pure gambling, no fundamentals there, you willing to throw large percentages of your net worth on a gamble?

>> No.55546534

To better explain that, if one person is willing to buy solana for $100, and nobody is willing to sell It for less than that, the price is $100. If a thousand people are holding solana and they’re all willing to sell for various prices under $100, you need lots of buy pressure to actually lift the price to that level. So the idea that you, being retail with zero inside information, can predict which unused scam is going to be manipulated to a high market cap, is a huge reason why the market looks the way it does. People like yourself say “obviously the price means it’s valuable!”, and you become exit liquidity, which is the only purpose retail serves for 99% of this market.

>> No.55546552


>> No.55546557

Man shut the fuck up. You think I don’t know you’re paid by chainlink’s advocates to post these hopium bits? Fuck you nigga

>> No.55546963


>> No.55547022
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>>55545803 fraud?
I only did 21.6% of my 100 stack.

>> No.55548856
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If you're after some real utilities, then check out those DePIN related. Peaq, Iotex, and Helium are the real deal, no doubt. Don't you dare sleep on 'em. These are packing some serious potential.

>> No.55548869

What am I in for?

>> No.55549243

You'd be happier to earn QANX as reward for participating in the ongoing zealy campaign. The Jews won't tell you this.

>> No.55549269

It's really not though. A certain group of alts pumped including LINK, Solana, Matic and so on and LINK actually pumped the least, look at the others lmao. Always lagging behind

>> No.55549783

Never snooze on real utility Anon. Ride Heor and Gods are my best bet from Metaverse, and I'm so buying a Retrofit with Ride for my next vacation.

>> No.55550045

How does 40.5MM sound?

>> No.55550071

Thats pretty funny. Thanks!

>> No.55550553

>Its starting
the countdown until the next mega down while btc and eth pump because the fatfuck market sells 7 million tokens per month
yes that is starting indeed

>> No.55550560


>> No.55551630

Goodluck anon

>> No.55552101

Link is dead move on pajeets.
I sold off to buy SOL, NXRA and CHZ