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File: 547 KB, 1080x614, rekt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55543651 No.55543651 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine following this guy for over two years thinking having all your capital in cash was still a good idea.

>> No.55543677


>> No.55543981

I'm subscribed to him as a counter-signal. Guys like him, Ben Cowen, and Gareth Soloway and for the herd.

>> No.55544041

How do they even live with themselves being wrong for 6 months straight? How do they still have listeners?

>> No.55544126

If he's such a good trader why can't he afford good skincare

>> No.55544164

The whole ETF news was a good chance for him to pivot, him doubling down makes me suspicious of his goals and motives. I am having a hard time believing that he even believes the things that he is saying.

>> No.55544166

Not a bad idea desu

>> No.55544279

He's always shilled sponsored projects for half the viewing time of his videos, 90% of them are worthless jeet dogshit but there's some occasional good gems that are more well known.

>> No.55544301

Reverse trade him
You'll never lose

>> No.55544665

I've got a set of senile boomer commenters from zerohedge and wolfstreet that I use for counter signals

>> No.55545993

I like him alot... but now he, like Capo, is a walking reminder not to marry your genius and hypothesis. At least Ben "BTC Dominance, bro" Cowen ditched his lengthening cycle crap.

>> No.55547609

I'm convinced they bot their videos, just like their sub count.

>> No.55548728


>> No.55548767

I was mostly in Bitcoin until Ben Cowen started shilling BTC Dominance. Slowly converted my BTC to blue chips alts like ETH and OP

>> No.55549623

who mindbroke that guy? he's in permanent denial

>> No.55549642
File: 49 KB, 656x678, 1687724334117098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My cash is all in stocks. Companies go up, the dollar goes down.
BTC goes down too.
Companies own the world. They'll own you soon. The winning side is never losing.

>> No.55549643
File: 85 KB, 1280x720, crypto_cramer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's goin on everyone? My name is Nicholas Merten here from Data Dash, and today is July 13th of 2023.
Well folks I hope you all are having a fantastic day wherever you are because in today's video, I want to spend some time talking about the BIG picture.
Everyone is excited for this relief rally but the fact of the matter is that prices are getting a little too hot, on top of that we're seeing some distribution going on at these key resistance levels.
Thankfully I'm the only sane person left in this "up only" market and am here to tell you to be careful and protect your capital. I know I am, and we will definitely have better opportunities to buy at more reasonable entry levels for a long.

>> No.55550909
File: 55 KB, 504x470, 1362849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>line goes up forever
You're in for a rude awakening.

Imagine thinking an ETF is bullish. It's purpose is to tamp down the price of Bitcoin indefinitely.

BTC is closely correlated with tech stocks. When the market dumps so will BTC.

>> No.55550931
File: 1.71 MB, 1386x1600, 666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now imagine owning all the companies, crypto AND gold and silver.

>> No.55551085

Gareth soloway is a scumbag. He got fucked on his luna trade and there's no history of it on his website. He's legitimately scamming people who pay for his signals.