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55540335 No.55540335 [Reply] [Original]

Alright so it looks like the SEC got BTFO'd once again and Bitcoin is looking better than ever before. Should I go full BTC or also invest in assets that might have an important place within the next bullrun (keyword, "might"). Things like Marlin Protocol (enclaves to fully decentralize Web3/dApps/DAOs etc) and Cosmos (scalability issue fixing etc).

As it stands right now I think those are the more important problems. Should I?

>> No.55540364

if you're going to buy altcoins/shitcoins then buy new ones, not the bags of baggies who are looking for exit liquidity, wait until the new bullrun starts after the havling, then you can buy alts/shitcoins....for now just buy BTC and ETH.

>> No.55540376

Based XRP chads can't stop winning against all odds. I respect them for holding and not selling like me.
>Should I go full BTC?
One thing I'm certain won't pump ever again (at least not in any meaningful way) is NFTs and DAOs. Nobody wants to keep throwing their money at some retarded council providing all of it to retarded projects nobody cares about (Folding Ideas' video on Decentraland truly makes DAOs look fucking silly, in retrospect). However everything else is fair game, so I'd say diversify.

>> No.55540398
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No, my friend. Polkadot.

>> No.55540436
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>New ones
That's scarier than just buying what's proven to have serious developers. I guess Marlin is newer compared to something like Litecoin or Chainlink, though. If that counts.

>NFTs and DAOs
Yeah I wasn't planning on getting into that territory either. It's all autism.

>> No.55540454

i'm going full btc simply because that's what investors will shill. they won't mention eth or anything like that because even though crypto *is* resilient and powerful from a economical standpoint, (((they))) simply DON'T like the idea of decentralization.

>> No.55540472

I panic solded too, when everything was labeled a security. Worst week of my fucking life.

>> No.55540497

on one hand i think bitcoinmaxx is the only smart choice. on the other i really really want more normalfags to come into the defi game once again because staking/farming is so fucking comfy.

you do you op.

>> No.55540504
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One and the same mein negger.

>> No.55540526

I'd only buy Polkadot if I was well versed on its ecosystem because sure it offers endless scalability but ONLY if you build your shit exclusively for DOT.

>> No.55540691

Well don't. Polkadot is a colossal piece of shit.
>Pay rent in order to use it in the first place
>Pay fees for no reason
>Centralized in its scalability
>No worthwhile dApps to speak of
>Kusama hasn't had a single interesting project in months

>> No.55540706
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Don't be retarded don't buy back in now let thing settle after the first red candle you buy then check on it to see if this is all hype or not :3

>> No.55540717

Nah you should probably kys

>> No.55540727

This is all I wanted to hear, might even get a mid sized XRP bag

>> No.55540733

Honestly idk, that could be true, but I'm not completely sure about that