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55539539 No.55539539 [Reply] [Original]

American here. Is moving to Spain a good idea, financially speaking? I'm fluent in spanish.

I visited last year and had a great time. Great food, pretty women, everything is cheap.

>> No.55539978

if you like to spend time in a totalitarion state, be my guest. People got locked down in their homes during the scamdemic kek

>> No.55540119

kys faggot

>> No.55540167

I’m going there soon but I’m a gringo with a Spanish wife. It’s a nice place

>> No.55540183

problem with 3rd world is instability, you never know what type of shit hole it might turn into very quickly and you end up stuck there because you have invested into a swamp.

>> No.55540224

Don't come here if you can earn 6figures, govt will rip you off.
There are elections next week, right wing party PP (Popular Party) is expected to win.
But won't change anything.
Come anytime you want for holidays though!

PS: I'm Spaniard (sadly)

>> No.55540284

Spanish women vs Italian women vs Greek women vs Turkish women vs Israeli women

Who would you pick

>> No.55540534

turkish women, more likely to be virgins

>> No.55540568

It's quaint living but a poor investment long term. You will be putting roots down there. Your children will grow up in that area, system, and culture. If you're fine with them living in an aimless morass it's cool.

>> No.55540606

But that thick, bristly arm hair tho.

>> No.55540619

spain is first world country retard guiri

>> No.55540633

>other options

>> No.55541116

You wish

It's technically an undeveloping country

>> No.55541247

Go home Juan.

>> No.55541873

Would rank them in the exact order that you listed them