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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55538916 No.55538916 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.55538929

with what proof?

>> No.55538936

Trump should have never allowed the shutdowns, following China's model and cucking out because he thought he'd lose votes by doing the right thing, always do the right thing.

>> No.55538948
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Hello shareblue employee, you can't memory hole the fact that it was blue state governments/cities that locked down people in their homes for a lab leaked flu.

>> No.55538996

remember when everyone said it was a chinese bioweapon but they didn't want to do anything to defend against it? that was pretty sweet

>> No.55538999

trump was based. Only sissy liberal faggots hate him

>> No.55539000

>IRS ramping up its enforcement of ERC tax credit fraud
i look forward to boomernigger small business scammers getting anally fucked with IRS penalties and fees.

>> No.55539013

cringe but checked

>> No.55539044

Just a reminder: trump got vaccinated

Because it's working chuds

>> No.55539110
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And Drumpf rewarded them for shutting down with trillions in handouts, MIGAtard.