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55534647 No.55534647 [Reply] [Original]

I've been clinically depressed for a few years now. I'd say I have a year or two before I kms. There's really not much to live for anymore and frankly I don't think that's the depression talking. Life and society have run their course. Atleast for me it has.

>> No.55534662

I've been clinically depressed since seven, was put into behavior disorder class because I told my teacher over a hundred ways to kill myself at seven with things around the classroom, the final straw was when I said I could take the firehouse out of a firetruck that pulled up and hang myself with it.

Then they locked me into a room till the 6th grade.

Yeah man it's rough, I haven't held a job longer than 6 months and there's just a litany of other shit going on in my life, the compulsive to give in is extremely strong at all moments of the day, and definitely harder to distract myself from the thoughts as of late.

>> No.55534687

Do you have money at least?
Go drive to places you've never been, look into philosophy, simulation theory.
Anything to make you realize there's some purpose to life, I struggle with this daily honestly being poor might be a blessing because it forces me to find ways to get ahead but that i don't have much energy for anymore.

>> No.55534704

I also suffer from all kinds of crazy mental bullshit. What has helped save me is lifting, stop drinking, and psychedelic drug trips

>> No.55534779

Depression hijacks your frontal lobe and reasoning. Seeking refuge in this Mongolian basket weaving forum will do you more harm. Understand your view of yourself and your environment is likely negative because of the above and that your perspective on things is likely negatively skewed. Seek treatment medication or therapy based on your comfort levels. I’ve been there, I know the thoughts and feelings - ignore everyone here that shits on you and seek help. It can be your first step towards a different scope of things

>> No.55534922

Love you anon.