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File: 900 KB, 2000x2000, Stobox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55529680 No.55529680 [Reply] [Original]

Virtually all people that bought BTC and ETH for a couple of dollars did not do that as an investment opportunity, but that we saw a good and just solution to obvious problems. BTC would bring back sound money and the crippling theft/hidden tax on regular people through inflation (monetary expansion) would be eliminated. ETH would eliminate costly and unnecessary legal fees, where code is law.

Well, here is another area where blockchain will change the world, and much more dramatically and with much wider consequences: Tokenization of assets and putting them on blockchain. Globally. Meaning if you want to buy real estate somewhere on another continent, you can easily do so, same with investing in fabrics, start-ups etc all over the world. Where before it was virtually impossible and you had to do it through investment banks, absurd regulations and insane counter-party risk, you can now do it easily with a couple of mouse clicks.

>> No.55529682

Stobox $STBU are market leader and light years ahead of their competitors. The main problem for them were the legal regulations, as the legal framework was not designed to handle tokenization of assets, while the technical aspects were easier to handle. Market cap is 2+ MM USD, and is absurdly low. For me the risk is significantly lower and the potential far more easy to see, compared to both BTC and ETH. Bitcoin was just nothing and a total joke. Female especially, the largest consumers, rejected automatically the idea that tech-toy money would have any value at all. ETH was run by a Russian high school drop-out with no real world success on his resume, and probably a scammer. At that time, people had good reason to question both BTC and ETH. Both were risky investments and mostly done by idealists. Asset tokenization, however, fulfills an open and ridiculously obvious market gap with a real world need. Market, investment friction, not optimized asset allocation, red tape, counter-party risk etc etc, have aggregated and unnecessary costs in the trillions of dollars each year. Now everyone can invest internationally and get access to very interesting start-ups, not just the few rich elites that are accredited investors or have access to investment banks. This is the business opportunity of a life-time. If there are any anon that is still here, with crippling autism and remember the "how does it feel, bros" threads, that still has not made it, then this is for you. Especially those biz bros that lost money during crypto winter and still haven't made it.


Here is their internet site and they have started to build up a community now and will do some air drops. Soon the normies will know (i.e. plebbitors).

>> No.55529708

Here are some informative Twitter threads as well:



>> No.55529771

Aside for helping so many people, reducing waste and creating wealth, I challenge anyone to present a better investment opportunity. If you believe you got one, then please name the project and explain why. I think that will be very, very hard, if not impossible.

>> No.55529868 [DELETED] 

>muh tech

>> No.55529896

No, this is not mainly about the tech but dealing with the legal framework. They have invested 55 000 man hours, mainly on the legal loopholes dealing with tokenization of assets.

>> No.55529973

how many fucking Jews are on the payroll?

>> No.55530136
File: 124 KB, 986x960, Screenshot 2023-07-12 162359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't found a single one, unlike Backed, pic, a Swiss based company that talks about financial assets tokenization, the easiest and most useless tokenization field there is, where virtually all assets are digitalized.

Stobox has been working on asset tokenization of all asset classes and globally, meaning you can easily buy land/real estate in different countries, energy and natural resources, manufacturing, startups, even art etc. all over the world. The main problem they have is to solve the legal problems regarding tokenization and global investors. They are years ahead of any competitor. Backed looks both useless and scammy.

>> No.55530382

Sorry, I didn't mean "loopholes" but jumping through legal hoops.

>> No.55531154 [DELETED] 
File: 24 KB, 1486x104, Screenshot 2023-07-12 183258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmmm, looks like STBU is up 12% today. Well, with a mcap of 2MM Stobox is still dirt cheap.

>> No.55532193

What does stobox do that other asset tokenization coins don’t?

>> No.55532324

ur gonna get banned for advertising

>> No.55532404

Before all you normies flooded /biz/ it was actually normal to inform about projects you believed in to fellow /biz/raelies. Especially ETH was shilled hard here, after BTC kind of started to take off. Same with Monero, but it took a very, very long time before anyone outside /biz/ started to get interested in Monero. I believe Monero's mcap was around 4MM USD then, for a very long time.

>> No.55532450

There are no other asset tokenization coins. Stobox have their own trading platform, their own legal ID blockchain, where you can use one ID legally recognized by multiple nations to buy assets internationally. They also are will have progress chain up and running in early next year. Some of their assets require KYC by law in the various nations, especially buying farm land land etc, other assets, especially commodoties will not, so you need different blockchains for that or one blockchain where yoiu can turn on and off KYC requirements. If you have minimum 10K STBU you will get airdrop in some weeks, probably. Also, there is a community campaign going on now, where the crypto worth of 100K USD will be given to the community. This campaign ends in August, mid August I believe. 2MM USD mcap is absurdly low for Stobox, with working product, 35 business clients already, and market leader in a coming trillion dollar market. I have never seen anything like it.

>> No.55532552

the mods here are fags who will block you for telling other people about a currency that might pump

>> No.55532576

Yes, what the hell is going on with that? Are they all trannies?

>> No.55532677 [DELETED] 

All the devs are kikes so maybe it is a good investment.

>> No.55532684

Lol they paid their own law firms with ICO treasury
Your a noob

Tokenization of assets will happen with derivatives on DEX ecosystems

>> No.55532696

Money goes where its treated best

Kyc is boomer stuff.

The capital markets are going back to bearer share representations, the historic average.

Your asset ownership isn't suppose to spook on you.

>> No.55532742

Who are they connected to any of the schizo coins?

>> No.55532745

You two idiots don't understand that owning an asset that requires registration etc for legal ownership MUST have KYC in order to have legal property right. If not, it is worthless.

>> No.55532761

If you are selling it on the secondary market with no KYC it will be deemed illegal. Try to sell farm land in, say, Europe, to rich Chinese in a black secondary market with a frontman, and see how that goes in court.

>> No.55532772

>Kyc is boomer stuff.
If there is no legal requirement for KYC on that asset, there will be no KYC.

>> No.55532783

how to buy

>> No.55532801

Yu can use Gate.io (https://www.gate.io/en/trade/STBU_USDT)), UniSwap (https://info.uniswap.org/#/pools/0x390a4d096ba2cc450e73b3113f562be949127ceb)), or DS Swap (https://app.dsswap.io/swap).).
Add liquidity to DS Swap or Uniswap.
Use LP Mining at Gate.io (https://www.gate.io/liquidity_add/STBU_USDT).).

>> No.55532820

You can also buy STBU with ETH on gate:

>> No.55532829

is stbx worth it too do you think?

>> No.55532843

What happens if someone hacks my wallet. Do they get my house and car? I don't really want that shit on the blockchain desu.

>same with investing in fabrics, start-ups etc all over the world

Sounds like someone trying to make an unregulated securities exchange. I think there's a government department which takes a dim view on such things.

>> No.55532850

Probably yes, but I don't know their current market cap. Also, buying STBX requires KYC.

>> No.55532860

If the asset has no KYC then it will be lost the same way as you will lose if someone hacks your BTC wallet. If your asset requires KYC, like farmland, you can go to court and get back your stolen asset, and they can not sell the asset on a secondary market, as the token and legal papers don't match.

>> No.55532887

Securities are financial assets, so this tokenization will be more non-financial assets. However, they are doing everything by the book, so it will not be unregulated. That is why they have been working on it since 2018 and spent 55 000 man hours. In the end you will be able to to buy and sell shares on a blockchain, with no middle man, bankers, counter-party risk, cross-border regulation etc. That and also the ability to buy tokens in start-ups in say India or other places in need of capital.

>> No.55532903

>unregulated securities exchange
It will be more like buying and selling physical gold, tokens, and not paper gold claims, futures, options etc. You don't need to have a regulated exchange to sell physical gold.

>> No.55532906


I'm reading the blog to try to understand it.

>The second fundamental difference is the fact that tokenization is the ability to display a real asset on the blockchain. Real, not virtual. The value of a tokenized asset cannot be less than its real value.

>For example, real estate tokens of a villa in Hawaii will not cost less than the villa itself.

>Rather the opposite! Due to the factional ownership and the option of free secondary trading, the total value of the tokenized asset will increase by 25% -40%.

I don't get it, where is the extra value coming from?

>The third and significant difference is the fact that tokenization is not only a technical process but also a legal and operational one. An issuer cannot create a token on the blockchain and imagine that this is a tokenized business. The complex process of legal justification and linking an asset to a smart contract is an integral part of the legalization of tokens. Without legal binding, it's just a scam!


I don't really get it, if the token doesn't give you legal right to the asset, then what is the point of the token? And if it does give you legal right to the asset then it seems to put you at risk of having it stolen via a hack of the wallet, which is not ideal.

>> No.55532907
File: 40 KB, 703x305, How to participate in Stobox STO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care about KYC. Looks like their own stock is tokenized. Don't like the "chance" for 25% usually means no chance.
$2.5 shares top left of webpage. $3 on other source.

>> No.55532939

What he is saying is that the price of the total, actual asset will function like a floor for the price. The combined price of the Tokenized asset will not, go below market price, or at least not so much than anyone can buy the tokens and sell the asset on the market and make risk-free profit. The added value is the easy you can buy and sell the token, lend it out, etc.

A token will give you a legal property right. A hack is the same risk as if you have gold at home. I guess in the very near future you can deposit your tokens at a custodian, like a bank and have an insurance. But then you trust a third-party again, and that is also not ideal. There is always a loss involved in every choice you make. Minimum opportunity costs.

>> No.55532954

I haven't followed STBX, but looks like they are saying that if you pay with STBU and not USD, you will get a special deal and it is not quantified in the moment and somewhere in the future. They have always kept their promises and normally under-promise and over-perform.

>> No.55532971

>risk of having it stolen via a hack of the wallet, which is not ideal.
It is just a matter of time before STBU will be available on hardwallets.

>> No.55532977

It looks like it's worth a gorilla or two. If it's a scam it's very well put together. More personal research needed.

>> No.55533027

They have already tokenized 9 large business projects with all the legal work done. All of them up and running. So I don't think it is even possible it is a scam, theoretically.
>More personal research needed
Yep, it opens up a totally new financial market, with real life assets tokenized. So this is something truly new and you of course must look into the company itself. They had a hack over one year ago, I believe it is, and they reacted very fast, very professional, kept all of us informed all the way, managed to get full cooperation from gate etc. No hiding, no running away, no dumping of the project only to start again. I was very impressed and bought more.

>> No.55533054

>put you at risk of having it stolen via a hack of the wallet
I am actually more worried regarding the government and confiscating of assets. That and banks going under and giving you back only a fraction of your assets etc. Having the assets on a hardwallet that you control, seems to me the best solution. Also sending your assets to multiple people, multi-signature key on your wallet etc etc.

>> No.55533099

Wow, sounds great.
>type in the wrong address and accidentally send the deed of your house to ranjeesh
>cops show up and evict you
>"Sorry sir the transaction is immutably on the Blockchain. We're just doing our job."

>> No.55533114

the website looks awful

>> No.55533161

A house will have KYC so you go through their trading platform and you can't send the legal ownership of your house by accident. The rest, the assets without KYC, will be like PAGX, where you can send Gold around, and yes, if you clunk around it's gone. Just like with BTC.

>the website looks awful
Ha, ha, ha, true. And that is a good thing. A bunch of high IQ tech nerds and no big marketing budget etc. Plus, it looks great compared to what Vitalik had for his ETH. That looked like total shit and scammy as hell. Price of ETH went up every day, to put psychological pressure on you (I believe they did that, can't remember for sure), and you had to send him your BTC and trust-me-bro, hope that the Russian high-school drop-out would send you his ETH that he promised and nobody had ever seen. Ha, ha, ha, it was so risky.

>> No.55533166

so whats the utility of the stbu token

and what are the tokenomics? team token unlocks/inflation?

>> No.55533168

how many trannies as well?

>> No.55533169

sui & makeit stacks?

>> No.55533197

No trannies and CEO is dissident right, based on his Twitter subs

STBU is platform token and will be payment token in the Stobox ecosystem. They planned to have tokenization in STBU but realized that some tokens would have KYC requirments and the STBU protocol was not good enough for that technically, so they will release their progress-chain, where you can turn on KYC requirement, as a major functionality was taken away from STBU they will airdrop progress token to STBU holders.

>> No.55533223

Very hard to say. If you have more than 10K STBU, ca 280 USD at current price, you will get airdrops, and can participate in the 100K USD community reward program they have going on now. I would say that might be a suicide stack.

>> No.55533256

>and what are the tokenomics? team token unlocks/inflation?
90% is in circulation and from what I remember, looked into this so long time ago, there was virtually no team grab and every conservative. CEO has 3% of STBU that he bought on the open market, and he calls it his pension fund.

>> No.55533300

He has no Jewish name, but he could be a Jew, based solely on looks, however, I really like him. He is a physics expert from university and was taken into the project by the CEO and learned macro economics, micro economics, crypto etc really fast. He is a number cruncher with very good analytical skills

>> No.55533327

I put my main trust in American and Russian devs.

>> No.55533427

op = 30 replies. scam detected. and not uniswap. mega scam advisory.

>> No.55533455
File: 36 KB, 427x323, Screenshot 2023-07-12 234034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>op = 30 replies. scam detected
It's the opposite, newfag, I am answering questions. 1 post by this ID OP is a red flag. I believe they are on uniswap, pic, I have only used gate. Ask in telegram or discord to be totally sure.

>> No.55533464

Thanks for the info bread OP, even if it’s a scam. We need more like this on /biz/ instead of shitcoin general #3745

>> No.55533500

okay i stand corrected. they are on uniswap. but 0/100 tokensniffer score. contract not renounced. and something about version 2? smells fishy

>> No.55533520
File: 537 KB, 1920x1080, Why Stobox STBU.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks bro, yes, the quality of the board has dived after we got flooded by normies, tourists and plebbit refugees. No hate, but it is what it is. This was a safe space for people with crippling autism. I haven't seen a "how does it feel, bros" thread in years, I believe.

Version two is the correct one, there should be tons of warnings, due to the hack I talked about here: >>55533027

>> No.55533528

what happened with the hack?

>> No.55533562

They had their blockchain audited, but for some weird reason they got hacked even though they were a sub 5000 rank on CMC project of something. I blame Jewish bankers worried about tokenization and eternal loss of market share, middle-man fees etc :P

They got help from gate that halted all trades. they reversed trades and compensated, air-dropped the new tokens 1:1 and that was it. Never seen a hack solved in such a professional manner. It was right before Christmas or righ after New Years Eve, can't remember, but CEO was on top of it in a matter of hours and kept us informed all the way. Devs were working overtime, gate changed blockchain within a very short time etc. Best hack I ever had to be honest.

>> No.55533590

sounds like a mintable hack. strange they incorporated that function into their new contract. only a matter of time before it happens again.

>> No.55533631 [DELETED] 

You can see the hack here, pic. Good buying opportunity and good for /biz/ getting STBU at discount prices.

>only a matter of time before it happens again
I don't believe that at all. I am sure they have a bounty, so you can inform them if you want to. They will have a second security audit pretty soon, I believe.

>> No.55533638
File: 67 KB, 915x744, Screenshot 2023-07-13 000011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can see the hack here, pic. Good buying opportunity and good for /biz/ getting STBU at discount prices.

>only a matter of time before it happens again
I don't believe that at all. I am sure they have a bounty, so you can inform them if you want to. They will have a second security audit pretty soon, I believe.

>> No.55533648

yeah fuck that once a coin gets hacked im done being interested in it even if its allegedly fixed

>> No.55533653

I think they hacked a deployer wallet, and despite everything being so much more secure now, they would only get access to 10% of total circulation, in contrast to 40% or whatever they got at that time.

>> No.55533659

A wallet, not protocol level.

>> No.55533686

I guess you stay the hell away from Ethereum then, after the DAO hack. And BTC has had multiple security vulnerabilities discovered as well.

>> No.55533700

>37 pbtid
the lady doth protest too much

>> No.55533710

Not really.

I am going to bed, good luck with your investments, guys.

>> No.55533825

I've been here for 6 or 7 years now.

I've been banned like 30 times this year for posting coins. Most of which giga mooned

That this thread isn't getting pruned is suspect. I don't trust jannies

>> No.55533913

It's his thread, I never understood this criticism.
Gonna go through this thread in detail when I get home, I'm interested.

>> No.55533969
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If you missed BTC just buy QANX

>> No.55534083

30k in liquidity. theres literal day 1 memecoins that have more than 30k liquidity for a 100k mcap coin

tell the team to add liq or nobody is ever buying the coin. no whale is ever going to buy in size when they have >300% slippage. i've seen this before, where the project owners simply refuse to add liquidity and the coin does nothing but bleed because nobody likes insane slippage

>> No.55534746

Holy Molly! I'll rather go for CYMI, ID, or ACOIN at least I can spot what they are building. >>55533710
You too anon.

>> No.55535714
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Tokenization of assets is indeed a big deal in the space right now. Because I need quick bucks, I have join eloop_one, as they can tokenize Tesla vehicles, providing them with a unique ID through peaqnetwork, which makes the process more convenient, transparent, & secure. Revenues are shared as well. Isn't this better?

>> No.55536108

What do you think is the fastest blockchain?

>> No.55536727

KAS is one undervalued blockchain and the most secure after bitcoin. Incels might jump on altcoinistdao reviews to find out

>> No.55536866
File: 9 KB, 250x250, 9052677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BizBro, obviously, I'm investing in DUA because I believe BrillionFi will address the crucial crypto issue of asset management and wallet.

>> No.55536913

Then deal with self-custody wallets that prioritize privacy, security, and seamless usability through NexeraID, Anon.

>> No.55536950

They are everything but Crypto Natives. Maybe remove 5 letters, add 3 and here, we, go...

>> No.55537067

low liquidity scam

>> No.55537432
File: 425 KB, 844x1500, 1_jF9tSA4hgYqR3IfPxbJAqA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They either select which ones they allow on base of the size of their bags, or they are just plain retarded. /biz lived from shilling. Since 2016 I come here to sift through poo and find the gems. It worked great and was fun. Now the board is absolutely useless. All we get are the same fucking generals over and over and not much else. It unironically makes me sad. I don't want to switch to Twatter

>> No.55537488

Tbh, since channers have taken the lead on the use of Scallop card for their daily transactions, I see no reason for me to waste time and you'd be much happier being a user too.

>> No.55537526

Just that? Then you shouldn't snooze on Funarcade that bridge the gap between different blockchain networks, enabling seamless asset transfers and unlocking new possibilities for cross-chain interactions.

>> No.55537897

>Scallop card
Another boring crypto card, how come innovations around Crypto payments are stunted can't retards think outside the box?

>> No.55537989

>Another boring crypto card,
There are a shitloads of this and they all do the same, Binance card, CDC card, Plutus, Wirex etc all the same no unique innovations.

>> No.55538226

Apparently your research is a bit short, i do find a Miles card promising as it offers zero transaction fees, it allows you pay with loyalty rewards and it's also a VISA card.