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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55528181 No.55528181 [Reply] [Original]

Are your friends financial responsible? Do you ever give people advice on personal finance? If so what advice do people need to hear?

>> No.55528192

>Are your friends financial responsible?
>Do you ever give people advice on personal finance?

>> No.55528201

>If so what advice do people need to hear?
If you buy in bulk you can get a better deal. A bidet saves you from having to purchase toilet paper.

>> No.55528220

>Are your friends financial responsible?

>Do you ever give people advice on personal finance?
no, besides shilling them my shitcoins

>If so what advice do people need to hear?

Buy FUMO you retards, it's an official token from the creator of miladys and each token is worth 2 NFTs

>> No.55528222

>hating on weed
Yeah let’s just ignore the fact that alcohol is *at least* 1000x more harmful than marijuana. Let me guess, you were a weird nerdy kid with a superiority complex in high school and the one party you got invited to was the last. Being a contrarian and hating on a harmless plant is peak 4chan. Sorry you didn’t have real connections in your formative years, enjoy jerking each other off on this anonymous image board. jfc

>> No.55528227

Do you not because you don't gain anything or you don't think they will listen?

>> No.55528228 [DELETED] 

>t. loves the smell of female asses

>> No.55528229

I have a buddy who makes $55-$60k and drives that Tesla SUV

>> No.55528231

Checked and "my bait thread wasn't taking off so i'll take my own bait in hopes of getting it going" pilled

>> No.55528232

>Do you not because you don't gain anything or you don't think they will listen?
They have their shit together. Probably* more so than I do.


>> No.55528237
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>Writes an entire paragraph over a meme

>> No.55528324

I'm not even financially responsible

>> No.55528344

>writes an entire meme over a paragraph
Both sides are equally pathetic desu
>i didn't make it!
Having that pic saved on your device is also pathetic
T. Guy who was a full cringe stoner in high school but now smokes rarely and only with friends

>> No.55528366

>Another paragraph seething over a meme
>This one isn't bait

>> No.55528420
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What does alcohol have to do with the conversation around weed? Pot heads are the biggest douche bags; You treat weed like this golden calf but weed causes lung cancer and is carcinogenic. Go ahead and look up CPOD and how people die from it. Not a good way to go. I'm not against doing drugs but I'm against doing them and having your head up your own ass.

Pot ahead also thing they are better than other drug users cause weed is more socially acceptable but there's shit floating around now that is so potent it should be illegal.

>> No.55528522
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>Are your friends financial responsible?
Not particularly, they are consumers who spend their money freely on the latest gadgets etc and complain that they never have money, or they take out loans to buy luxury cars to be the "big man".

>Do you ever give people advice on personal finance?

No, no-one wants to hear about dollar-cost-averaging into an index fund for 40 years.

>> No.55528905


>> No.55528916



Stop taking out loans, mortgages, and any form of debt. Do not gamble ever. Don't do any subscription based services or payments. Hold on to your assets, some of them will shoot way up in value soon.

>> No.55528931

i'm 34 years old. i don't have any friends.

>> No.55529036

>Stop taking out mortgages
Buy a house in cash?

>> No.55529101

All intoxicants are copes for those who can't face reality and themselves.
Overstimulated and underachieving plebians.
This includes caffeine.

>> No.55529102

lol this damn spamming fucking faggot got mad because I made pot roast the other night
Mind you he's been banned over 6000 times for spamming and ddosing.

>> No.55529116

What's the point in spamming /biz/ with the same bullshit day in day out for years?
You gain nothing from it.
You think you do but you actually degrade yourself more each time to the point you don't have any impact here.

>> No.55529146

OP has never once condemned prescriptions, street drugs or alcohol
Which tells me naturally he's an alcoholic drug abuser, they almost always had potheads
Cocaine abusers speficially hate pot heads because pot heads don't engage in their behavior, think David Cross, a jewish man who hates potheads loves cocaine and also loves hating everyone that's not him to the point nobody hires him anymore he can't get work and is a jew, and his goyim friend (Odenkirk)
is more famous than him for being nice and funny.

>> No.55529281
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>Three paragraphs of schizophrenia
Ya hate to see it

>> No.55529312

Checked ironic digits

>> No.55529425

They got him

>> No.55529580

You didn't answer my question for four years you've spammed this site with this bullshit, you are only on here 24 to harass and annoy, what do you gain from it?
>he won't answer
I don't expect one.

>> No.55529612

>Do you ever give people advice on personal finance? If so what advice do people need to hear?
Never invest in what you don’t understand, be aware of Ponzi Schemes, and lastly, the fastest way to get rich is to form a business.
>Hold on to your assets, some of them will shoot way up in value soon.
I try to hodl as much as I can and not chase pumps, I have most of my assets sitting safu in the sylo wallet and cuddling them from time to time... Lol
>and again I'm on a long term outlook.

>> No.55529631
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>> No.55530198

I like a nice cup of coffee, though. I wonder if decaf provides the same joy.

>> No.55530212

It's time to always find a way to earn whether you're sleeping or awake, whether you are selling or buying via CryptMi app, whether you are learning or teaching via Binance academy...
Be the earner in whatever you do!

>> No.55531877
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Pic related is incorrect I’ve seen full blown fights break out cause someone was called an alcoholic. The whole pot vs alcohol thing is retarted. Both are stupid when abused and let’s face it, alcohol is abused a lot more. Even “only” getting drunk every weekend for decades is killing your brain cells. At the same time the people that smoke weed daily then wonder why they never go anywhere in life are just as bad. I do wonder though, once weed become decriminalized at a national and you can go to “weed” bars, what will that do to socializing?

>> No.55531900

Wish you retards would stop posting this retarded image, weed is cheap, a LOT cheaper than booze. I can get a month's supply for like $25

>> No.55531914

i know a guy that makes about 70k/year or so and drives a bmw but complains that like 60% of his paycheck each month goes straight to the car. i dont offer him financial advice since he makes more money than me.

>> No.55531916

You'd like meth too.
As long as you can moderate that shit you're fine. But if you can't go a day without it you're addicted.

>> No.55532155

Nah that's bullshit. My ex was a massive smokers and live in WA state. An ounce here in legal vill is about 70 - 100 bucks and that's just of flower. Heavily smoking she would go through that Oz in no time. That isn't even mentioning the dabs and edibles and everything else

>> No.55532620

Leaving weed legalization to the states has been the biggest grift politicians have came up with. They still keep the prison industrial complex happy with a steady (but not as heavy) supply of bodies, collect massive tax from the dispensaries (lots of politicians are invested in those in their state), and they keep the alcohol industry happy. I’ve met too many people that would drop alcohol in heart beat if they could smoke weed legally and publicly the way you can with alcohol.

>> No.55532775

>purchased skins in a game
>uses doordash
they are 100% ngmi

>> No.55532795

I agree with weed legalization, but, I think that once you get into the 70 - 80 or 100% purity percentile it becomes dangerous and should be illegal. It's better than alcohol also, but people who think weed is "a harmless plant bro" are fucking retards.

>> No.55533172

>people who think weed is "a harmless plant bro" are fucking retards.
Agreed. I think it’s the equivalent of people who brag about how much they pops under themselves with alcohol every weekend.

>> No.55533178

Poisoned themselves*

>> No.55533415

Yikes, skins or anything video games is pretty bad

>> No.55534249

I tried a 10mg edible once and I think it gave me a fucking panic attack

>> No.55534280
File: 731 KB, 1080x1890, Duuude.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55534286 [DELETED] 

27 grams lasts me a month because I'm not a degenerate retard who blazes it all day. And I use a vape which is a lot less wasteful

>> No.55534413

The first time I ate edibles in WA I made the mistake every one makes and ate the whole thing ignoring the clear package instructions like a retard and I was so high I was literally having a psychedelic experience. It was close to tripping on shrooms.

>> No.55534473

I don't have any friends, but I work at a bank and see the accounts of all kinds of people. Purely an anecdote and partially a product of where I live, but at least half of people my age are financially retarded.

>> No.55534488

I was doing 600mg feco just a few days back

>> No.55534696
File: 78 KB, 750x709, tj27cugh0xs51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using doge unironically
reddit won't add inches to your peenus weenus

>> No.55534759

doge is probably older than you, dipshit

>> No.55534781

while it's perfectly reasonable to criticize it in a vaccum. most criticisms of marijuana coming from alkies either boil down to "they're weird and libtarded" or devolve on some autistic /x/ "esoteric" faggotry about how it "erases your spirit" or some shit.

from one alkie to another, this shit is making us all look like retards. get back in the factory and make me a railroad, chink mystic.

>> No.55535082

>. I can get a month's supply for like $25
Lel, you need to be 18+ to use 4chan tho

>> No.55536245

>but at least half of people my age are financially retarded
It may be over half anon