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File: 932 KB, 1767x1762, stake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55526975 No.55526975 [Reply] [Original]

Staking chads, we just keep winning. I've lost count, how mamy projects we got so far?

>> No.55526995

Where do I sell my etherscore tokens?

>> No.55527029

make your own market on a dex

>> No.55527054

It's crazy that even if they share these tokens 90% node operators and 10% stakers there are so few people actually staking (what is it, like 7000 wallets or somthing?) that if even a single one of these BUILD projects gets huge all stakers will do really well
If there were 100k people staking this would be a nothingburger, but the pool of stakers is so small that every single one of these drops will give stakers a significant ownership stake in the BUILD projects.

Here's some napkin math assuming a billion token supply:
>5% of tokens to nodes and stakers: 50 million tokens
>90% of that to nodes, 10% to stakers (which I am basing on nothing at all and I think is a very conservative estimate): 5 million tokens to stakers.
>5 million tokens divided between 7000 stakers (ignoring the fact that 7k stakers will likely get more): 714 tokens

So even with that conservative math the average staker is getting the equivalent of a 700 token stake in every billion token protocol. Like getting 700 LINK, but getting it in every single new BUILD project (40 and counting). It's easy to see it would only take a few huge BUILD projects (*cough* Space and Time *cough*) before you start getting some serious money.

>> No.55527244

>0.0001% of the supply of a shit token for a gay NFT project anyone couldve done at a hackathon
thats nothing nigger
these shitcoins are gonna be worth less than the gas to claim them
im staking too and have already accepted that sergey is a fat fuck scammer, you should do the same

>> No.55527267

Not only that, but keep in mind most of us have multiple wallets staked. Feels good man, can't wait to receive my rewards.

>clearly mad
>im staking too
Yeah, no kek. When we staked, we did it for the LINK rewards. Anything else is a BONUS. You being mad and seething makes me feel so comfy.

>> No.55527290
File: 40 KB, 455x455, milkv2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have my milk sir

>> No.55527407

Wow thats amazing! Surely this has had a positive effect on the price. Ill just pull up chart real fa-ACK

>> No.55527436

>1488 BUILD projects and counting
>0 of them have been dropped to stakers

>> No.55527450

very based

>> No.55527467

No one will buy any of this shit whatsoever. Jesus Christ how fucking new are you. The entire space is a ponzi running off cyclical hype and narratives. The current narrative is going to be AI, and the most lucrative AI projects are not going to be crypto-related in the first place. Think NVIDIA stonks.

NO ONE is going to invest in autistic unknown build projects for fucksake anons. Shut the fuck up and wait for actual tradfi adoption which is coming in 4-5 years.

t. 50K stinks and zero patience for newfags

>> No.55527490

midwit being extra acerbic to larp as a topwit because that's how smart people talk
take a hike faggot

>> No.55527493

I too only buy investments that I hate and think will not make me any profit. I strictly only invest in things that won’t make me excited. NO FUN ALLOWED if I smile or think positively once I immediately sell.

>> No.55527769

Is TimeandSpace promising?

>> No.55527810

>You are not allowed to speculate even conservatively about the bonus tokens you are getting for FREE
I assure you that this faggot doesn't have that much LINK and I bet $100 he isn't staked.

>> No.55527837

>s-see I'm staking too
>t-this is nothing, BUILD rewards won't be worth shit
Every single word you type out oozes envy and military-grade seethe. You stick out like a sore thumb.

How does it feel to know that you will NEVER stake? How does it feel to know that the only way for you to get any BUILD tokens will be staking anons dumping them on your sorry ass? Kek fuddies can't catch a break

Inb4 wall of text after coordinating in the third world ESL tranny discord


>> No.55527956

>fudders now have to larp as linkies in order to give their bullshit any credibility

>> No.55528244

By my calculation your staking performance since staking is about -25%. This is what winning looks like if you are a LINKmarine

>> No.55528332

But if you're thinking long term, the temporary loss doesn't matter, I think I bought this because I could stake it and mostly cos of its long term potential based on TM's ratings, and I should be buying some in a couple of days
>only people who dont hold it, miss the gains they say

>> No.55528412
File: 144 KB, 395x396, 1542486854747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> NFT badges
> soulbound tokens

>> No.55528438

The best shill for LINK left is that you can get other coins to speculate by holding it.

Jesus Christ that fat twat Sergey has really fucked over holders.

>> No.55528448

Will they open back staking?

>> No.55528449

In a market that is 100% driven by bullshit narratives and hype cycles, that is actually a pretty good shill. Comfy.

>> No.55528487

No it isnt you fucking nogger. When holders main shill of their coin is that other coins will outperform it that is so fucking pathetic and rewlly shows how battered they are.

You could just as easily by these BUILD projects. 700 tokens of each is probably going to cost less than $100, maybe even $30. Then you dont have to stake $45,000 worth of a LINK which has been bleeding for 3 years non stop

>> No.55528599

>t. Midwit

>> No.55528687

Nothing midwit about it.
Why the fuck would i spend $45k on LINK for 7k tokens and then wait for the pool to open jus to be allowed to stake to get a paltry 700 tokens from each BUILD member to then be allowed to speculate on it… if i could just speculate on them directly for like $30 per project which is how much 700 tokens will probably cost.

It makes no fucking sense when LINK IS ALSO GOING TO BLEED IN THAT TIME.

Its a pathetic shill and a sign of how fucking awful this project has become with its token economics. The only shill left is to spend almost 50k, to then wait for 1+ year to get tokens while your link bleeds to have them maybe go up.

I fucking weep for you if you honestly think that is good. All it does is take the edge off of bagholders losses. It is not an appealing shill to anyone else unless LINK goes up too which it wont untill Sergey pulls out his finger and improves token economics and delivers on white paper 1

>> No.55528732

>NFT badges
>soulbound tokens
ok, it's trash. they are giving these shit projects PR and make link look shit by association. just stop

>> No.55529935

has it ever even been confirmed these will be given to stakers for free? I keep seeing "made available" which sounds like access to purchase.

>> No.55529959

the post that single-handedly annihilated the hopium shills

>> No.55530396

Most people underestimate the size of the BUILD airdrop.
Take a look at this absolute shitcoin which is a part of the BUILD program which already has a token out https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/ix-token.. Even as an absolute shitcoin it has a 29M mcap in this current dead market, and we have 40+ projects in BUILD already. Do the math.

>> No.55530525

>Do the math.
if you subtract the losses since staking started from the unfounded projections of build token value, it comes out to a negative number

>> No.55530572

What is "unfounded" in my post? Everything I said is factual.

>> No.55530650
File: 201 KB, 1074x1147, 1689175627246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You thats because you'll only be eligible for a couple of them

>> No.55530783

Assuming a 4% share distributed equally to the 25 million staked LINK in v0.1. This one airdrop would be over $330 per 7k staked

>> No.55531488

this. LINK sucks basically.

>> No.55531537

Yeah I'm sure research is essential if one is to buy lesser known coins with potential bigger gains (and losses)

>> No.55531586

aren't there many many crypto people who chase airdrops to dump, you're going to get some percent of the 40 airdrops and you're ...angry at the free money?

And that's an appetizer for the SWIFT DTCC meal.

>> No.55532232

>How does it feel to know that you will NEVER stake?

My understanding was that retail would have an opportunity to re-enter upon the next release. Is there somewhere they've stated differently?

> Kek fuddies can't catch a break
the coin is -90%...


haha yep...quite a far cry from a few years ago. Funny thing I just now remembered... a few years back I was in a Link telegram and suggested the team should airdrop some coins to wallets that had been there for years as a reward for loyalty. Because I used the word "airdrop", it triggered all of the locals into calling me a Pajeet and I was mocked by like 30 people. Fast forward to this year and now desperately waiting on airdropped shitcoins is the Link bull thesis. Unironically hilarious

Again I'll ask, where are you seeing that? Looking at the Bharath screenshot a few posts up, it looks like there are strings attached. Which is understandable, nothing in life is free

>> No.55532304
File: 96 KB, 642x934, IMG_0589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Linkies are about to get triggered by this post. Prepare for the wrath of incel rage.