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55526522 No.55526522 [Reply] [Original]

>Fuck renting. I can live at my parents house and stack cash for the next 20 years
>10 minutes later
>If I don't move out tomorrow I'm going to kill myself
why am I like this

>> No.55526548
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you fell for both sides' propaganda
NEVER fall for both sides' propaganda.

>> No.55526566

Do you have your own room? Do you have a decent relationship with your parents?

>> No.55526565

I've lived with my family for 2 years and have almost 60k in crypto and 50k in the bank. As long as you're family is cool about it I see nothing wrong with it desu

>> No.55526580

ewww you're in a relationship with your parents?

>> No.55526603

Idk man. Give them some money every month. Not as much as renting but just contribute something. It might make things better

>> No.55526706

You can still get gf living at your parents if you take care of crap and take care of them. You're just retarded or American.

>> No.55526719

I don't think living at home should be such a big deal. It's totally different if you're a parasite neet that gets waited on and does absolutely nothing.

>> No.55526766

I've been with my gf for 3 years and we've been at our parents houses since we met. Just now starting to talk about moving into together into an apartment

>> No.55526778

I tried living with my parents to save money. I saved nothing because I couldn't stand being there so I ate out and drove arround a lot and spent money just to get out of the house every day

>> No.55526789
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nice blog thread. Everybody feel free to add your useless life story below

>> No.55527042

makes sense but also sounds like jewish propaganda.

>> No.55528312

Just buy a house.

>> No.55528335
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I'm a raging alcoholic. I have an incredibly serious drinking problem that's affecting my life, and I can't stop.

>> No.55528496

>20 years
nope, you will have programmable electronic food vouchers that expire at the end of the month if you don't spend them on bugs and you will accept it.

>> No.55528511

This just buy one you can already afford. Then sell it after you've saved enough money that you can upgrade to a better one. This way you're always improving your standing and you don't have to worry about timing the market because it always goes up over time, and if you buy during a dip you could get one at a discount and wait to sell the one you own. If you buy at a premium you just live there and wait for it to appreciate.

>> No.55528525
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Oh suck it up faggot at least you have parents.

>> No.55528912

what if i can't afford a house

>> No.55529053

Because you're a pussy move out

>> No.55529066

why indeed, what's the problem living with your parents if they're not dysfunctional?

>> No.55529342

Once when I was 13 my sister was calling me a faggot for no reason. As revenge I erked off into some bubble solution she bought at the dollar store. The next day I was mowing the lawn while my sister and her friend were blowing bubbles with these big bubble wands. I started laughing uncontrollably when my sister popped one with her nose. She asked me wtf was so funny, so I told her what I did and that she had my cum on her face now. She went pale and ran screaming to tell mom on me, who grounded me for a week.

>> No.55529684

>Oh GOD she so sexy!
>Wasn’t a girl
I’m tired, guys…

>> No.55529699

>>If I don't move out tomorrow I'm going to kill myself
Try explaining this if you want some advice you stupid faggot.

>> No.55529764
File: 1.02 MB, 3963x1358, PXL_20220731_220824157~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try making some pasta.
When you finish mixing the dough it is rather hard and clumpy. You'll think to yourself:
>did i fuck it up? it seems wrong, there is no way anything good will come from this..
Then you pass it through the rollers (get a hand cranked machine for the tactile experience) and soon, after you narrow the roller settings and pass it through, that hard unpleasant clump of egg and flour will be a beautiful, even sheet of silky pasta.
You'll make the transformation you want to see in your mood in front of you with the dough and your mood will follow it with the sense of accomplishment and you'll have delicious fresh pasta for you and your parents.
I always look forward to making a huge batch of cheese ravioli whenever I have a few days off for holiday or because of weather.

>> No.55530647

My folks charged me rent. This is after they told me they would pay for college, and then went back on that.
Funny story there, mom took the alimony money after the divorce, and went back to college, so I kind of think the two things are connected. I just cannot help but think how much better my life would be if I had been given a chance to stack cash for a year or so.

>> No.55532285

Don't stop until you absolutely have to. That's the only way it'll work. Hit rock bottom as fast as you can.

>> No.55532627

ideally, there should be three generations under one roof like the old days. keep doing what you're doing, and i assume you're also helping out your senpai here and there, which is awesome.

family is all we have at the end of the day. cherish it, anons.

>> No.55532643

Based and culinary pilled.

>> No.55532662

So? Girls (male) are superior anyway

>> No.55532673
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Because you're an independent adult. I pay Jews $2400 a month to live in NYC when I could just live with my parents for free in Long Island.

>> No.55533580

Living with parents allows you to afford aggressive moves (applications, skill building) to increase your income. If you can't improve your standing living in your childhood bedroom consider moving out.