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File: 4 KB, 140x140, dude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55520768 No.55520768 [Reply] [Original]

>Hear you can make decent money freelancing for desing work
>give fiverr a shot
>give freelancer a try
>give upwork a try
>lose bids for jobs for jeets doing it for $10 (Not $10 an hour, $10 TOTAL)
what hope is there for me?

>> No.55520871

depends...what type of freelance work do you do ?

>> No.55520900

2d animation
graphic Design
web design

>> No.55520945

now thats your problem...too many people know that skillset. hell you can even use a website to make a logo for you


If you truly have a degree in graphic design...then how about finding a job?

>> No.55521040

been trying to for months with no luck
kinda at the end of my wits here

>> No.55521061

Working directly with clients is a sucker's game. You'll make a lot more working with agencies that are working on larger corporate accounts.

A new (2 yrs or less experience) designer can start at around $50-60/hr while skilled and in-demand folks can get $150-200/hr.

>t. 10 year freelancing veteran, gross revenue around $450k before taxes

>> No.55521096

On fiverr you need to start by doing high volume for low pay until you appease the fiverr algorithm and get exposed to higher paying clients. I don't use it but a friend does and explained this to me.

>> No.55521123
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>2d animation
>graphic Design
>web design

checked, I got a degree in "Media Arts and Animation" which trained me to work any of these jobs. How old are you? If you live in the US you should still be able to get a job doing any of these, just apply for every job you see. However, depending on your age maybe it's time to do something else and just leave this stuff for hobbies. Think about 10 years from now, with the developments in AI will these skills still be useful? I doubt it. I just managed to get a job as a graphic designer again after a very long work gap where I also did freelance, but God knows I wish I did something else with my life.

>> No.55521156
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>A new (2 yrs or less experience) designer can start at around $50-60/hr while skilled and in-demand folks can get $150-200/hr.
>>t. 10 year freelancing veteran, gross revenue around $450k before taxes

>> No.55521356


post hands

>> No.55521826
File: 100 KB, 1176x760, Screen Shot 2023-07-11 at 9.53.51 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a designer, my friend. My rate is $1800/day. I'm at $284k for the year so far.

>> No.55521976
File: 72 KB, 1080x1059, 1687930751200205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh man,
i wish that were me,
ive only made like 2k the entire year (live with parents so no rent)
i got plenty of skills, from programming to design, learnt up anything i could except advanced maths - a jack of all trades.
please help me out on some advice man,
how do i find people or a agency, how do i market myself,
what could someone even do to set their brand apart from the competition

>> No.55521989

>I'm not a designer
ok that changes everything then

>> No.55522155
File: 1.21 MB, 3024x4032, HANZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Know of any in mind? Im open to any work honestly
Cant even do that when theres people who take jobs for literal pennies
just turned 30, been working in desig since i graduated (2018) and had steady work until covid. Got offered a contract position and decided to work for myself. Sadly since about 5 months ago thats gone down the drain and now I have no income
here you go
Thats very nice friend, What do you do? Is this something I can learn to do myself?
Its tough out here brotha

>> No.55522255
File: 222 KB, 1012x800, 63f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is a rule if u don't live in 3rd world country don't learn 3rd world skill.
3rd world skills:
Graphic Design
pretty much anything that can be done online

the reason is if pajeet haven't cornered your market by now it, they will in few years

Programmers gonna get massive cock up their ass in 2 years when they realize the whole WFH thing was a scam to switch them with pajeets from oversees for 1/100 the cost. even in EU u get 25k a year for senior software engineer

instead if u are in rich country pick skills that re only useful locally to exploit the local wealth.
Lawyer, accountent, Pizza maker,
etc, things that only provide value locally and do not make sense to order online
usually something that is food/physical or is based on law or has local bureaucracy in it

>> No.55523059


are you actually good at it or not? Having perused Fiverr for work, I know damn well these Jeets don't do a good job. That said, i'm probably not like most people, you'd be better off looking for higher quality customers if you're actually good.

>> No.55523086

Agency work is all about relationships. A portfolio will get you in the door, but most of it is warm referrals. Agencies don't care as much about work quality as they do your ability to deliver work on time and on budget. Yes, obviously quality counts for something... but a decent creative who ships work like clockwork and has good communication skills, will get so many gigs, while a genius who is hard to reach and occasionally late, will not.

>how find/market to agencies
- Make a list of agencies that sell the kind of work you do —they could be interactive agencies, experiential, digital media, "studios," etc.

- Identify the resourcing/staffing people over there through LinkedIn, research

- Send a polite personalized linkedin message or note, not spammy, just like
>Hello, wanted to introduce myself —I'm a skilled freelancer specializing in X, Y and Z. Would love to be a resource if you have any needs in that area. Please let me know!

Ultimately you can't convince an agency to hire you... what happens is they have business and are scrambling to staff it, and you're in their rolodex, and they call you and give you a shot.

Also, network through your current connections... get intros/lunches... do anything you can to get in the door.

The hardest part is that first gig. Once you get in the door at once place, you can start broadening your contacts, getting more referrals, etc.. But that first connect is effectively your entire career, so focus ENTIRELY on making it.