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55516770 No.55516770 [Reply] [Original]

Even if I make it, my gf still had another man’s penis in her.

>> No.55516783

>not marrying a virgin
Truly ngmi

>> No.55516788

get your penis in him

>> No.55516793

do virgins exist in the west? never heard of a virgin over the age of 18

>> No.55516805

The only way to undo this curse is to find that man and put your penis inside him establishing dominance.

>> No.55516854
File: 359 KB, 498x252, megan-fox-my-tit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My gf's body count is around 15( pretty much the same as me) two of which were black guys, one of which was in a park. It's just how it's gonna be for now on anon

>> No.55516902

that's disgusting. You have low self-esteem. That girl is made for the streets and should be stoned

>> No.55516910
File: 556 KB, 1032x1122, 1669485841458878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're ngmi unironically

>> No.55516962

dump her and get a fresh mex cunt

>> No.55516964

>had 3 virgin gfs
>broke up with all of them
>realize the mistake
It's w/e.

>> No.55516969

In your case it's "has"

>> No.55516984

You make your peace with it after a while.

t. Cuck who lost his virginity to his wife that had 3 prior partners including a m/f/f threesome before me

She was 24 at the time though. I still cope hard. I've been on this site like 20 years now.

>> No.55516989

checked best opinion OP, this is the only way for redemption

>> No.55517001

well dump her and find a virgin if it's so important to you.

>> No.55517005

mine has higher which sucks but have learned a lot about sex, probably won't marry her anyway

>> No.55517018

You haven't made your peace with it. If I ever found the right one I'd never come back to this hellsite.
Too bad now I have to worry about them lying about sexual history AND vaxx status.
See you guys tomorrow.

>> No.55517064

I think I'd still come back I mean there's 24 hours in a day what else are you gonna do all mainstream media sucks. You're right though it still bothers me even though a lot less than it did and it probably always will. The threesome is what I can't get past but what's the alternative now I'm mid 30s even if I hit the jackpot and found an early 20s zoomet they're gonna have a worse past than that so I cope.

>> No.55517074

Not really

>> No.55517077

I know exactly how humiliating it feels to think about past sexual history; we all know. No getting past it, but hey, for all the shit anyone gives you (and it is very easy to give someone else shit over this), you're at least handling it well, look at it that way.

>> No.55517087

Checked. This anon is probably right.

>> No.55517203

You meant 13, right?

>> No.55517239

I used to think like this with my first girlfriend, a bit with my second. Ironically, now that I’m with a girl whose only been with one other before me, I reached a point where I didn’t care as much. Don’t get with someone who’s been with a lot of people, but don’t stress if the person you’re with has been with a few before you, especially if they were relationships. That’s just life

>> No.55517250

I've never slept with a girl who hasn't already been fucked by someone else.
Finding a virgin in a western nation is impossible. Just go to asia for it or africa, I hear africa is the new asia

>> No.55517287
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>but hey, for all the shit anyone gives you (and it is very easy to give someone else shit over this)

thats why find - fukk - forget
or pump and dump
>go full degen, just fukk around and dont care anymore, thats what they want anyway and im doing it.

>> No.55517290
File: 344 KB, 1280x1815, 0080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my gf still had another man’s penis in her.

It could be worse, you could go full cuck

>> No.55517292

don't stress about it, once she hits 30 you won't care and will be looking for a younger model anyway. alternatively, experiment with foursomes with other couples. you'll get fresh pussy out of it and won't care so much after breaking the seal of having seen another dick in your gf in real time

>> No.55517404

I have a wife and three kids and still come here almost everyday. Albeit I don’t spend nearly as much time as I used to. Too much time here can make a person a little warped. Like I would say shit to my wife that would be no big deal here but to her it was extremely hurtful. Limiting my time here has helped me separate 4chan from real life.

>> No.55517427


Feels good that my gf was a virgin when we met

>> No.55517464

you are here 4ever

>> No.55517493

The only way to make up for it is to have a few bastard children with other women and don’t tell her about it

>> No.55517506

3 is remarkably low for a Western woman at 24. It’s strange that she had a threesome after having just 1 other partner.

>> No.55517512

die cuckold die die cuckold die die cuckold die die cuckold die die cuckold die die cuckold die die cuckold die die cuckold die die cuckold die die cuckold die

>> No.55517513

Thoughts on dating college girls at 30+

>> No.55517517

yes, fukk around as much as possible.
make sure to coom in them as god intended.
be a neet so they can never get any $/€ out of you
>we will never find a trad women, so why should we care about the feminist-rubbish-cunt around us!

>> No.55517530

There are virgins over 18 but they usually have something seriously wrong with them. The best women usually stay with their first boyfriend they lost their virginity during high school. High school is literally like the only chance of getting a virgin girlfriend

>> No.55517578
File: 44 KB, 999x827, 1621674797719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this feel. How the fuck do you get over it? Does having sex with a higher number of women make you care less about your gf's past body count? Or does it not help?

>> No.55517586

This 100% cancels out her previous indiscretion

>> No.55517592

still doing it
as i give a shit anymore

>> No.55517596

how do you cope knowing she's experienced BBC?

>> No.55517645

nigga nobody stays with their high school gf, the odds are literally against it. unless u guys live in some super religious rurality (which begs the question why you guys were fucking outside of marriage anyway) its not happening. in third world countries they probably get FORCED to marry

>> No.55517689

I’ve given up on dating. My wife left me and divorce raped me despite being a virgin (and me too, we swapped). I fucking hate liberal and social media telling her she could have it better if she took half. At least she gave me the most precious person in the world, my son. Anyway yeah, dating is trash, don’t want or need a gf, just a roster of fuck buddies that I can call up, or not.

>> No.55517715

very blackpilled.
more precautions next time
>put credit on the house, coins on stick, lost it on a terrible boating accident and so on.

>> No.55517778

all that work just to have a normal marriage? kek this is why white men are moving to shitholes like the Philippines

>> No.55517797

kek thats true
i even go there
>the WEST HAS FALLEN - its over !

>> No.55517836

I know one was a fatty at least

>> No.55517859

I am 29 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.55517873

you doing something wrong...
i know its harder and harder
lower your standards or get a pro cunt, so what!

>> No.55518317

nigger just go kiss a girl, worst thing that could happen is a slap to the face. Stop being a pussy

>> No.55518335

kissing a chick means nothing anymore
Most will make out with anyone average or higher

>> No.55518461

>buy a nice juicy steak
>complain the butcher had to cut it for you

>> No.55518496

insanely hot. hopefully unprotected

>> No.55518518


>> No.55518521

16 is completely legal in most states and countries

>> No.55518552

and many more to come

>> No.55518558

>Thread up for 4 and a half hours
Great job jannies, really earning your pay.

>> No.55518649

nothing wrong with it at all. The only people who have an issue with it are 30+ year old women and beta males simping for those women

>> No.55518721

>My Gf
>has been with 15 other guys
>>*MY* Gf
oh no...

>> No.55518745

sounds gay desu

>> No.55518756

sounds like your wife controls you. that's pretty typical with numales nowadays. how many men fuck her now?