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55514949 No.55514949 [Reply] [Original]

So what does the halving even do? As i understand it halves the number of bitcoin mined per hour. Why does this start the bullrun? Sure miners won't mine as much but it can't be that bad that it pumps the price up so much.

>> No.55515035

it provides a narrative, or meme, for whales, market makers and other scammers in this space to pump the price of the price of the ponzis to lure in suckers.

>> No.55515074

it increases the scarcity of coins mined by wasteful electricity

>> No.55515080

it doesnt start a bullrun people in crypto are ignorant. go look at every halvening date and you wont see a bullrun start for quite some time. they said when eth went to pos it was going to skyrocket and what happened. nothing ever goes the way crypto bros say

>> No.55515101

But if you bought in Q1 before the halving and sold in Q3 year after you would have made money each time.

>> No.55515105

its a meme. Like 98% of supply has already being mined so halving the reward on the 2% left does fuck all to supply

>> No.55515114

already been*

>> No.55515165

Yes, but not quite. The halving isn't a literally halving of the rate of bitcoins mined per say, what you have to understand is that each bitcoin is a cryptographic representation and expression of computional power. Increasing compute doesn't nessessarily lead to an increase in mining, just as much decreasing it doesn't nessessarily lead to a decrease in miining potential. But focusing on your original question, the halving is an event which has a direct affectional change to the value of each bitcoin, usually the price goes up, but not for the reasons you suggested. The 'halving' as an event is really a reference to the removal of bitcoins from the network. Not a direct removal, of course, but an indirect one.

>> No.55515834

>he doesn't know

>> No.55515850

This. Anything else is cope. Bitcoin is a cool prototype but that's all it was.

>> No.55515862
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Well yeah but it also starts giving birth to prolific memecoins that will contaminate the market to prepare the stage for the next bullrun. Last Q was pepe, now its EPEP, and just as baldur had to die for ragnarok to begin, PEPE died so EPEP could fly

>> No.55515984

there's two anons inside of you

>> No.55515990

stfu tranny nobody cares about the planet anyway

>> No.55515991

>posted on macOS

>> No.55515995

Actually this is wrong, factually. You can look up the expected projections to see that we're nowhere near mining everything

>> No.55515997


>> No.55516027

>its not 98% its more like 92%
whatever, doesnt change the fact most btc is sitting on fat whales wallets ready to be dumped at any notice. Which has a much greater effect on price than muh halving. A single whale fat fingering can dump price 30% if he wished so

>> No.55516161

Its more complex than this, because price is just an aggregate of order book positions. Big deals in btc aren't done via order books but are OTC typically at a discount rate.

Anyway the halvings are the catalyst for a bull run because of supply shock, the order books get used to a certain amount of bitcoin being bought and sold every day. Suddenly the amount being sold is cut, and sellers reserves begin to run dry whilst buyers maintain the same activity . This has to force the price up in the order books which gets noticed and start a hype and momentum.

T. High 8 figga niggerino

>> No.55516179

how come I only see articles about how we need more women CEOs, scientists, hedge fund managers etc and never more women in these kinds of jobs?

>> No.55516689

>Suddenly the amount being sold is cut
that is if whales decide to hold due to halvening narrative. Again, a single whale decides to dump your theory goes to shit. Your net worth is irrelevant

>> No.55516885
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Women are too busy dealing with pregnancies they can't legally abort and other mysogny, incel-kun.

>> No.55516947
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