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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 182 KB, 736x865, dbeabf0218f026ca07ff53c5603238dc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55506238 No.55506238 [Reply] [Original]

When did you first realize the purpose of the entire global economy is to provide for attractive and young Caucasian American women?

White Hot American Women (WHAM) are the revenue backbone of multiple multibillion dollar corporations. Entire product lines exist solely for their enjoyment. Entire industries exist just to serve their interests. Have you ever considered how much energy, raw material, and manpower is needed to produce a single pumpkin spice latte? Or just one pair of Lululemon stretch pants? Pharoahs did not live in this level of luxury.

The WHAM is a unique class in all human history. While attractive women have always had a special place in society, and having one as a wife or concubine has always been seen as something of a status symbol, never before has there existed a class of individuals who are BOTH status symbols and the top of the economic pyramid.

>> No.55506240

have sex, chudcel.

>> No.55506271
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Picrel is your boss whether you like it or not.

>> No.55506273

Hot Asian women play life on an even easier difficulty than hot white women

>> No.55506278

>he doesn't know how to ingratiate himself to female bosses

>> No.55506283

I thought the entire point of our economy was to import niggers and full their mouths with fried chicken. However, your theory makes just as much sense

>> No.55506359

>simp npc rushes in and defends wahmen he'll never fuck
every single thread someone mentions females in a non positive manner in comes dopey mcsimpnpc to play the dorky ungallant hero defending all of m'ladies honor. yet he's still a kissless handholdless virgin that has only talked to his mom and a few female teachers in his life for female interactions. get fucked simp npc you're goofy ass kind always show up with your chud and incel and have sex when you're just projecting your virginity and your dopey wrong simp npc views on m'lady. how sexist are you that you think its 1950 and you need to rush in to defend wahmen? females dont need you playing fake hero sexist simp npc so fuck off with your fake hero gimmick you're just trying to use it to get a gf and get laid so you're not even honorable in your simp npc white knighting. pathetic dweeb you're just as scum as all the other fake simp npc knights.

>> No.55506366

keep crying about being a faggot ass loser failure because of muh heckin women. no different than niggers crying about DA WHITE MAN KEEPIN ME DOWN SHEEEIT.

>> No.55506390

white women are cattle
u just exploit them to spend all their money or cast them in porn and OF

if u want to raise a family and have kids u need MENA women

>> No.55506403


Society has always simped for women, it's part of biological evolution and human nature.

>> No.55506410
File: 350 KB, 2400x1260, 1688919723274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong it simps for black queens. Blacks are at the peak of western culture.
White whores are called Karen's they are already being memed out and all the hot girls in media and movies are becoming black queens

>> No.55506415

Where's that meme about the girl who sells motorcycles? Put that WHAM energy to work for YOU

>> No.55506422

There is no such thing as a hot black woman and that’s why you always post pictures of black men with white women.

>> No.55506442

where are these black queens? oh thats right only in burgerland where they mixed with whites.
You posted a jewess btw

>> No.55506449

keep on simp npc'n virgin im sure you'll get laid being a fake hero to m'ladies.

>> No.55506451

we import them cuz white women feel sad at the pics jews show them on tv

>> No.55506459

Guys the issue is that the economic system requires hordes of mongrels to work shit tier jobs. But these mongrels perform genetic attacks on host nations via culture and sex.
The end result is that we have the entire world competing for the same 1% of women.
The first step to salvation is either genetic engineering of women to make them all attractive and not gutter brown trash, or development of sexbots.

>> No.55506474
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>you're goofy
You are already gooby

>> No.55506970
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>entire economy
nah, i've never simped for a hot, white girl, let alone any girl, period. if you give an inch, these slits will take a mile. you have to dad them. take charge, be alpha. let them simp for you. it's not that hard. once you fuck them good and release that natural oxycontin in their brain, they're literally addicted to you, but only if you're a jerk-off because they're looking for that natural oxycontin score and when you act like you don't give a fuck, they get desperate. if you give them all the natural oxycontin they want, literally grovelling on your knees for her demands, she will build up a tolerance and leave your needy, simping ass

>> No.55507769

White bitches oh HELL NAWWW! man wuz iz you thinking man these caveman looking ass mofo's have me wheezing. However i love me some black hoodrats bruh. Yall don no where tha juice tha cream of the crop tha skin of tha fried chicken tha squeeze of tha watermelon be at nigga's shhhiiieeetttt!!!!
You be thinking that shit be at these fly ass latinx bitches? Nah dawg! I let yall in on a lil secret that real looking for daddy looking for a pimp ass hoe's can be found in tha hood. Yall nigga's be trippin fr fr bbc days are done goofed. These hoe's need a real straight nigga in they life you feel me? Its all about that aryanlicious ivory dick down these days. Hoe's need stability of a aryan kang showing them the game ya hear? Yo oompa loompa lil black dick can't satisfy a real melanated queen like a white power brother can. Every black slut deserves that creamy reparation of her massa

>> No.55507803
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Further evidence: the white girl ETF ($TACY) outperforms the S&P500. This is because the entire global economy exists for white women.

While some of you correctly point out that minorities and homosexuals also get favorable treatment, you have to understand this is only because this itself is a product of catering to white women and their luxury belief systems. Virtually the entire welfare state is a product of white women's need to appear charitable while never actually spending any of their own money. This money is largely extracted from males and non-whites, not WHAMs, who are largely insulated from their own decision making.

>> No.55507825

He's not a simp mcwhiteknight he's just illiterate. Rather than address the actual content of the post he just froths like a dog and barks "HAVE SEX" "TOUCH GRASS" as if I wasn't already fucking his wife's mouth in the backyard this morning. Lauren says hi by the way.

>> No.55507849

>Every single post where anon mentions the clearly orchestrated fud against white females on a non-relevant board, in comes (you)'s accusing you of simping and inceldom defending all of m'ladies honor. Yet anons only point out the complete irrelevance of the thread and common obsession both simps and roastieposting kazakhstans have with roasties. Get fucked the both of you, unironically and literally and actually. You do not belong on this board or even this site with your chud and incel memes. Have sex or coom in silence you projecting virgins and you dopey cunt obsessed antimakeits. How normie are you that you think its necessary to talk about wahmen all the fucking time? Females dont want you and neither does /biz/ you fake anons and antichan, anti/biz/ basement glowies. Can't even be a field agent you're so unfit and ugly and incapable of wielding real tools to defend yourself and your employers. Normie cunts arguing with each other to construct a fictional narrative only the halfest of wits fall for. Fuck off with your roastieposting, protagonist-antagonist, hero/antihero, contrarian fiction. You non-autistic and neurotypical pathetic porn addicted coomers. You're just two sides of the cum stained coin as all the other simps and roastieslayers. Go back to your employers and report complete and abject failure to subvert, distract, divide, demoralize, or otherwise FUD me.
Fucking glowing cunts the lot of you. Your mader is a group and a grouping is shidding and farding on her dubai toilet face on government rupees right now. Take a fucking shower, you smell.

>> No.55507864
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It's no different than the nig spic cycle. We pay taxes to pedophiles just to simp for niggers, immigrants, and women

>> No.55508113

Can anyone translate this into English?

>> No.55508186

Nobody will prefer your mancunt no matter how much they hate real cunt.

>> No.55508204
File: 1.37 MB, 2160x2880, TITLE_ART_3_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another curious facet of the WHAM is how differently the legal system treats a WHAM versus literally any other demographic. A man who killed his own daughter would probably be vilified and hated for such a craven act, and found guilty simply because of the seriousness of the allegation. A white woman in America can kill her own toddler, lie pathologically, and get acquitted on a technicality. Then she's given a platform by which to continue lying. This is because television (indeed, all entertainment) exists for white women. The justice system exists for white women. They are entitled to be seen, to be protected, but above all else to be worshipped and catered to.

Verification not required.

>> No.55508447

you so regarded you cant even make your point without losing someones attention.

>> No.55508458
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>> No.55508462

You glow so bright i cannot evn read your post.

>> No.55508516

Yet I see cute white white girls working in my grocery store, why aren't they living the easy life?

>> No.55508802

I just realized your acronym doesn’t make any sense

>> No.55508954

100% spot on facts

>> No.55509282
File: 74 KB, 468x468, d9b845d2e52014e4ed241c0a2d6732c0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Walk through your grocery store and look what's on the shelves. At least 50% of the stock is targeted towards hot white girls. The store is there for them.

2. Those hot white cashier girls don't have to pay a dime for anything IRL. The money they get from cashier work is basically funny money. Anytime they want something, paying for it is basically optional.

>> No.55509305
File: 33 KB, 451x567, 549668ad6b46e982b2a0c3f09381164c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what so did I but I'm sticking with it until I find something better because I just like it.

Maybe HAWG (pronounced like Hog)? Hot American White Girl.

>> No.55510224

this totally seems legit. even thou white girls dont make the money they get wealth transfers

>> No.55510920
File: 1.36 MB, 1830x1422, E606C6F8-C528-4E48-BFCE-9BCAF9721E9B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All women are products.

>> No.55510993
File: 305 KB, 1494x942, RIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm almost certain slick willie ended up killing the real hillary clinton after the monica lewinsky affair broke out. then he replaced her with a male, tranny look-a-like who always has a huge, gaping smile like your typical gay faggot has

i remember hillary back during the arsenio hall days. she was very classy, ladylike, demure and smiled coyly like a lady unlike that obnoxious, weirdo,troon doppleganger that replaced her

>> No.55511024

its called aging

>> No.55511049
File: 75 KB, 564x978, white_girl_selfie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly. There's always someone crying about the "gender wage gap." But while men may be making most of the money, they aren't spending most of the money. And when the men are spending money, how often are they spending it on themselves or other men? Most of the money that men spend is spent on women and most of the money women spend is spent on women. And the group that has the most money spent on them by far is hot white American girls.

>> No.55511058

what are you seething about exactly, the fact you dont have one of these hot white american girls for yourself? or the fact you're not one?

>> No.55511093
File: 223 KB, 1093x1600, cateye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seething? My blessed negro, I aim to become rich from this information. It's the biggest open secret: just sell something that white girls will want---or that someone will want to buy them---and the world will beat a path to your door, handing you cash hand over fist. It doesn't even need to be a good product or even a sensible one, just something that white women want.

Brainstorm with me fellas. What do these bitches want to buy?

>> No.55511097

its all done already, its one of the oldest industries you're not simply breaking into it

>> No.55511107

ITT: jealous brown people who've never gone balls-deep into redhead girl pussy.

>> No.55511109

also acting like its some kind of revelation or secret. Businessmen figured it out more than 100 years ago lmao look at how old the fashion companies are

>> No.55512381
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Nased poster.

>> No.55512393

She looks like a psychopath