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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55505847 No.55505847 [Reply] [Original]

every fucking job on the market wants 2 years experience

I drive for uber, looking into trucking, I've found literally 1 job listing that said no experience required

why am I being told that there is such a shortage of workers in every industry, apparently the average age of a trucker is 58 according to an article I just read, this is the most annoying part of the boomers and boomer gen x cuspers to me, they never fucking leave the workplace, gtfo you degenerate fucks, I literally only worked about 2 full years in my 20s, and my goal is to work 5-10 more years and then retire from the "workforce" and set up my hustles and ride markets

what the fuck man

on one hand I'm being gaslit that I have no ambition and I need to get "skills", on the other hand every job wants 2 years experience

I mean, should I just drive uber until it doesn't exist anymore, it seems like the only tolerable option, over being any kind of wagie, I literally have a full beard and long hair, I literally haven't showered in over a week, I shower like once a month maybe, my family tells me I should clean up, yet my ratings on uber are high, the people I deliver to literally treat me better than my own family, just lol

I don't need that much money, just like 300k something like that in todays value and I'll bounce, fuck this society, everyone is retarded yet pretends they know everything at the same time

>> No.55505852

yeah we know

>> No.55505853

>Just gibs 300k bro
Lower your goal posts.

>> No.55505859

I'll take a bus to las vegas and live in my car and uber every day for 3 years and get that

not that hard really

like 4 years in trucking you can get that, and then I'm out

>> No.55505865

apply anyway retard. show you're interested and that you're willing to learn and you might get a chance. and no this isn't boomer "just shake the boss' hand and say you'll work for free" advice

>> No.55505875

Shower more dawg

>> No.55505877

Kek I know engineers who graduated in 2010 who make 89k a year.
You're clearly under 25

>> No.55505879

>300 applications later

honestly even getting a cdl might be a waste of time, I could be ubering

the west is literally collapsing so by the time I get a cdl the boogaloo could start

>> No.55505881

> I literally only worked about 2 full years in my 20s
> why will no one hire me :(

>> No.55505883

literally pointless

has 0 effect

it's a placebo, for retards

people are literally afraid of their own scent and use harsh chemicals to rub all over their body, it's self hate

>> No.55505890

>be a good wagie your whole life or else!

>> No.55505894

nah, I'm saying, in this case if I get my cdl, they already want 2 years trucking experience

how does that make any sense, where are the jobs for people just entering trucking, they literally don't exist, or they do exist yet these greedy fucking faggot boomers hate us so unbelievably much that even though they need us they still refuse to hire us

fuck em, a gender studies degree holder needs some chipoltle and I'll deliver it for 8 dollars 30000 times

>> No.55505899

You're the mexican aren't you....
God damnit biz get new material

>> No.55505902

>full beard

no I'm a nordic celtic italian polish mix

>> No.55505907

No you aren't.
I know who I'm talking to here.

>> No.55505919
File: 61 KB, 806x254, haplo IP109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no you're hallucinating and you're gay, kys

>> No.55505942

Buddy I'm 100% aware I'm gay no need to hallucinate that.

>> No.55505945


Gad damn you are disgusting- grow up and shower and wash your hair every day. I take two showers every day. You aren’t worthy of any advice until you can get your fucking personal hygiene together. Truly this board is infested with deeply mentally ill people.

>> No.55505953

I'm 29, if you uber literally every day, eat peanut butter sandwiches, go to the highest profit areas for uber, and live rent free in your car, you can save over 200 dollars a day

>> No.55505961

cringe faggot, I'll give you smallpox pussy, stay in your containment area

>> No.55505973

Do you have your CDL? If not go work for Swift or some other shitty mega corp. They will train you and pay for you to get your license (of course you'll have to sign a contract with them, and spend a year or two team driving with poo in loo's) After you get a few years under your belt try to specialize in something like hazmat work. Your still only looing at 30-35 an hour and 60+ hrs 6 days a week after all of that.

>> No.55506006

no I don't

yea, I don't know man, on the surface trucking seems good in my situation, but then I just consider the fact, 4000 dollars to take the cdl course, go through the application and hiring process, despite the supposed "high demand" for truckers, still possible to not get any work

how is this any better than just driving my car to any really busy city for ubering and driving 60 hours a week, sleeping in my car instead of a truck, save 200 bucks a day atleast, would be a little bit higher as a trucker probably but deal with more shit

that's the beauty of having no real barrier to entry

>> No.55506045

Once you have a few years experience, you will be in "high demand", but there's a million non english speakers ready to be steering wheel holders too.
See if trucker fag general is still on /o/, it always had useful info in it.

>> No.55506050

Don't bother with this time wasting troll, does nobody read what people write anymore?

>> No.55506145

Shower for hygiene, not smell. They're not the same thing. Sweating is healthy, letting your skin secrete its natural oils is healthy, but you need to keep your ass clean. Wash your hands, wash your ass and genitals, wash your face and hair. Take a shower every few days.

>> No.55506161

how am I a troll, I just listed the costs vs benefits

also talked about the job market, it seems pretty shit tier, if these faggots really needed truckers that bad then the requirements wouldn't be so high

I suppose, but I don't really care about being in "high demand" that much, I want enough money to build a fort in the woods

really not necessary

>> No.55506171
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Companies don't want to pay extra to train people. Hell they really don't want to hire anyone unless they are the perfect candidate that can jump right in and take full responsibilities because otherwise they are content with laying people off and having their skeleton crews take on even more work.

>> No.55506197
File: 180 KB, 364x389, wa gu mi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's about to be a massive crisis across multiple industries. Boomers don't train their juniors, they're terrified of being replaced. Then they retire and take all of that institutional knowledge with them. It's not even a matter of being more intelligent than Millennials (they aren't), but they've had the privilege of working continuously - mostly because that work actually supports a decent living - and built up knowledge over those years. Millennials could learn the ropes in a fraction of the time, but you see so many of use with a spotty work history because jobs are set up to be unsustainable. You have to bounce from company to company, city to city, trying to piece together skills as you go. Most Millennials don't have deep knowledge of a specific craft but they have a wide understanding of the field they're in for this reason. It's held against us, "Oh if you're so smart about [industry] why don't you know [exceedingly specific task which probably should have been automated away 20 years ago but wasn't because Boomer literally can't do anything else and would die starving in a gutter if that job was taken away from them]."

I'm tired of this dynamic. I just want an on-ramp to a sustainable, dignified adulthood. That's all. I don't need a new car, I don't need a mansion, I don't need to eat out every night. I didn't do anything fun or frivolous in my 20s, I poured money into the Maturity Moloch like a good little adult and then had nothing when I got rug-pulled. Just memories of doing push-ups and arguing on the internet in my basement apartment. And they wonder why I don't care, why I would be happy to see a market crash.

>> No.55506213

I tried the no-shower thing and got sick. I tried showering every day and got sick. I go ~once a week but keep myself clean through other methods in between. Happy medium. Hand-washing and buy a bidet attachment/flushable wipes.

>> No.55506307

I wash my hands, I'm not a savage

it's funny, the commercial drivers license didn't exist in most states before 1986

just basic common sense, there probably wasn't a 4000 dollar course required, just show up and be hired

literally every industry is like that now

>> No.55506365

This is how you know we're already in a recession. This is the double dipper too

>> No.55506391

You need a boomer connection. I'm a fresh grad in my 20s and I've had a project director calling me up assuring me that I'll be onboarded to the company shortly just because my uncle was a previous bigshot boomer at the company. I was NEET for 2 years previous to this with dozens of failed interviews.

Boomers know the younger gen hates their guts so when they see a zoomer who actually (pretends to) look up to them and seeks out their mentorship they pour out all their pent-up father-figure energy into putting you on the right path, to fix their own personal subconscious regrets about failing in taking leadership in every single relationship of their personal life like with their sons, wife, other younger employees, etc.

You just need to get one bigshot boomer to like you somehow and you're set. Nepotism is the easiest path.

>> No.55506402

usually if you go to CDL school for truck driving they'll help you find an entry level job

>> No.55506424

So why don't you do this? Save 200 dollaridoos every day and move to Thailand or Vietnam or some shithole where you can soft retire at the age of 30

>> No.55506551

>he thinks the cushy, high-paying jobs boomers currently have will go to future generations after boomers retire/die
Boomers have finally started to fuck off at my employer (one of the biggest corporations in America). They aren't promoting internally or hiring externally to fill these positions. They just reassign whatever the boomer used to do among everyone else, with no accompanying raises of course, despite our record profits and recession-proof industry. (((Executives))) are treating the jobs boomers leave behind as shrunken payroll, not a birthright to future generations. Yet another exit scam "fuck you" from that generation.

>> No.55506563
File: 61 KB, 600x809, bawwww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wahhhh wahhhh wahhhhh
Fussy antiwork baby is upset

Go intern

>> No.55506588

>full beard long hair doesn't shower
>>Why can't I get 300k job
Why is this thread even getting replies

>> No.55506597

Cause it's the same faggot who made the car thread and is bumping his retarded shit nonstop.

>> No.55506642

Basically boomers are in all positions of power. What's the one thing boomers have? Experience. Therefore it makes sense that boomers like to gatekeep everything behind experience because that's where they are the strongest at. It's extremely destructive to zoomers and millennials but ye boomers don't give a fuck lmao.

>> No.55506662

>wahh wahh why isn’t getting a job easy :(
Welcome to the real world fsgfot