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55503575 No.55503575 [Reply] [Original]

What will you do if you're in your 60s and still haven't made it?

>> No.55503577

Wtf it's Enoch Powell!

>> No.55503581

we got the vax and i doubt we'll even make it to 60 at this point

>> No.55503583

Kill myself

>> No.55503586
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find a job

>> No.55503608
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Instead of saving money for retirement like a faggot maybe you should be quietly building a cabin in the woods with self sufficient electricity production, running water and means of growing food so that you'll never be reliant on a system that wants you poor to begin with.

>> No.55503880

Why don't you just buy a decade's worth of non-perishable foodstuffs? That's really all that matters at the end of the day.

>> No.55503928

>be boomoid
>your minimum wage is like $100+ adjusted for inflation
>given shitloads of bubbles to make crazy money off
>still end up poor

>> No.55503944


>> No.55503959

Boomers are the most pathetic generation of all time.

I honestly think they're brain damaged for lead exposure or something which is why they have no empathy or morals.

>> No.55503980

Kids, so many kids, spent it all on them

>> No.55504007
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die poor

Boomer is unable to not "live for today" on his meager social security spends $10k in two months and has to constantly pull extra from his 401k, he will be destitute in 5 years.

Gen X who also retired lives comfortably for the next 9 years on his 72t disbursements and will start drawing social security at 62.

>> No.55504170

>b-but $ 10000 was enough when i was a kid!
>cnn said those damn kids refuse to work and social sec. is falling...it can't be, after all we did for them
FUckin old drones

>> No.55504340

White people don't look right cleaning and serving. Those should be joggers and goblinos

>> No.55504380

Oh no I'm in my hecking 60's and the police man is threatening me with 25 to life if I play life like it's GTA
>get arrested
>free food and shelter
>die of heart attack 3 years later

>> No.55504390

>not muh hecking white womerinoooo!
Instead of being dependent on their loving husbands they chose to be dependent on their boss that doesn't give two shits about them. Fuck them.

>> No.55504651

Gigacope article

Boomers like my parents are live on age pensions, but live in multi-million dollar homes that they own 100% outright with no mortgage

Their age pension is technically "poverty"

But they're living in "poverty" in a post code a $200k engineer cant afford to live in.

>> No.55504745

>researchers suggest
>were forced to leave

>> No.55504826

Somehow, a boomer with 1.5M real estate net worth is considered a "poverty"
Poor old little boomerin, those 60hr work week pod-renting zoomoids should all pay for his yachts and vacations in cancun

>> No.55505146

>decade's worth
Any healthy diet consists of fresh food like meat, eggs, fish and vegetables. Imagine being stuck with eating rice and beans for a decade.

>> No.55505756

I also plan to retire in “poverty” and suck up whatever government benefits I’m eligible for, while having my house and new cars and toys all paid off.

>> No.55505776

yet another case of mental retard wageniggers failing to understand that retirement is a dollar value and not an age. you know what stings worse than your first taste of wageslavery? your second taste of wageslavery!

>> No.55505792

Great idea but don't forget to also get chickens. A hen gives an egg a day and eats your leftovers and any bugs that enter your home. 4 hens and a rooster you'll eat like a king. Their poop also works as fertilizer.

>> No.55505943

My dad was furloughed back during covid and then offered VSS (2 years salary and 3 years extended insurance). Since the mortgage has already being paid off and me and my brothers pitched in with the utility bills the only thing he needs to worry about is the groceries. Nowadays he does Uber due to being bored as fuck sitting at house all day long.

Fucked up knees aside he's doing great. I was wondering if we should open a small business together because he's still in his early 50s and I don't want him to drive all day carrying stranger for chump changes

>> No.55505993

Thanks for playing!

>> No.55506729


That's my default scenario, so I'm not worried about it.